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When traveling to Cirebon, West Java during the month of Ramadhan, you will see unique views, especially around the Cirebon Grand Mosque and the Cirebon Kasepuhan Palace. There are many traders selling typical foods to break the fast. Uniquely, almost all traders sell Docang.

Docang itself is a typical food for the people of Cirebon to break the fast. This culinary delight became known in the 15th century. Historically, this food was originally made by a group of people who did not like the Islamic preaching activities carried out by Wali Songo or nine saints that Islamised Java in the 15 th and 16 th centuries. So they made food that contained poison.

However, when it was served to Wali Songo, the poison mixed into the food did not react at all. On the contrary, after eating the dish, the Wali Songo actually liked it.

Docang comes from the words Bodo (soybean-based oncom) and Kacang (bean sprouta). Docang consists of a mixture of rice cake pieces, grated coconut, cassava leaves, chives, bean sprouts and crackers which are then poured with a special sauce, namely Dage or Oncom sauce (made from tofu dregs mixed with peanut press cake). As a complement, cayenne pepper is usually added to add a spicy taste.

Docang tastes fresh and tasty, especially because there are small white crackers sprinkled in one portion of this food. Docang is a healthy food because it uses vegetables and does not use meat. Cirebon's typical culinary delights are delicious, when served hot or warm. Usually, Cirebon people eat Docang is enjoyed for breakfast. However, during the month of Ramadan, this dish is usually eaten as a menu to break the fast. The price is quite cheap, only 10,000 to 15,000 rupiah or 0.64 to 0.95 US dollar.



The US Embassy in Jakarta, with the American Film Showcase (AFS), brought Razi Jafri - a photographer, director, and producer of documentary from Detroit, US. Jafri would stay in Indonesia on March 13-23, 2024 for workshops and film screening in several locations in Indonesia, including at @america and American Space at Voice of Istiqlal, Jakarta.

The workshop included skill development for young filmmakers and discussion with film lovers, as well as a screening of "Hamtramck, USA". "Hamtramck, USA" is a film about life and democracy in the first Muslim majority city in the US. Razi also produced "Three Chaplains", about Muslim male and female clergies who tried to enhance religious freedom in the US military.

The US Embassy in a statement on Saturday (16/03) explained that the AFS is part of the US government's effort in encouraging diversity and religious understanding by presenting stories about religious diversity in the US. This initiative emphasized the US Embassy's commitment to celebrate and embrace the religious tradition across the globe and voiced the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Indonesia-US with the theme: "Diversity. Democracy. Prosperity."

Quoting Tempo on Sunday (17/3), Cultural Attache at US Embassy in Jakarta Emily Norris said with a strong film use, they tried to involve the audience in a meaningful conversation about the beauty and complexity of many issues. With this program, the US embassy wished to see more collaboration between film companies and education institutions in film and other creative industries.




                                             “ Pengiriman Terlambat ”    

Hello, welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Di Perusahaan Ekspedisi” which means “At a Shipping Company.”

You will read a conversation about “Pengiriman Terlambat” which means “Late Shipping”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a shipping staff in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Chris was complaining to a shipping company receptionist that he just met, about the late delivery of his motorcycle. Let’s read their conversation.

Resepsionis (W): Menurut data kami, motor Bapak akan tiba sore nanti.

Chris (P)           :   Seharusnya sudah sampai dua hari yang lalu. Mengapa pengiriman bisa terlambat?

Resepsionis (W): Kami mohon maaf, Pak

After reading the conversation, I will introduce you to some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic. “Pengiriman Terlambat” which means “Late Shipping”. I will say it two times slowly, and please repeat after me.


which means Why


which means Shipping


which means Can


which means Late

Mengapa pengiriman bisa terlambat?

which means Why is the shipping late?


which means According to


which means Data


which means Motorcycle

akan tiba

which means Will arrive

sore nanti

which means This afternoon


which means We

mohon maaf

which means Sorry

In this conversation, you will hear the expression “Mengapa pengiriman bisa terlambat?” which means “Why is the shipping late?”. In that, there is the word ”terlambat” which means “late”, happening after the arranged time or simply not being on time. The word ”terlambat” (2x) which means “late” in the conversation was used by Chris to tell that his motorcycle shipping was not as he expected, namely being on time.


Here are other examples.

Let’s read some other examples using expressions in complaining about a service.

Aduh, keretanya datang terlambat! artinya… “Ugh, the train comes late!”

Duh, mengapa keberangkatan pesawatnya tertunda? artinya… “Sigh, why is the flight delayed?”

For your information, Indonesians usually complain about a service by first saying maaf which means “I’m sorry” or permisi which means “excuse me”. It is a courtesy. For instance, when a customer waited for their food for too long in a restaurant, they would say this to the waiter, “I’m sorry, how much longer until my food’s ready?”

Before we end today’s Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, let’s have another go with the conversation.

Resepsionis (W): Menurut data kami, motor Bapak akan tiba sore nanti.

Chris (P)           :   Seharusnya sudah sampai dua hari yang lalu. Mengapa pengiriman bisa terlambat?

Resepsionis (W): Kami mohon maaf, Pak

That was “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” for today about “Pengiriman Terlambat” which means “Late Shipping”.We hope today’s edition will be useful for you who want to know more about the Indonesian language.



The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany signed a Joint Declaration of Intent in Jakarta, March 14.

Both parties agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation in the field of culture and promote people-to-people ties between the two countries.

This Joint Statement of Intent was signed by the Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Siti Nugraha Mauludiah and the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Indonesia Ina Lepel.

Siti Nugraha Mauludiah stated that the signing of this Joint Statement of Intent was an important milestone in cultural relations between Indonesia and Germany.

This agreement also reaffirms the commitment of the two countries to deepen cultural exchanges and cooperation, in accordance with the 1988 Cultural Cooperation Agreement.

According to him, this cultural diplomacy exchange is a two-way street that fosters mutual understanding and appreciation between the two countries.

Ambassador Ina Lepel said that for more than 60 years, the Goethe-Institut German Cultural Center has actively supported and promoted cultural relations between Germany and Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Goethe-Institut Regional Director for Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand Dr Stefan Dreyer said, this agreement is an excellent foundation for closer cooperation in the fields of culture, language and education between the two countries, especially regarding with services in the context of skilled labor migration to Germany.