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Wednesday, 28 April 2021 14:09

New Variants Of Covid 19 Must Be Addressed Together

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Countries in the world still need to be vigilant and alert to the threat of the Corona virus which has hit for more than a year. Now vigilance must even be increased by the spread of a new variant of Covid 19. India, one of the most populous countries, is currently suffering greatly from the Covid 19 attack, both old and new variants. When the calamity caused by the old Covid 19 virus has not been resolved, now the situation is exacerbated by a new variant attack that has been detected more vicious. The second wave of the Covid pandemic has indeed hit the country.

In India, hospitals are unable to accommodate the number of infected and there is a shortage of medicine and oxygen. Even the crematorium is no longer able to burn the bodies of the victims. As a result, empty parking lots and fields have to be used to cremate corpses who died from Covid. Besides being sad, the sight can certainly cause horror, especially for foreigners.

The tragedy in India has now penetrated its closest neighbor , Nepal. This small country in the Himalayan region must fight hard to escape from this invisible virus attack. But the vigilance isn't just for India's closest South Asian neighbor. The new Covid variant has now been detected in 17 countries. The World Health Organization, WHO, noted this development in light of the 1,200 case reports on the GISAID global science initiative data. Without mentioning details, WHO in its weekly report cited by various media said that samples of new Covid infections uploaded to the GIASID website mostly came from India, UK, United States and Singapore,

This information certainly makes a number of countries even more alert. Australia, for example, has banned the entry of flights from India. Indonesia also does not want to be off guard due to the undetected entry of Indian citizens. Vigilance at airports, which are the entry points for passengers of foreign nationals, especially India, is increased.

The catastrophe caused by the Covid 19 pandemic is not over yet, in various countries it is even increasing. In India, for example, the government and its people, who had previously experienced a decrease in cases, are now panicking because of the soaring number of infected and dead, and the very minimum health services.

The world does not only have to be vigilant, but must  try together to overcome this pandemic. Developed countries must provide assistance to those in need, such as India, which is currently hit by the crisis. The multilateral effort for cooperation in the procurement of the Covid19 vaccine is one of the efforts that must be increased.

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