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Saturday, 06 January 2024 11:31

Pulau Karimunjawa

Written by  Rahma
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Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Pulau Karimunjawa” (2x) which means “Karimunjawa Island”. Stay tuned.

Here is a conversation about “Pulau Karimunjawa” (2x) which means “Karimunjawa Island”. This conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a local officer. Chris was making a vlog in Karimunjawa Island.


Chris     (P)   : Hai, Semua! Saat ini saya berada di pesisir Pulau Karimunjawa. Saya sedang bersama Pak Parto. Beliau petugas Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Selamat siang, Pak.

Petugas (P) :   Selamat siang, Semua!


Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic “Pulau Karimunjawa” (2x) which means “Karimunjawa Island”.

saat ini (2x)

which means right now

di pesisir   (2x)

which means on the coasts

Pulau Karimunjawa (2x)

which means Karimunjawa Island

Saat ini saya berada di pesisir pulau Karimunjawa (2X)  

which means Right now, I am on the coasts of Karimunjawa Island

bersama (2x)

which means together with

petugas (2x)

which means officer

Taman nasional (2x)

which means National Park


In the conversation, there is a sentenceSaat ini saya berada di pesisir Pulau Karimunjawa (2x) which means “Right now I am on the coasts of Karimunjawa Island”. In that sentence, there is the word pesisir(2x) which means “coasts”, a land next to or near the ocean. Pesisir(2x) which means “coasts” is a word we use related to a natural landscape. Pesisir(2x) which means “coasts” was used by Chris to state a part of a beach of Karimunjawa Island.

Here are other examples using expressions related to nature.


Terumbu karang(2x) which means coral reef.

Terumbu karang di Karimunjawa sangat indah (2x) Coral reef in Karimunjawa is very pretty.

Hutan bakau(2x) which mangrove forest.

Kita bisa menjelajah hutan bakau di Karimunjawa (2x) which means We can explore mangrove forest in Karimunjawa

For your information. Besides being a sanctuary, Karimunjawa National Park has many things to visit. It has pretty beaches and underwater habitat. In the past, Karimunjawa was called the Caribbean van Java or the Caribbean of Java.

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