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Thursday, 21 October 2021 10:27

Indonesia Intensifies Mangrove Planting

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President Joko Widodo along with some friend countries' ambassadors and local community planted mangrove in Tana Tidung, North Kalimantan on Tuesday (19/10). That was one of many efforts by the Indonesian government in multiplying and rehabilitating mangrove forest.

As quoted from (19/10), President Joko Widodo explained that there are 180 thousand hectares of mangrove forest in North Kalimantan to be rehabilitated. He targets 600 thousand hectares of mangrove forest that can be rehabilitated in the next three years.

Some ambassadors and World Bank representatives who joined the mangrove planting appreciated the Indonesian government's program. World Bank's Country Director, Satu Kahkonen said that the program has a great meaning both for Indonesia and the whole world. Meanwhile, Swiss Ambassador to Indonesia, Kurt Kunz hopes that the mangrove rehab can be an example and stimulus for communities in Indonesia and the world.

The Mangrove planting programs play a crucial role in supporting carbon pollution reduction. Mangrove forest multiplication and rehab as done by President Joko Widodo is also a move to mitigate climate change.

Based on data from the Maritime and Fishery Ministry, as quoted from (19/8), Indonesian mangrove forest is the biggest in the world, namely 3.2 million hectares or 22.4% of world's mangrove forest. This shows that Indonesia has a quite significant contribution in reducing carbon emission.

Research results in 2019, as quoted from, showed that one square meter of mangrove forest can store 50 kg carbon. This carbon storage capacity is important in the climate change effect reduction process.

Therefore, mangrove replanting by the government should be followed by the awareness and involvement of the people living around the mangrove forest. They need to understand the importance of preserving the mangrove ecosystem. 

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