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Zona Integritas
Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Secretary General of the Asian Muslim Action network Indonesia, Ruby Kholifah said in Jakarta on Wednesday said that there are 3 important achievements in Women’s Protection during 20 years of reform. They are in the fields of institutional reform, legal reform, and the development of the women's movement.

“I can mention, like three important achievements for Indonesia. Number one is the institutional reform, relating with the women empowerment and gender equality. The second improvement that I can say in Indonesia, of course, is relating with legal reform. We already have the Presidential Instruction No. 9/2000; it’s about gender mainstreaming that is actually the baseline how the government can do gender mainstreaming in all levels of decision making in this country. And the third one is achievement in the field of women movement themselves. They are working very hard on ensuring that the agenda of decentralization is really touching the women empowerment and child protection. We say about achievement, we already have a lot on the protection side,” Ruby Kholifah said in a special interview at the Voice of Indonesia Wednesday (07/03/2018).

Ruby Kholifah further stated that there has been slow implementation of gender mainstreaming policy and realization of women's empowerment agenda. Therefore, she hopes that the government that is responsible for the protection of women has to pay more attention to women's rights. Because, if the government does not respond well, it will lose the opportunity to protect women. (VOI/Steve/Trans by Ndy)


Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Puan Maharani held a bilateral meeting with the Head of the Organization Board-Girls not Brides, Princess of the Netherlands, Mabel van Oranje-Nassau at the office of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture in Jakarta on Wednesday (7/3). In the meeting discussing child marriage in Indonesia, Minister Puan disclosed that in Indonesia, the number of underage marriages is still relatively high. One of the government's efforts to overcome this is through education.

“Yes the number is currently still relatively high, because we still have problems. One of the problems is dropping out of school. Thus, the government is carrying out one thing by providing smart Indonesian cards, so that the children of Indonesia can avoid dropping out of school to obtain education,” Minister Puan Maharani said.

Furthermore, Minister Puan Maharani said that the age at the first marriage should be minimal after graduating from senior high school. Girls who have underage marriage are considered not ready to get married because their reproduction and mentality are not ready yet. Meanwhile, The Dutch Princess highly appreciates the efforts of the Indonesian government, and offers her support as the Head Council of the global organization -Girls not Brides to support all programs in Indonesia. (VOI/Rifai/Trans by Rhm)


The Malaysian Embassy in Indonesia in collaboration with Education Malaysia Global Services and Education Malaysia Indonesia will hold a carnival "Let's Study in Malaysia" at the Malaysian Embassy Complex in Jakarta on March 10 and 11. Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia, Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said in Jakarta on Wednesday that the education sector is the best sector to forge friendships between Indonesia and Malaysia. The Ambassador also ensured that there will be the best cooperation offered for Indonesia.

“I believe that the education sector is the best sector for strengthening both countries’ friendship. The proximity of Malaysia, as its nearest neighbor, recognized higher education quality, as well as affordable tuition, ensures the best possible cooperation  for all Indonesian citizens,” Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said.

Datuk Zahrain added that the carnival will offer 5000 scholarships for graduate, post-graduate and doctoral degree in 300 different Study Programs for 2018-2019 academic year. Currently, there are 29 State and Private Universities participated in that carnival. (Egi/Trans by Ndy)


In 2018, for the first time Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) in cooperation with the Association of Game Indonesia (AGI) provides an opportunity for creative industry players in the field of game development and digital applications to show off in a big event dubbed Game Connection 2018. Game Connection is a big event in the field of game development and digital applications that has been annually held since 2005. In the event that will be held on March 19 to 21 next in San Francisco, the United States, the Indonesian games and digital application developers will be in a special pavilion showing how the game development industry and digital apps in Indonesia.

“This game connection event has been followed several times. But maybe the first time in the concept of one pavilion. Bekraf itself supports the actors in this new Connection Game now. Because previously we had participated in Tokyo Game Show twice with AGI as well. But this is the first time we start showing Indonesian games more firmly,” said Deputy Marketing of Bekraf, Joshua Puji Mulia Simandjuntak in a press conference in Jakarta, on Tuesday, March 7.

Joshua added, Bekraf has so far seen how game developers and digital apps in Indonesia are highly developed and able to compete in the global market. Therefore, in the Game Connection 2018 it will focus on the development of business to business network so that this industry can grow in the future. In the 2018 Game Connection event, the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) will bring eight best game developers and digital apps that have passed various stages of selection. The eight developers include Assemblr, Semisoft, Lentera Nusantara, Megaxus Infotech, Tinker, Agate, Lyto, and Warehouse Vouchers. (VOI / Rezha / AHM)