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President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo this morning, Friday, June 14, 2019, began work visits to Bali by visiting Sukawati Market in Gianyar Regency. Arriving at 08.20 WITA, the President and Mrs. Iriana went straight to the field opposite Sukawati Market to hear an explanation from Gianyar Regent Made Mahayastra about the plan to revitalize Sukawati Market Blocks A, B and C.

After listening to the explanation of the revitalization plan of Sukawati Market, the President explained that the relocation of Sukawati Market traders had been carried out and the market revitalization work was targeted to be completed by 2020.

According to the Head of State, the budget used for revitalization came from the APBN amounting to Rp.89 billion and from the APBD Rp3.9 billion.

"We hope this will be finished next year," the president said when giving a press statement to the media crew at the location.

The President hopes that Sukawati Market can become a modern, clean and organized folk market that makes visitors comfortable to come and shop. Moreover, the market, which has been established for 38 years, supports 1,700 traders every day.

"If you don't go to Bali, you have not been to Sukawati to Bali. You have to shop. It supports 1,700 traders, this is amazing. I don't know how many times I've come here," he said.

For the traditional national market program, the President said the government had the same target as five years ago. According to him, over the past five years more than 5,000 large markets have been built and around 8,900 village markets.

"Going forward the same, I think we will remain the market as a meeting of sellers and buyers, products from farmers, fishermen, craftsmen. Markets throughout Indonesia do have to live," he said.

After giving a press statement, the President and Mrs. Iriana had time to shop for fruits, such as watermelon and salak.

After reviewing Sukawati Market, at 08.50 WITA the President and Mrs. Iriana and the group continued their journey to Kilobar Field, Bangli Regency. There, President Jokowi will hand over the certificate of land rights to the people.

The plan, after Friday prayer and lunch together, the President will head to the tourist area of ​​the Muara Nusa Dua Reservoir, Denpasar City. At this location, the President is scheduled to conduct a review of rehabilitation and structuring of tourist areas.

Also present accompanied the President and Mrs. Iriana to review the market, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Special Staff to President Ari Dwipayana and Johan Budi, and Bali Governor I Wayan Koster.


The Ministry of Industry continues to accelerate the development of halal industrial areas in the country. The halal industrial area is part or all parts of the industrial estate designed with systems and facilities to develop industries that produce halal products in accordance with the halal product guarantee system.

"There are four industrial estates that are included in the plan to develop halal industrial estates in Indonesia," said Director of the Directorate General of Resilience, Regional and Industrial Access (KPAII) Ministry of Industry Ignatius Warsito according to his statement received in Jakarta on Wednesday (6/12).

The four industrial areas are Batamindo Industrial Estate, Bintan Industrial Park, Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung, and Modern Cikande Industrial Estate. The development of this area is one of the efforts to support the implementation of halal product certification on October 17, 2019.

"The four have submitted themselves to the Ministry of Industry to develop a halal industrial area. From them, the new Modern Cikande has been launched, "said Warsito.

The Ministry of Industry noted, Batamindo Industrial Park plans to develop a halal zone covering 17 hectares (ha) of a total area of ​​320 hectares, then Bintan Industrial Estate covering an area of ​​100 hectares from 320 hectares in total, and Modern Cikande covering 500 hectares.

Meanwhile, Pulogadung Jakarta Industrial Estate plans to develop halal zones for fashion, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, food centers, halal laboratories, and halal centers. Warsito is optimistic that there will be many companies interested in entering the halal industrial estate along with the increasing trend of using halal products.

"In fact, not only the industrial sector, in the region there will also be many supporting sectors. Ranging from halal certification offices to logistics transportation that is also halal. So, there will be a halal certification service that can have one stop service there, he has his laboratory, and his verification staff, "he explained.

Warsito added, in developing halal industrial estates, the Ministry of Industry has the duty to set standards, provide incentives, and facilitate promotion and technical cooperation. Later, these aspects are regulated in the Minister of Industry Regulation. Incentive aspects are also proposed in one-stop services to obtain halal certificates.

The criteria for halal industrial estates, among others, have management of halal industrial estates, owning or cooperating with laboratories for halal inspection and testing, clean water management systems in accordance with halal requirements, having a number of workers trained in halal product guarantees, and having boundaries halal industry.

Previously, the Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto stated, as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia needs to utilize the potential of halal industrial areas. This is in line with the large demand for halal products in both domestic and global communities.

"In 2019, the government targets the achievement of the halal industry to penetrate up to USD25 billion in world trade, or up 20 percent compared to three years ago," he said.

Airlangga also said, he hoped that business people operating in halal industrial areas could support efforts to increase exports of Indonesian halal products to a number of Middle Eastern countries.

"What we can do is convince foreign markets that the process of Indonesian halal products is good," he said. Related to the development of halal products, continued Airlangga, the Ministry of Industry also continued to update several things including regarding Bonded Logistics which had been launched by the government. "One of them is the export gateway for halal food products," he concluded. (kemenperin)


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invited entrepreneurs, especially those who are members of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) and the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) not to see any major problems from the trade war between the United States (US) and the People's Republic of China (PRC). However, the President invited to see the opportunity or opportunity that emerged from the trade war.

"In my opinion there is an opportunity, there is an opportunity that we can take from the height of this trade war. And I see all at the forefront of taking advantage of this opportunity, "said President Jokowi while receiving KADIN and HIPMI officials at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (12/6) afternoon.

The President pointed to an example such as in the US which previously entered products from China, then could become Indonesia's opportunities to increase capacity so that products could enter there.

The Head of State also pointed out, for example, textile products, garments that were once filled with products from there, now that they were just busy being filled.

With electronic products, for example, or furniture products that I know, more than 50% of them are all from China, why are we not filled with them? .

Earlier at the beginning of his remarks, President Jokowi said, election was over but the process at the Constitutional Court (MK) is still continuing, the government hopes to be able to focus again, concentrate again on economic matters.

Attending the occasion included KADIN Chairperson Rosan P. Roeslani and HIPMI Chairperson Bahlil Lahadalia. (setkab)


Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati expects that the leaders of ministries/non-ministerial government institutions (K/Ls) will not only pursue Unqualified Opinions (WTP), but will work hard in managing the budget, so that the quality of financial statements can improve annually.

"The K/L leadership is not only satisfied and seeking WTP opinions, but also expects to see hard work in budget management and good governance practices, in accordance with the Act. So it is not only pursuing compliance, but also better performance," Sri Mulyani said in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Sri Mulyani made his statement when representing the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs in the submission of the Audit Report on the State General Treasurer Financial Statements (LKBUN) and the 2018 Ministry / Institution Financial Report (LKKL) to the State Financial Auditors II.

She also said the WTP opinion about the 2018 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) was a superior achievement and must be continued, especially since the recognition has been obtained for three consecutive years.

"We hope that the results of the WTP opinion can be translated into a budget that is useful for society and the economy," she said.

To that end, the government will continue to improve the quality of financial reports through intensive guidance in the implementation of accrual-based accounting, and encourage training in human resources so that accounting record procedures can be improved.

Regarding the weakness of the internal control system, which was the finding of the State Audit Board (BPK), Sri Mulyani said this would be addressed so that financial statements could become more accountable and trusted by the public.

"With the accountability and integrity of the ministries and Institutions, we hope that public trust and stakeholders can be better served," he said.

Previously, the BPK issued WTP opinions for LKPP 2018 after examining 86 LKKLs and one LKBUN.

Of the 87 financial statements, the BPK issued WTP opinions about 81 LKKL and one LKBUN, which was an increase compared to the 2017 period, when opinions were issued for 79 LKKL and one LKBUN.

The BPK also issued Unqualified With Exception (WDP) opinions to four LKKL, a decrease compared to the 2017 period when there were six LKKL.

In addition, there is still one LKKL set by BPK as a disclaimer to not issue an  opinion, down compared to last year's two LKKL.

However, there are still a number of findings on LKPP 2018, including weaknesses in the internal control system and non-compliance with cash administration, management of fixed assets, PNBP management and budgeting, and implementing accountability that is not in accordance with the provisions of each Institution Ministry.

"We will deliver to the minister the LKPP and the results of the BPK examination so that all ministers can lead and follow up on the BPK report in the action plan with a clear timeline," Sri Mulyani said. (ant)