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Thursday, 10 October 2024 12:10

Before going up

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Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Di Bima” which means “In Bima.”

Here is a conversation about “Sebelum Naik” which means “Before going up”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a local of Bima who owned a traditional building at Maria tourism village, Bima Regency. The person is telling Chris about how to enter their traditional building.

  Chris (P)              :  “ Bangunan ini tinggi ya. Untuk masuk ke dalam harus

                                   naik tangga.

  Warga lokal (W)  :   Dulu, tangga ini dilepas kalau tidak dipakai. Kami harus

                                   memasang tangga sebelum naik.

  Chris (P)              :   Tangga ini terbuat dari kayu apa?


Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic “Sebelum Naik” which means “Before going up”. I will say it two times slowly, and please repeat after me.

kami (2x)

which means We

harus (2x)

which means Must

memasang (2x)

which means Install

tangga (2x) 

which means Ladder

sebelum (2x) 

which means Before

naik  (2x)

which means Going up

Kami harus memasang tangga sebelum  naik     (2x)

which means We must install a ladder before going up.

tinggi (2x)

which means High

kayu (2x)

which means Wood


In the conversation, there is the expression “Kami harus memasang tangga sebelum naik” which means “We must install a ladder before going up”. There is the conjunction “sebelum” which means “before”, which connects two clauses and states the chronology.

The word “sebelum” which means “before” connects a clause with another clause containing an activity done afterwards, namely “Kami harus memasang tangga” which means “We must install a ladder” and “naik” which means “going up”.

Other example.

Here is another use of “sebelum” (2x) which means “before” with another sentence.

Chris menonton pacuan kuda sebelum pergi ke Desa Maria which means Chris watched a horse race before going to Maria Village.  

Sebelum masuk ke bangunan tradisional, ibu-ibu memasang tangga which means Before entering the traditional building, the women installed a ladder.


Some stilt houses like uma lengge could be found in some regions across Indonesia. The traditional stilt houses can be found in Sulawesi, Sumatera, Java, and Kalimantan. Stilt houses have a high floor and are far from the ground. In the past, stilt houses were built to avoid wild animals and floods.

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