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Indonesian spokesman for Asian Games Organizing Committee (INASGOC), M. Buldansyah told RRI World Service VOI via telephone on Tuesday (9/1) said the Indonesian Government continues to complete infrastructure and facilities development targets before the implementation of ASIAN Games 2018 in Jakarta and Palembang in August 2018.


"Infrastructure is built by local and central governments. The central government has renovated and built some venues for Asian Games event at Bung Karno Sports Stadium (GBK). Until now, almost 90 percent has already compeleted. There will be trials on February 10-24 at GBK. The trials will invite some Asian countries," Buldansyah said. 

In addition, Buldansyah explained, the Asian Games 2018 will compete 40 sports and 462 events. Moreover out of the 40 sports there are 10 new sports namely Bridge, 3 on 3 Basketball, Jetski, Ju-jitsu, Martial Art, Sambo, Kurash, Paragliding, Rock Climbing, and Roller Sports//  AF/Trs.N






Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi opened an exhibition on Three Years of Foreign Ministry’s Achievement to explain the public about the performance and achievement of the Ministry. This was stated by Minister Retno Marsudi at the Main Building of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Jakarta, on Monday (8/1). The Minister further said, the exhibition is aimed to enable the general public to more easily understand the things that have been done by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition, the exhibition also shows that the implementation of Indonesian diplomacy is not only done by Indonesian diplomats, but also involving other stakeholders, among them, Indonesian peacekeepers. As quoted by Antara, one of the achievements currently being targeted by Indonesia is the non-permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council//  Ant.Trs.N






Indonesian Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Muhammad Natsir targeted the implementation of e-learning lectures at universities can be implemented in 2018. It was said by Muhammad Natsir at the inauguration of the building of the Faculty of Engineering Siliwangi University in Tasikmalaya, West Java, on Monday (8/1). As written by Antara, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education currently preparing regulations in the form of ministerial regulations for the implementation of e-learning education system in Indonesian universities.  Minister Muhammad Natsir said, the application of digital lectures will not be inevitable in the technological developments era in the future. The implementation of online lecture system which can be implemented by long distance, is also aimed to increase the gross enrollment rate of higher education in Indonesia// Ant.trs.N




Thousands of domestic and foreign tourists participated inthe Bintan Durian Festival 2018 at Bentan Berkapur, Riau Islandson Sunday(7/1). Bintan Regent, Apri Sujadi, in Bintan, said the festival was held because since the end of 2017, durian harvest in some villages in Bintan has attracted the attention of locals and tourists. As reported by Antara, Bintan regency has a unique taste of durian and the taste can compete to a special variant of durian from Malaysia and Singapore. Chairman of the Executive Committee of Durian Bintan Festival 2018, Muhammad Ali, said, in addition to durian bazaar, the committee also displayedvarious creationsof  durian //Ant.trs.Rezha