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Monday, 23 July 2018 13:58

Indonesian Children, The GENIUS Children

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Indonesian Children, The GENIUS Children


Today, July 23rd is the special day for Indonesian children. Because, the day is commemorated as the National Children Day. The commemoration of the National Children Day is based on Presidential Decree No. 44/1984. Since, Indonesian people annually ccommemorate the National Children Day  in many kinds of events. The theme of the National Children Day 2018 is “Indonesian Children, The GENIUS Children”. The GENIUS in the theme is the abbreviation of Gesit (nimble), Empati (empathic), Berani (brave), Unggul (excellent), and Sehat (healthy). Certainly, we hope that the Indonesian children are actually the smart ones or those who are amazingly capable and talented in thinking and creating. The nimble, empathetic, brave, excellent, and healthy children certainly become the hope of all the Indonesian family. Nowadays, there are some things that parents and educators are afraid of in Indonesia. With the technology advancement, many Indonesian children  pay more attention to their gadgets. Possessing the gadget certainly has good side, as long as it is used to the good things. But there are some of the children who are too busy with their gadgets, and these make them interact less with surroundings, even with their family. The efforts of creating the nimble, empathetic, brave, excellent, and healthy children must be done by all stakeholders. Moreover at this time, 84 million children will be the agents of Indonesia development in the future. They are the assets for Indonesian advancement. Another anxiety of what some parties are afraid of is early age. The National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) specially invites the children to pledge “stop the early marriage”. We hope that the awareness will make both Indonesian people and the government be committed to protecting the children’s rights in a bid to prepare good family planning. Preparing strong physics and mentality for Indonesian children must be done continuously. Because, they will be part of the Indonesia’s demographic bonus in 2030. The productive employees in great quantities at that time become a golden opportunity for Indonesia to push the economic wheels. The Indonesia’s success in achieving the goal of Sustainable Development is also determined by the quality of the children. Thus, to assure the children to be able to grow freely of poorness, to be  healthy, educated, happy, and safe, is the basic of creating the mature humans who can contribute to economy and society with high social cohesion. To achieve the goal of the Sustainable Development, Indonesian children must become the most important investment. The investment will make them to be the agents of change for the Sustainable Development. May the Indonesian children will actually become the genius children who are nimble, empathic, brave, excellent, and healthy. Happy National Children Day 2018!

Read 1420 times Last modified on Thursday, 26 July 2018 10:27