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Zona Integritas
Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry is committed to continuously creating a green and healthy eco-friendly city. To achieve the program, Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry will continue to strengthen cooperation with various parties and specifically to supervise the city forest area. This was conveyed by Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar in a special interview with Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta on Tuesday (20/3).

“The Ministry of Environment and Forestry will strengthen collaboration with city planners, real estate, and people to make our cities greener and healthier. We actually has also ministerial decree issuance in 29, kind of guidelines for forest city management and providing supervision for city government on their preparation for city forest. So, we work on that aspect now,” Siti Nurbaya said.

Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar moreover stated that the commitment to realize environmentally friendly city is in line with the 1945 Constitution related to the implementation of Human Rights. Due to the right of people to live in a healthy and green environment is part of human rights. Related to the linkage between forests and cities, Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar explained that the city is heavily dependent on forests because it supplies vital needs for people in cities such as water, fresh air, and other necessities// Trs.Rezha/Edt.N


The Indonesian Institute of Sciences -LIPI through Bogor Botanical Gardens Conservation Center, and Kyoto University in Japan jointly collaborate with the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development -SATREPS supported by Japan International Corporation Agency -JICA and Japan Science and Technology -JST for the period 2016 to 2021. The research program entitled "Producing Biomass Energy and Material Through Revegetation of Imperata Fields" aims at developing technology capability of restoring Imperata fields for productive land and to produce and utilize biomass for energy production and renewable materials.

LIPI Deputy Chairman of Life Science, Dr. Enny Sudarmonowati in a press conference at Bogor Botanical Gardens Plantation Center, West Java on Wednesday (21/03) said that in addition to the cooperation programs with Japanese scientists, LIPI also obtains laboratory equipment for research. She also explained that LIPI doesn’t wants to rely only on government funds. Thus, LIPI decided to conduct international cooperation.

“This is what we want for LIPI. In addition to cooperation programs with leading Japanese scientists, LIPI also obtains equipment and laboratory tools. So, we do not just rely on government’s funds. The government’s funds are now getting less and less. So, we establish international cooperation,” Dr. Enny Sudarmonowati said.

Enny Sudarmonowati added that the tools officially accepted by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences are the latest version of existing tools. This research tool can be used not only by LIPI, but also by Indonesian people according to the existing borrowing procedures to be agreed between LIPI and the borrower. (Egi/Trans)

The Indonesian Institute of Sciences -LIPI through Bogor Botanical Gardens Conservation Center, and Kyoto University in Japan jointly collaborate with the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development -SATREPS supported by Japan International Corporation Agency -JICA and Japan Science and Technology -JST for the period 2016 to 2021. The research program entitled "Producing Biomass Energy and Material Through Revegetation of Imperata Fields" aims at developing technology capability of restoring Imperata fields for productive land and to produce and utilize biomass for energy production and renewable materials.

LIPI Deputy Chairman of Life Science, Dr. Enny Sudarmonowati in a press conference at Bogor Botanical Gardens Plantation Center, West Java on Wednesday (21/03) said that in addition to the cooperation programs with Japanese scientists, LIPI also obtains laboratory equipment for research. She also explained that LIPI doesn’t wants to rely only on government funds. Thus, LIPI decided to conduct international cooperation.

“This is what we want for LIPI. In addition to cooperation programs with leading Japanese scientists, LIPI also obtains equipment and laboratory tools. So, we do not just rely on government’s funds. The government’s funds are now getting less and less. So, we establish international cooperation,” Dr. Enny Sudarmonowati said.

Enny Sudarmonowati added that the tools officially accepted by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences are the latest version of existing tools. This research tool can be used not only by LIPI, but also by Indonesian people according to the existing borrowing procedures to be agreed between LIPI and the borrower. (Egi/Trans)


In addition to collaborating with Curtin University in Perth, Australia, Curtin University Malaysia located in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia is also working with several universities in Indonesia. Cooperation that has been woven by Curtin University Malaysia with several universities in Indonesia one of them is the exchange student cooperation. This was conveyed by one of the lecturers from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia, AgusSaptoro on Saturday, March 17, 2018, in Miri, Sarawak.

If the context is Curtin Malaysian campus, we are with one from Belgium yes, in the meantime. In Indonesia we are with UI, so UI can be two plus two, so two years in UI two years here or three years in UI, one year here. We have agreement, in Indonesia with UI and Polytechnic Caltex, exchange yes, short term or longterm,” AgusSaptoro said.

AgusSaptoro added in addition to the cooperation of student exchange, other cooperation made by Curtin University Malaysia with several state universities in Indonesia is a research cooperation in various fields. He mentioned that besides the University of Indonesia (UI) and Polytechnic Caltex, in Pekanbaru, Riau, another campus that also conducts research cooperation with Curtin University Malaysia is GadjahMada University (UGM), Yogyakarta and National Institute of Technology (Itenas), Bandung, West Java. To fund the research cooperation, according to AgusSaptoro, Curtin University Malaysia and universities from Indonesia have their respective portions, depending on which party initiates the research. (VOI/Rezha/ART)


From Sydney, Australia, President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo continue their journey to Wellington, New Zealand, using the Presidential Plan of Indonesia-1, on Sunday, March 18, 2018.

Taking off from Kingsford-Smith International Airport, Sydney, Australia, at 17:37 local time (WS) or 13:37 pm, the plane carrying President and Mrs. Iriana along with the entourage arrived at Wellington Military Airport, New Zealand, at 22.20 Local Time or 16.20 WIB.

Finance Minister who is also New Zealand Sports Minister Grant Robertson, Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand Tantowi Yahya and New Zealand Ambassador to Indonesia Trevor Matheson welcomed President and Mrs. Iriana.

From the airport, President and Mrs. Iriana headed straight for the hotel. Arriving at the hotel, hundreds of Indonesians welcomed the President and Mrs. Iriana.

The visit to New Zealand is a state visit that also marks the 60th anniversary of Indonesia-New Zealand diplomatic relations.

This visit will also be used by the Head of State to conduct a number of meetings, starting from a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister and New Zealand's Governor General, meeting with a number of CEOs in a business forum.

Accompanying President and Mrs. Iriana on the flight to Wellington, New Zealand, is Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto, State Secretary Pratikno, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and Head of BKPM Thomas Lembong. (Release of Protocol, Press and Media Sector Secretariat of the President)