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Monday, 23 August 2021 21:08

MSMEs and cooperatives to develop business models

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Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki (Left) and Head of the National Library of Indonesia Muhammad Syarif Bando (Right) - 



In the midst of an increasingly competitive world development, the business world, especially Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and cooperatives, must innovate and transform. Therefore, MSMEs and cooperatives must develop their business models with adequate information intake. Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki explained that the National Library of Indonesia (NLI) has a contribution in developing MSMEs and cooperatives in Indonesia, through its information content.

“Therefore, it is important to access information, access to business development, including vocational training. With the role of the National Library of Indonesia, which can provide access to the development of entrepreneurship in Indonesia," he explained in the talk show Internalization of Bung Karno and Bung Hatta's thoughts with the theme "National Literacy Strengthening Nationalism and Accelerating Cooperative-Based Economic Recovery", which was held online on Monday (23/8/ 2021).

He added, economic independence will be very strong if ownership of economic development and business activities is in the community.

Head of the National Library of Indonesia Muhammad Syarif Bando emphasized the role of libraries in improving the quality of human resources (HR). Applied books in the library, he said, are useful for improving people's skills or skills.

"Qualified human resources are human resources who have mastery of science, technology and skills that are implemented to create goods and services. This is done in order to increase the income per capita of the community to realize prosperity," he said.

Since 2018, National Library has carried out the Social Inclusion-Based Transformation Library program for marginalized communities. This year, the program continues and the mentoring has yielded results, where people who have participated in the program have opened MSMEs.

"This is a form of full support for the National Library in increasing public literacy for economic recovery in the pandemic era," he explained.

Meanwhile, National Alliance expert Yudi Latif said that the cooperative is essentially a community economy. So if these small ones cannot raise capital, then they must network to form a collective force, so that they can become one agent or one economic power of the community.

Senior journalist Hasril Channiago said Bung Hatta's thoughts, especially in building a people-based self-reliance economy, namely cooperatives, were still very relevant and needed. However, there must be political capacity and the will of the state to implement it//VOI

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