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Monday, 03 October 2022 14:38

Terawang Cave in Central Java

Written by  Rahma
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Terawang Cave is located in Kedung Wungu Village, Todanan District, Blora Regency, Central Java. Located 32 km west of Blora City, this cave is located in the middle of a dense teak forest. The location is hidden, but this cave offers beauty for visitors.


The limestone holes, which are found in the ceiling of the cave, can allow sunlight to enter and create a very beautiful silhouette. The right time to visit this cave is during daytime, because the beauty of this cave will be more visible when sunlight begins to enter the cave through small holes in the ceiling. You can hunt for beautiful photos with typical views in this cave. To go to the Terawang Cave, from Blora City, you have to go towards the Ngawen Market T-junction, then turn right across the road to Japah, Padaan, Ngapus, until you arrive at Todanan.


Around the Terawang Cave tourism area, which covers 13 hectares, there are 5 other caves that are also beautiful. If you visit this area, take the time to visit one of these 5 instagramable caves.

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