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RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia with Mosaic of Indonesia. In today’s edition, we will present news about President Joko Widodo inaugurates Raknamo dam in East Nusa Tenggara and regent of Banyuwangi invites Nahdlatul Ulama to work together to develop region, and the news on regional government of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta tries to develop coffee’s village at Madigondo this year.


President Joko Widodo called on governor, regents and majors of East Nusa Tenggara province, to protect all state’s assets such as Raknamo dam. The President made the call when inaugurating Raknamo dam at Raknamo village, Amabi Oefeto sub-district, Kupang regency, on Tuesday (9/1). He said, the dam which costs 760 billion rupiahs, must be used well. As reported by RRI the President said Raknamo dam can be used for irrigation, water suplly, and 0,22 MegaWatt sources of energy. According to the plan should be built in 5 years, from 2014 until 2019. The construction however went faster. The construction of the dam was finished in 3 years. President Joko Widodo appreciated therefore the hard work of the Ministry of Public Work and People’s Housing. The President also said that besides Raknamo dam, starting 2018 5 other dams namely Napun Gete and Lambo dam on Flores island, Manikin, Kolhua, and Temef dam on Timor island are now being under construction.


Regent of Banyuwangi, Abdullah Azwar Anas, invited the biggest Indonesian Islamic organization Nahdlatul Ulama to cooperate in developing the region. It was stated by Azwar Anas in plenary meeting of Branch leaders of Nahdlatul Ulama of Banyuwangi in Banyuwangi, East java on Tuesday (9/1). According to Anas, the synergy between Nahdlatul Ulama and the government must be held entirely until sub-district level, by collaboarting in leading businesses which have developed in every sub-district. For example, Nahdlatul Ulama of Songgon sub-district could cooperate with catfish breeders, and Nahdlatul Ulama of Singojuruh could collaborate with farmers of organic rice. Furthermore, the regent also invited Nahdlatul Ulama to use programs of the existing economic empowerment in Banyuwangi regional government, such as soft skills program or entrepreneurship with 400 training packages.

As quoted by Antara news agency, the regent hopes the leaders of Nahdlatul Ulama can use empowerment program for the interest of the society’s welfare. Meanwhile, Chairman of Branch Manager of Nahdhatul Ulama of Banyuwangi, KH. Masykur Ali, welcomes the good invitation. According to KH. Masykur Ali, economic empowerment sector has raised the attention of Nahdlatul Ulama. The synergy would hopefully bring positive impact to increase the welfare of the banyuwangi inhabitants.

We come to the end Mosaic of Indonesia. The regional government of Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta tries to develop coffee’s village at Madigondo, Sidoharjo and Keceme, Gerbosari village, Samigaluh sub-district. As quoted by Antara, Head of Plantation Sector of Agriculture and Food Office of Kulon Progo, Widi Astuti, said in Yogyakarta, on Tuesday (9/1) that the coffee village at Samigaluh will be designed as agro-tourism based on the plantation. Widi Astuti explained tourists can enjoy coffee plantation scenery, the process of coffee production and the coffee-serving. Widi Astuti hopes it would support the people’s economy and improve people’s welfare. To support the program, Agriculture and Food Office of Kulon Progo has distributed coffee processors to Madigondo and Keceme people.




This is RRI World Service Voice of Indonesia with Mosaic of Indonesia. In today’s edition, we will present news about  Gunungkidul develops Geopark of Mt. Sewu,

Natural Resources Conservation Center of West Sumatera proposes Natural Preservation of Maninjau to become Research Center of The ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the news on planting thousands of Mangroves will save the South Ocean of Kulon Progo.


Listener, the regional government of Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta keeps developing  Geopark of Mt.Sewu to become tourism concept which gives effect on conservation, education and the increase of people’s welfare.  Regent of Gunungkidul, Badingah,  told to RRI in Yogyakarta on Monday that dozens of geo-heritages which are developed to become National Earth Park if  preserved will bring prosperity to society.The regent also said that the welfare which will be achieved, must get support for bureaucratic reform which continues to be improved, so that the development of Mt.Sewu tourism will give multiplier effect for people’s welfare. Furthermore, Badingah said that in early 2018, his office will more focus in development of Mt.Sewu tourism. With the concept of the development is still accordance with the plan of Middle Term of Development of Gunungkidul regency as tourism and cultural destination, so that the attendance of tourist will have a significant impact on people’s economic growth because tourism sector to be the mainstay sector. The concept will supported by human resources which run in the agriculture. He also said that  Geopark of Mt.Sewu which has been recognized by UNESCO as Global Geopark Network covering 3 regencies, namely Gunungkidul, Pacitan and Wonogiri. The sites at Mt.Sewu are not only  geological site, but also there is also non-geological site or geo-forest and cultural site or archeology. 





Natural Resources Conservation Center of West Sumatera proposes Natural Preservation of Maninjau to become Research Center of The ministry of Environment and Forestry. It is related to the finding of new species of Raflesia which was ever  found in another country before.


Head of I Area Section of Natural Resources Conservation  of West Sumatera, Khairi Ramadhan said on Monday that in Indonesia which hasraflesia flower, can inventory the flower at   Maninjau Natural Conservation which is latter become as laboratory for the next future.Maninjau Natural Conservation is prpoposed to become research place because type of   raflesia at the location is never found yet, either inIndonesia, Malaysia or Philippines.


Khairi Ramadhan added based on the information of raflesia expert from Bengkulu University, Agus Susatya, that the type is never found yet before, either in Indonesia, Malaysia or Philippinesbut the similar type was ever found in Malaysia namely Raflesia Tuan Mudae. but, after testing at the laboratory, the result is different with Raflesia Tuan Mudae, most likely Raflesia in Maninjau is the new type, and researchers still look for other references from Raflesia experts in Malaysia and Philippines.



Thousands of mangroves are planted at Wanatirta mangrove eco-tourism of Jangkaran village of Kulon Progo on Monday (8/1) as efforts to save South Ocean from abrasion. The plant is a program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of PT Taman Wisata Candi (TWC) Borobudur Prambanan and Ratu Boko. The Executive Director of the company, Edi Setijono said in Yogyakarta on Monday that at the South Coast of Kulon Progo, abrasion becomes a serious problem, due to se water increasingly eroded the coast.  Mangrove area must be protected because it will be a buffer for ecosystems as well as tourist attractions when the International airport in Kulon Progo has been in operation. On the same occasion, the regent also said the attendance of the company is very important for  Kulon Progo, because the most western regency in the region of Yogyakartabecomes the only one regency which becomes suspension of Borobudur forYogyakartaFurthermore the regent said that Mangrove forest must be preserved well, because will be a starting point for tourists, who want to enjoy the tour in Kulon Progo.



In 2018, 171 regions in Indonesia will carry out simultaneous regional head election -PILKADA. This is the third simultaneous election, after the ones in 2015 and 2017. The implementation of the election which will be held on 27 June 2018 seems  different from the previous two elections as this year’s election is adjacent to the holding of the 2019 Presidential Election -PILPRES.


Chairman of the General Election Commission -KPU, Arief Budiman remarked that  there are 158 million voters who will participate in the 2018 election, almost 80% of the total national voters. This quantity is far greater than the 2015 election with a total of 96 million voters, and the 2017 election with a total of 41 million voters.


This year’s simultaneous election is followed by not only male candidates, but also female ones. However, many say that women's political participation in the  election is paid less attention by political elites. Political parties pay more attention to the electability and capital strength in nominating their cadres. They tend to use the 2018 election as a barometer for success in the 2019 Presidential Election. These electability and capital requirements are applied equally between male candidates and female ones. As a result, women's candidacy opportunities in the election are smaller because women politicians are generally less well-known and they do not have huge financial capital.


A discussion entitled "Opportunity of Women Candidates in 2018 Regional Election" was held in Jakarta on Sunday (January 7th). A politician from the United Development Party -PPP, Lena Maeyana, who was present, views that the political condition increasingly overlook Indonesian women. Indonesian law No. 7 of 2017 states that 30% of women's representation must be applied at the central level. In fact, in the previous General Election Law, 30% of women's representation is also regulated until the regency/city level.


Article 28D Paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution states that every citizen has the right to have equal opportunity in government. However, in the context of the 2018 regional election, the involvement of women has not been materialized as expected.


According to the Coordinator of Civil Society for Women and Political Alliance (Ansipol), Yudha Irlang Kusumaningsih, the participation of women in the 2018 election will simultaneously produce many policies that show women's partiality, especially if the candidates are elected as head of the region. A policy that shows women's partiality is necessary, given that women's empowerment is one of the 17 global sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the 2016-2030 period. That is to improve welfare evenly. The fifth point in the goal of sustainable development is to achieve gender equality and empower women. One way is by ensuring full and effective participation, and equal opportunity for women to lead at all levels of decision making in political, economic, and social spheres. Yudha also views that the empowerment of women at the regional government level is also considered urgent, because women are currently considered not equal to men. A number of studies have shown that poverty rates, school dropouts, income, and women's nutrition are still poor compared to men. It is important for women to advance in the election as representatives of their regions such as governors, mayors, regents, or deputy governors, deputy mayors and deputy regents. Thus, if there is a problem concerning women, this will be addressed by women as well.


RRI World Service VOI with Today in History

9 January 

1960 – President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser opens construction on the Aswan Dam  on the east bank of the Nile.


The Aswan Dam, or more specifically since the 1960s, the Aswan High Dam, is an embankment dam built across the Nile in AswanEgypt, between 1960 and 1970. The construction of the High Dam became a key objective of the government following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952; with its ability to control flooding better, provide increased water storage for irrigation and generate hydroelectricity the dam was seen as pivotal to Egypt's planned industrialization.

2005 – The Sudan People's Liberation Movement and the Government of Sudan sign the Comprehensive Peace Agreement to end the Second Sudanese Civil War.

The Second Sudanese Civil War was a conflict from 1983 to 2005 between the central Sudanese government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army. It was largely a continuation of the First Sudanese Civil War of 1955 to 1972. Although it originated in southern Sudan, the civil war spread to the Nuba mountains and Blue Nile. It lasted for 22 years and is one of the longest civil wars on record. The war resulted in the independence of South Sudan six years after the war ended.

Roughly two million people died as a result of war, famine and disease caused by the conflict. Four million people in southern Sudan were displaced at least once (and normally repeatedly) during the war. The civilian death toll is one of the highest of any war since World War II and was marked by a large number of human rights violations. These include slavery and mass killings.


2005 – Mahmoud Abbas wins the election to succeed Yasser Arafat as President of the Palestinian National Authority, replacing interim president Rawhi Fattouh.

  Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen , is the President of the State of Palestine and Palestinian National Authority. He has been the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) since 11 November 2004.  He is a member of the Fatah party. Abbas was elected on 9 January 2005 to serve as President of the Palestinian National Authority until 15 January 2009, but extended his term until the next election in 2010, citing the PLO constitution, and on December 16, 2009 was voted into office indefinitely by the PLO Central Council. As a result, Fatah's main rival, Hamas, initially announced that it would not recognize the extension or view Abbas as the rightful president. Yet, Abbas is internationally recognized and Hamas and Fatah conducted numerous negotiations in the following years, leading to an agreement in April 2014 over a Unity Government, which lasted until October 2016, and therefore to the recognition of his office by Hamas. Abbas was also chosen as the President of the State of Palestine by the Palestine Liberation Organization's Central Council on 23 November 2008, a position he had held unofficially since 8 May 2005.