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Category: Listener Letters
Published on Wednesday, 28 February 2018 08:53
Hits: 2749
Good afternoon! Earlier I have sent you two official reports in 2016 and
2017. These official reports were left without answer. Please, check it for
me. I publish all my QSL cards on my website.
Reception report Voice of Indonesia Wednesday 2 August 2017
Good afternoon!
Hello from Saratov, Russia!
On July 12 I have received a QSL card from you for my report of 25 April
Thank you very much!
My new reception report for Voice of Indonesia.
Technical details in the file of the reception report (txt format) and on a
Thanks for program.
I hope that my official report will be useful.
I hope for your answer and receiving QSL.
Link to video record
Reception report Voice of Indonesia Friday 6 May 2016
Good afternoon!
I prepared the new official report about reception for you.
I sent you my previous official report on March 8, 2016.
You answered me that you will send me the QSL card.
Unfortunately at the moment I didn't receive the letter from you.
Perhaps it is necessary to wait a little more.
In any of a case I hope to receive QSL for my new official report.
I will in addition repeat my postal address.
*Dmitry Elagin,*
*Russia, Saratov, 410054,*
*xx-nd Sadovay xxxx. .*
Thanks for your programs and magnificent music!
*Links to video record:*
*С Уважением / Best regards*
*Дмитрий Елагин / Dmitry Elagin*