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The launch of the Indonesia Energy Transition Facility (IETF) in Jakarta on Wednesday (February 5, 2025). (ANTARA/Kuntum Riswan)



VOInews, Jakarta : Indonesia secured a grant of 14.7 million Euros (around US$15.2 million) from the European Union (EU) and France for the development of energy transition in the country.

"The European Union channeled 14.7 million Euros to AFD (Agence Française de Développement). AFD then forged direct cooperation with PLN (Indonesia's state-run electricity company)," Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana revealed.

Kusdiana made this announcement during Wednesday's Kick-Off Meeting for the Indonesia Energy Transition Facility in Jakarta.

He detailed that out of the total 14.7 million Euros grant provided for the Indonesia Energy Transition Facility (IETF) program, 44 percent, or around 6.5 million Euros, will be utilized by PLN to enhance its capacity for energy transition efforts.

The remaining funds will be directed towards initiatives led by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"We have other forms of cooperation. We have mineral cooperation to advance sustainable minerals," he affirmed.

On the same occasion, PLN Finance Director Sinthya Roesli stated that the grant will facilitate the preparation of energy transition projects, provide technical assistance, and ensure that the projects support the transmission or distribution of renewable energy.

"I think we will also use the grant for some forms of capacity building or institutional improvement that also help energy transition in the future," she remarked.

Meanwhile, French Ambassador to Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and ASEAN Fabien Penone stated that the IETF marks an important step in expediting Indonesia's energy transition, yielding considerable benefits for the region.

Grants provided through the program will focus on two components: support for energy policies and preparations for renewable energy and new energy transmission projects.

He underlined that achieving energy transition necessitates substantial investment as well as robust partnerships, innovations, and long-term commitment to balancing environmental, economic, and social objectives.

He further noted that the IETF aligns with the vision of a just energy transition, aiming to create new economic opportunities, safeguard jobs, and assist vulnerable communities.

Through the collaboration, the combined expertise of Indonesia, France through AFD, and the EU will be leveraged to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy and address the complexities of energy transition//Antara-VOI


Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources delivering remarks at the Kick-Off Meeting of the Indonesia Energy Transition Facility in Jakarta on Wednesday (February 5, 2025). (ANTARA/Kuntum Riswan)



VOInews, Jakarta : The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources reiterated Indonesia’s dedication to meeting its carbon emission reduction target, as detailed in the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (E-NDC) document.

According to the E-NDC, Indonesia aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31.89 percent through domestic efforts and 43.20 percent with international support by 2030.

According to the ministry’s secretary general, Dadan Kusdiana, the realization of GHG emissions reduction in the energy sector for 2024 reached 147.61 million tons of CO2 equivalent or surpassed the target set at 142 million tons.

"Hence, we are on the right track in the emission reduction program,” he remarked at the Kick-Off Meeting of the Indonesia Energy Transition Facility in Jakarta, Wednesday.

He remarked that the government is establishing strategic cooperation with various parties to expedite Indonesia's shift towards a greener, more environmentally friendly, and sustainable system, aligning with global commitments to reducing emissions and promoting renewable energy.

Regarding Carbon Capture Storage (CCS), Indonesia has introduced regulations, policies, schemes, and mechanisms to harness its CO2 storage potential.

Indonesia has a storage capacity potential of around 500gigatons. Currently, two companies have expressed interest in developing CCS projects in the country//Antara-VOI


The Head of National Library, E. Aminudin Aziz giving his closing remarks at the National Library meeting on Wednesday February 5th 2025 in Jakarta. (Photo : Perpusnas) - 



VOInews, Jakarta : Director of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas) E. Aminudin Aziz closed the 2025 National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for Libraries.

In his remarks, he conveyed several important things. First, regarding the accreditation instruments for educational institutions such as PAUD, primary and secondary education, improvements need to be made by involving libraries in them.

"There will be no accreditation this year, it will only be implemented next year," he said.

Second, regarding initiative programs to improve reading culture and literacy. The National Library and the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (Kemendikdasmen) have agreed to oversee the provision of books for school and non-school channels (village libraries, TBMs and places of worship).

"Not only the National Library, but will involve other institutions, including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), efforts will be made so that it really becomes a reality," he said.

Furthermore, regarding which agency the community reading garden (TBM) is under, the man who is familiarly called Amin emphasized that he will provide a balance between the roles of TBM and other literacy activists so that it is optimal.

"Hopefully the implementation of Community Literacy Volunteers (Rel Lima) can start with several pilot programs because it is not possible to do it directly in all places," he said.

Apart from that, plans for the further redistribution of books belonging to the National Library to regional libraries will be coordinated with other ministries and institutions so that there are no problems.

"Coordination will be carried out with the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, the Ministry of Villages, the Ministry of Basic Education and Education regarding action plans for jointly implemented programs. Budget matters, which are of great concern to us, must actually be the trigger," he explained.

The 2025 National Coordination Meeting for Libraries held on February 4-5 2025 with the theme "Synergy to Build a Reading Culture and Literacy Skills for the Country". This time, the National Coordination Meeting presented a new motto, namely "Libraries are Present for the Dignity of the Nation".

Through this annual meeting, 17 recommendations were produced from group discussion sessions which were divided into four sub-themes, namely excellent library service models to support reading culture and improving literacy skills, designing programs to strengthen reading culture and literacy skills, utilizing cultural heritage to strengthen reading culture and literacy skills, as well as models for strengthening institutional cooperation to support the creation of reading culture and literacy skills.

In the National Coordination Meeting, he explained that this year, the National Library is carrying out a number of programs which are summarized in fishbone analysis. He asked the National Coordination Meeting participants to coordinate and synergize with related work units at the National Library according to the fishbone analysis.

"It is easiest for you and your mother to go to which unit to carry out synergy and coordination," he concluded.

The National Coordination Meeting presented the Minister of Basic Education, Abdul Mu'ti, as the key speaker. Apart from that, there was a policy session as well as a panel and discussion session which was attended by resource persons including literacy activist Maman Suherman, General Chair of the Archipelago Manuscript Society (Manassa) Munawar Holil, Head of the Gunung Kidul Regency Library and Archives Service Kisworo, and Head of the West Java Province Regional Library and Archives Service I Gusti Agung Kim Fajar Wiyati Oka.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Wednesday February 5th 2025, the Head of UPT Archives Services, Yulianto, representing the Head of the South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Provincial Library and Archives Service, handed over a grant of 96 rolls of ancient manuscript microfilm to the Head of National Library Materials Preservation and Media Expert, Tri Luki Cahya Dini.

With technology at the National Library's Center for Preservation and Media Experts, ancient manuscripts that were in danger of being damaged were saved. Microfilms are scanned and converted to high-quality digital formats ensuring easy access and preservation of their historical value. To date, 2,883 titles of the ancient Lontara' manuscripts have been successfully digitized out of a total of 3,030 titles. The Lontara manuscripts contain knowledge about farming, trade systems, and even war tactics//VOI


Minister of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen) Abdul Mu'ti (Right) and The Head of National Library, E. Aminudin Aziz (Left) hand over souvenir after the meeting on Wednesday on February 5th in Jakarta. (Photo : Perpusnas) - 




VOInews, Jakarta : Minister of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen) Abdul Mu'ti stated his commitment to continue to improve reading culture and increase literacy skills as part of building national civilization.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Basic Education and Culture at the 2025 National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for Libraries on Wednesday (5/2/2025). The National Coordination Meeting carries the theme "Synergy to Build a Reading Culture and Literacy Skills for the Country". According to him, building a reading culture and literacy skills is a priority program for him and the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas).

"There is a lot of data that provides a reference for why this theme is so important, especially in relation to the literacy and numeracy abilities of the Indonesian people, seen from the PISA scores and the reading culture in the country," he explained.

The Minister of Basic Education added that there are several things that are part of the policy direction and joint movement in building a reading culture and literacy skills. First, the foundation of national civilization is reading. He explained that from a religious perspective as a Muslim, reading was the first revelation received by the Prophet Muhammad.

In order to synergize, the Minister of Basic Education said that his party uses a Universal Participation approach. Here, the parties work together and build strategic partnerships with various elements. "No matter how much funds we have, it will never be enough if we work alone and do not synergize with the community," he said.

He added that people's reading competency or reading ability still needs to be improved. The literacy rate of Indonesian society has almost reached 100 percent. But unfortunately, the ability to understand text still needs to be improved.

"And this of course requires synergy between the National Library and educational institutions, community institutions, literacy activists, so that this can be improved. "There needs to be training and upgrading of skills so that people can read as well as possible," he explained.

Efforts to improve reading comprehension skills still face challenges, especially the emergence of scroll society symptoms. People, he explained, mostly read on their devices and read the title of the article, then scroll on their device. Sometimes, readers draw conclusions from the title without reading the content.

"Therefore, synergizing with various community groups and providing reading materials in various forms, not only print, but also electronic and digital reading materials, this is also part of the effort to make reading materials reachable," he explained.

Lastly, he would like to thank the National Library for its commitment to building a reading culture. According to him, professions in the field of libraries or librarians play a role in efforts to make the nation's life more intelligent.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Wednesday February 5th 2025 in Jakarta, the National Coordination Meeting in the Library Sector is an effort to carry out consolidation and coordination between stakeholders in the library sector. This activity is intended to achieve the goals and objectives contained in the National Library's Strategic Plan and support a participatory planning process involving all levels of stakeholders in the library sector, with bottom up and top down planning mechanisms.

Organized with the aim of formulating and developing an integrated strategy between various stakeholders (government, educational institutions, communities, private sector and society) in increasing literacy, increasing coordination between various institutions, ministries and organizations involved in literacy programs, as well as strengthening partnerships between the public, private, civil society and local communities in building literacy//VOI