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Friday, 22 February 2019 10:28

Kashmir, problem for India and Pakistan

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Last week, a suicide bombing in Kashmir, India killed 40 Indian paramilitary police. After this attack, India accused Muslim groups in Pakistan of playing a role. The attack took place just few days before the arrival of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman to Pakistan, which continued to India. This attack increased the tension between Pakistan and India. During his visit, Prince Mohammed bin Salman brought investment to both Pakistan and India. In Pakistan, the Saudi Arabia invests US$20 billion dollars. Meanwhile in India, the value of Saudi’s investment is 5 times bigger than in Pakistan. In addition to the economic mission, Prince Mohammed bin Salman also promised to mediate the issue of Kashmir. Although this mission was successful, it was marked by the refusal of the entry of a plane that brought Prince Mohammed to India on the grounds that he immediately came from Pakistan so that the plane returned to Riyadh and then entered India. Kashmir which includes Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh is a region disputed by the two countries for more than 7 decades. History states that the King of Kashmir has decided to join India instead of Pakistan. The war occurred for two years and at the end of the war, Pakistani forces did not withdraw from Kashmir. Finally, Kashmir is divided in two. India and Pakistan have fought twice to get full control of Kashmir. In fact, parts of eastern Kashmir have been slowly occupied by China since 1950s. The problem is now more complicated because India and Pakistan are currently two countries with nuclear powers. The United Nations –UN has sought to mediate by proposing a referendum on Indian-backed Kashmir. Initially supporting the idea for possible status of Kashmir as a sovereign territory, India later  refused the referendum. No one wants a beautiful region like Kashmir hit by armed conflict. Both parties, including the United Nations must find the best solution for Kashmir. Because without an immediate solution, the victims are still the people of Kashmir. The question is now whether Pakistan and India are willing if the Kashmir people choose their own sovereignty and do not join the two countries.

Read 1244 times Last modified on Friday, 22 February 2019 17:15