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The Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia, Santo Darmosumarto and the Minister of Health of Cambodia, Professor Chheang Ra in Phnom Penh, Cambodia held a meeting on Thursday (14/3). At the meeting, they discussed the potential for cooperation of both countries particularly in the health sector. According to Ambassador Santo, as two developing countries, Indonesia has great potential to work together with Cambodia in developing the health sectors. As reported by the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh, Ambassador Santo conveyed there were at least three areas that could be the focus of this collaboration. First, developing a cooperation framework through bilateral agreements in the field of health cooperation. Second, mutually increasing human resource capacity through scholarships, internships and other interactions between medical personnel and health workers. Third, increasing trade in health products, including medicines, herbal supplements and medical devices.

Meanwhile, Minister Chheang Ra provided an overview of the Cambodian government's priorities in the health sector, including preventing infectious diseases, handling non-communicable diseases, developing social security, increasing human resources, and developing digital health. Both parties agreed that there are a lot of rooms for Indonesia and Cambodia to work together to deal with this problem.

Ambassador Santo pointed out that exports of Indonesian pharmaceutical products doubled last year compared to the previous year. This makes medicines one of the top five main export products from Indonesia to Cambodia. He further asked for support from the Cambodian Ministry of Health to facilitate sustainable access to Indonesian medicines and supplements for the growing number of Cambodian consumers.

Moreover, Ambassador Santo also explained that the number of Indonesian citizens working in Cambodia is increasing. There are some of them who do not aware of health problems in Cambodia and how to overcome them. Therefore, he also asked for the support of the Cambodian Ministry of Health to provide health education to the Indonesian people living in Cambodia. The request received a positive response from Cambodian Health Minister Chheang Rea.

This year, Indonesia and Cambodia commemorate 65 years of diplomatic relations. Indonesia is Cambodia's sixth largest trading partner. The Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh wants to advance this economic relationship through concrete cooperative activities. In this September, the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh is planned to hold a large-scale solo exhibition in Phnom Penh. The exhibition will promote bilateral cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, tourism and education, as well as in the health sector.



if you love running in the wild, Trail of The Kings (TOTK) Zero Edition will be held on Samosir Island, Lake Toba, North Sumatra, on 4 to 5 May 2024.

This event, which is organized by the Lake Toba Authority Executive Board, promises a trail running experience with beautiful views of Lake Toba. The trail is part of a series of world-class trail running, the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc, the first world series to be held in Indonesia.

In a press conference in the Gelora Bung Karno area, Central Jakarta, March 15, the Main Director of the Board, Jimmy Bernando Panjaitan, said that this event was targeted to attract 1,500 participants.

Apart from that, it is also hoped that it will be able to promote Lake Toba as one of the five super priority tourism destinations in Indonesia. Jimmy Bernando Panjaitan further said that the Trail would offer more than just a cross-country running race.

Because, apart from running while enjoying the view of Lake Toba which is different and cannot be found anywhere else, participants can also follow the cultural story of the Batak tribe by visiting the villages where the Batak culture originated and where the Batak King migrated during his time.

Trail of The Kings (Zero Edition), entitled Live Your Legend, is divided into four competition categories, namely 5 kilometers, 10 kilometers, 27 kilometers and 50 kilometers. Participant registration has been opened since March 13, 2024 on the site run. and will close if the participant quota has been met.



If you like tranquility, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, Tembi Tourist Village in Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta could be your choice. Established in 2007, the tourist village offers a beautiful village atmosphere and cool air, combined nicely with local wisdom. Tembi Tourist Village is located quite close to Yogyakarta city center, which is only about 8.5 kilometers or can be reached in 15 to 20 minutes from the main shopping street of Malioboro.

As you enter Tembi Tourist Village, you can do various tourist activities. You can walk around the village there. Try also to feel the sensation of walking around the rice fields. Enjoy the cool air in the fields while observing the farmers' activities. You can also go around the village by riding a dogcart. Not only does it offer beautiful rural natural views, but it also has a museum called Tembi Cultural House Museum. At this museum, you can learn about Javanese history and culture through its collections, ranging from kitchen utensils, farming equipment, artworks, to traditional weapons in the form of kris. Every month, the museum holds a cultural festival featuring dances from various regions across Indonesia, gamelan Javanese traditional musical ensemble performances, wayang puppet performances with local puppeteers from Bantul, fine arts exhibitions, and various other artistic activities.

At the Tembi Tourism Village, you can also participate in workshop activities, including a batik-making workshop guided directly by a professional batik maker. There is also a handicraft-making workshop, where you can make various crafts such as weaving to make puppets. Traveling to Tambi, also try the local culinary delights. You can taste sagon, a snack made from a mixture of rice flour, coconut, and sugar. There is also a dish called bancakan, in the form of rice complete with various vegetables and side dishes such as salted fish, tempeh, tofu, and eggs. Not only food, but you can also enjoy traditional drinks, such as spice hot beverages/wedang and various types of traditional herbal medicine at the village.



Indonesia took part at the exhibition, "The 4th China Cross-border E-commerce" in Fuzhou City, Fujian province, China to promote Indonesian products and the sophistication of digital technology.

Special Staff of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Jona Widhagdo Putri, at the opening of the exhibition in Fuzhou, Monday (18/3) said that through this exhibition, the Indonesian government wants to introduce the new face of Indonesia as a "new emerging" to people in Fujian, China and the world.

The cross-border electronics trade fair took place from March 18 until 20 with a total of around 10,000 exhibitors. They come from more than 60 foreign trade industrial areas, including more than 20 provinces and cities in China. The exhibition targets 500 thousand visitors and a turnover of US$10 billion.

At the exhibition, Indonesia set up a pavilion displaying a number of brands, such as instant noodle products, digital services, various types of packaged coffee, the Indonesian durian plantation association, and various snacks.

Jona Widhadgo Putri further said that in 2021, Fujian was also the location for the agreement for 'Two Countries Twin Parks, which is the location for cooperation in industrial areas between the two countries, namely Fuzhou in China and three industrial areas in Indonesia, namely in Bintan and in two locations in Central Java.

Another form of collaboration is the halal certification center in Fujian, which helps halal products come in and out, both from Indonesia and China.

Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce's China Committee, Garibaldi Thohir, on the same occasion said that Indonesia wants to continue to cooperate with China in various fields.