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Tuesday, 12 December 2023 12:14

Preparation of "Future Skills" Much More Concrete Today: President Jokowi

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Indonesian president Joko Widodo at the opening of 3rd Vokasifest and Festival Kampus Merdeka on Monday (11/12/2023). (Photo: Antara/Rangga Pandu Asmara Jingga)


Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that preparing talent and talents for the future is becoming more concrete today amid rapid world changes.

"What is important, in my opinion, is preparing future talent, preparing future skills, that is now much more concrete," said Jokowi at the official opening ceremony for the 3rd Vokasifest and Festival Kampus Merdeka (Campus of Freedom Festival) at Graha Bhakti Budaya, Ismail Marzuki Park, Jakarta on Monday (11/12/2023).


As stated by the Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MECRT) Nadiem Makarim, Jokowi said that the global talent competitiveness index in Indonesia has risen very high, which he lauds as a real result.


"Our education must follow current and future needs, solve problems, and must also take advantage of existing opportunities. The world changes are very quick; technological disruption is also very fast. Therefore, we must have the courage to innovate to find new ways in a bid to develop young talents," Jokowi explained.


President Jokowi emphasized that higher and vocational education also has an important role in teaching relevant science and technology. He assessed that the Vokasifest and Festival Kampus Merdeka show concrete collaboration and cooperation between universities, schools, and industry; while bringing students and students closer to the world of work.


"Not only that, the Minister (Nadiem) said earlier that the results of the existing work are concrete, real. I was shown the buses, applications, platforms I saw in front, animations were produced, and much more," he added.


Meanwhile, in his report, Nadiem said that higher and vocational education had the fastest impact on building great human resources.


"Why is it fastest? Because children who leave higher education and vocational schools immediately enter the workforce and the impact immediately increases the Indonesian economy," said Nadiem.


He explained that the Ministry of Education and Culture had made three major changes to transform higher and vocational education so that it is more open to innovation.


"I still remember four years ago discussing it with the President. The President was quite frustrated with the existing situation, on why education was so rigid. This is a form of opening up the education system," he said.


The MECRT is holding the 2023 3rd Vokasifest and Festival Kampus Merdeka to promote vocational education achievements with the innovation of the Freedom to Learn - Campus of Freedom (MBKM) policy in building great human resources. It is a major collaboration between the Directorate General of Vocational Education and the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology; both under the MECRT. (Antara)

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