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Sunday, 12 December 2021 08:36

Jakarta, West Java, Banten models for rights-based services: Laoly

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Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly. (ANTARA/HO-Law and Human Rights Ministry) - 


Jakarta, West Java, and Banten provinces will serve as role models for the development of human rights-based public services (P2HAM), Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly, has announced.

"The three provincial governments will be role models for developing P2HAM in regions," Laoly said in a statement released here on Saturday.

The ministry bestowed awards to the three regional governments at the commemoration of World Human Rights Day on Friday (December 10, 2021) for setting a good example in developing P2HAM, he informed.

The awards are expected to motivate local governments to excel in providing the best services to people, he said.

Laoly then lauded all parties who have played an active role in supporting and implementing programs to promote human rights in Indonesia, including central and local governments, independent institutions working in the field of human rights, civil society organizations, and sections of the community.

"Let's continue to increase the role of government officials and institutions and collaborate with civil society and all components of the society to always uphold human rights in all aspects of social, national, and state life," he urged.

Meanwhile, the ministry's director general of human rights, Mualimin Abdi, said that the awards were based on the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 27 of 2018 concerning Human Rights-Based Public Service Awards.

The evaluation criteria included an assessment of public services, handling of complaints of human rights violations, the implementation of the National Action Plan for Human Rights (RANHAM), and the implementation of international obligations in human rights, he added.

For Jakarta, the award was given for the One-Stop Service Office (PTSP) and the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A), he informed.

In West Java province, the award was given for the Regional Technical Service Unit (UPTD) of the Cikarang Bus Terminal in Bekasi district and the Ciledug Bus Terminal in Cirebon district, he said.

In Banten province, the award was given for the Singandaru Public Health Center (Puskesmas) and the Cikande One-Stop Administration Services (Samsat) Office, he added//ANT

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