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Thursday, 17 May 2018 00:00

Ramadan Creates Peace and Tranquility

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Ramadan Creates Peace and Tranquility

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Today Thursday, May 17, 2018, all Muslims in Indonesia and other parts of the world begin to perform fasting. The first day of fasting takes place shortly after a series of terrorist attacks in Surabaya, and Sidoarjo, East Java Province, which killed a total of 14 people. Regardless of whether or not there is a direct connection between the act of the terrorists and the month of Ramadan, the actions to terrorize the public may be said to "fail". This can be seen from the crowds of people who shop for the needs in the early Ramadan in crowded places, such as shopping malls or traditional markets and entertainment venues. Similar crowds are also seen in mosques or Mushallas filled with people performing the first Tarawih prayers.

Ramadan is a glorious month and a blessing for Muslims. During this Ramadan, all Muslims are obliged to fulfill fasting in a broad sense. They must be able to retrain from not only hunger, thirst but also anger and passion not to consume excessive food. Those who are fasting are strictly forbidden to commit sin, let alone killing someone.

The Indonesian Ulema Council -MUI appeals for Indonesian Muslims to make the holy month of Ramadan a moment of self-improvement. MUI also asked for the public to do a lot of social activities.

Ramadan is an excellent momentum to develop an attitude of tolerance in the practice of religion, not to be trapped in conflict and dispute because of differences in religions, especially after the recent occurrence of a series of terror acts in Surabaya, East Java.

Ramadan is the perfect time for Muslims to enlighten other followers of religions about the true meaning of 'Islam'. Islam never teaches to do something evil.

At the National Halaqah Hubul Wathon and the Declaration of the National Movement of Muballigh Bela Negara at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory in East Jakarta, Monday (14/5), President Joko Widodo emphasized that Islam never teaches violence, not to mention teaching terror among people. He views that Islam actually teaches its people to be gentle, polite, and respectful to others. Therefore, it is proper that Ramadan can be used as a momentum to create peace and tranquility in the community.

Read 1581 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 09:02