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Yemeni government has not managed to solve the Houthi rebel issue, which controls some of the territory in the north of Yemen. Now, a new conflict occurs on which previously, a group  also fought the Houthi. The group calls itself as the Southern Transitional Council -STC and supports the paramilitary group of the Southern Rebel Troop -SRF occupying the capital Aden.  Yemen's interim government led by Abdoul Rabbo Mansyour Hadi is based in Aden, after the capital of San'a occupied by the Houthi rebels. Fighting between paramilitaries and government forces lasted for 3 days and they even managed to surround the Presidential House in Aden on 30 January 2018. Earlier on Sunday, STC had issued an ultimatum to stage a coup if President Mansour Hadi had not reshuffled his cabinet, which was considered corrupt.  Those who are in in the list are required to step down, such as Prime Minister, Ahmed bin Dagher and his cabinet members. But President Mansour Hadi persisted and did not change the composition of his cabinet. In fact, the leader of the rebel, Aidarous al-Zubaidi was previously a partner of President Abdoul Hadi. Zubaidi helped Hadi fight Houthi in the Aden region and was later appointed to be the city's governor. The verbal clash and mutual accusations are inevitable, after Hadi considers al-Zubaidi to receive financial and armed support from the United Arab Emirates. Zubaidi countered the charge by saying that the Hadi government was corrupt and tried to eliminate the STC. The relationship of these two allies was immediately away and opposite. Thus, the Yemeni government faces two fronts at once: in the North facing Houthi rebels and in the south facing the STC rebellion. Yemen's situation is apprehensive, because instead of getting better but even becoming uncertain. Under these conditions, Indonesia as a friendly country of Yemen should encourage the parties and states involved to establish dialogue. Everyone knows that the victims of the conflict must be civilians. Consequently, both sides become victims.



Indonesia is now pursuing its economic growth target. Therefore, several efforts are made by the government by issuing various policies and regulations such as facilitating investment permits for foreign workers to be able to carry out their activities in Indonesia.

Regarding the pursuit of Indonesia's economic growth target, in a limited meeting on investment and exports that was held on Wednesday, January 31, President Joko Widodo instructed all cabinet ministers to simplify the procedures of investment, exports, and entry of foreign workers as experts to Indonesia. Thus, he instructed ministries to support the performance of trade investments in order the permit work of foreign workers -TKA is not complicated and this must be simplified.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Darmin Nasution said that the government does need foreign workers to boost Indonesia’s economic growth. However, the foreign workerswho are in need are those whomaster a specific sector, such as in the field of technology, especially e-commerce. Minister Darmin Nasution views that so far, many foreign workers have complained about the difficulty of obtaining a residence permit. By giving the ease, the foreign workers can be attracted to encourage the digital economy.

Meanwhile, Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto admitted that Indonesia needs additional foreign workers on which Indonesia becomes one of the main countries of investment destination in Southeast Asia (ASEAN). He affirmed that some foreign investors are asking the government to allow their workforce intoIndonesia to develop business and capital.

To support the acceleration of economic development, in fact the government needs qualified experts in their respective fields so that there is no problem in the handling. Facilitating the permit of foreign workers' stay in order to support the economic acceleration program is rightful to be done by the current stakeholders in a bid to realize prosperous Indonesia and fulfill the campaign promises. However, the question is whether about 250 Indonesian people  are unable to occupy the position of experts in their respective fields(?) What if the government is open to invite Indonesian experts who live abroad to come back home in a bid to build their homeland and work according to their respective fields. In addition, it should be affirmed that the foreign workers who are allowed to work are skilled ones with high managerial capacitydirectors, commissioners and advisors. They are also oriented to transfer knowledge instead of technical workers in the field. This is aimed at  protecting a large number of potential young workforces from the threat of unemployment.



President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has shown his sincerity with high confidence by making a state visit to Afghanistan. Ending his trip to five countries in South Asia a few days ago, President Jokowi under the tight guard of the Government of Afghanistan, has shown sympathy for the country which is being  hit by  ongoing conflicts.

As President of a predominantly Muslim country, President Jokowi has shown his sincerity in enhancing cooperation between both nations and  States. On the other hand, it also shows a great desire for peace in Afghanistan that has been plagued  by  violence and war for decades. President Joko Widodo is the second President of Indonesia visited  Kabul. Previously 57 years ago, Indonesia’s first  President, Soekarno, had  visited Afghanistan, but under different circumstances, of course.

By  visiting   Kabul, President Jokowi also showed a very high confidence amid  the violence that often occurs in the capital city of Afghanistan. A few hours before the President arrived in Kabul a bomb exploded in one of the military installations. The suicide bomb killed hundreds of people, both in Kabul and elsewhere. Although the Afghan government is much assisted by US troops, attacks are still often carried out by militants in different parts of the country. Indonesia is certainly concerned about the condition and fate of the people of Afghanistan. They actually live in a country that holds great potential of natural wealth. However, civil wars that continue to rage, has caused a very alarming condition among the people in that country.

On the commitment of President Joko Widodo to visit his country, Afghan President Sahraf Ghani, expressed his high appreciation. This was shown by presenting the Medal of Ghazi Aminullah award to the Indonesian Head of State  during a luncheon at the Presidential Palace in Kabul, Monday, January 29, 2018

The medal is a form of respect of  Afghanistan towards Joko Widodo who is considered firm and courageous in advancing bilateral relations between Indonesia and Afghanistan, especially in peace building in the country. Meanwhile, Indonesia is also grateful to the Afghan government for welcoming the Indonesian President with a very tight security, so that the state visit went well.

Whether after the visit of Joko Widodo, the conditions in Afghanistan will change for the better, all of course depends on the Afghan government and the people themselves to solve their problems. However, the President Joko Wododo's visit has at least inspired the need for a peaceful effort by the Afghans to resolve the problems within their country.( kbl ) 


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Retno L.P. Marsudi received a bilateral visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of East Timor, Aurelio Guterres at Gedung Pancasila, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 31, 2018.

The two foreign ministers in this meeting will discuss a number of issues that have been the concern of both countries such as technical cooperation and education and training cooperation, infrastructure development in border areas, connectivity, and border issue negotiations. Related to border issues, the two ministers agreed to accelerate the negotiation process of two unresolved landline segments that have not been resolved. (rz)