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Wednesday, 14 February 2024 15:27

President Joko Widodo hopes, the elections can be participated in by all Indonesian people

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President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana showed their little finger after voting - 

Voinews, Jakarta - President Joko Widodo hopes that the 2024 General Elections can be participated in by all Indonesian people happily. After exercising his right to vote at poll station (TPS) 10 Gambir in Central Jakarta, Wednesday morning (14/2), President Joko Widod expressed his hope that the implementation of the elections will run according to the principles: direct, public, free, confidential, honest and fair.

This is a party of democracy; we hope that this will be the party of the people, and will also take place fairly, and overflowingly, and will be participated in by all Indonesian people with joyBecause, this is a people's party, a party of democracy”, President Jokowi stated. 

After voting, President Joko Widodo further said that he would immediately return to the palace to monitor the quick election countHe and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo arrived at TPS 10 Gambir in Central JakartaWednesday morning at around 08.48 to vote. At the TPS, President Joko Widodo registered as a permanent voter list with number 50, while Mrs. Iriana is registered with number 47//(/trans-yati/Sekretariat Presiden/PNA)

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