It is important to revitalize Wasatiyyat, the balance way of life or the moderate way of life that has been the way of Islam especially in current condition where extremism climate is emerging. It was stated by Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, Chairman of Fiqh Council of North America, Chapman Orange University, California to RRI World Service-Voice of Indonesia on the sidelines of High Level Consultation of World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyyat Islam which takes place in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia from May 1-4, 2018. Muzammil Siddiqi said today there are many people including Muslims who have lost wasatiyyat, the balance. Thus he urged to be united to bring goodness to the humanity.
“Some people have been very liberal, secular they lost the sense of their religion, some have been very conservative, so we Islam bring people together. Muslim should be together, but we are not going together against anybody, we are not coming together against Christians, against Jews, against Hindus, Buddhist, we are to bring goodness to all people because our prophet is rahmatullilalamin,” Muzammil Siddiqi said.
Siddiqi also said Islam emphasizes to pay attention not only to Muslims but to humanity at large, because all human being such as children are humans, so they all are brothers and sisters in humanity. He stressed that Islam has to care for all, and this is the balance way or wasatiyyat. (VOI/DP/AHM)
The High-level Consultation Forum of World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyyat has a significant and strategic meaning for Muslims throughout the world, especially Indonesian Muslims. It was stated by Rector of Muhammadiyah University Professor Hamka, Professor Suyatno M. Pd to RRI World Service Voice of Indonesia on the first day of the meeting at Novotel Hotel, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia on Tuesday, May 1st. According to Suyatno, the meeting that will last until May 3rd is very important because at this time the position of Islam needs attention so it can be ummah or the people who can make changes and renewal for ummah around the world. He emphasized that Islam as a religion must be a role model to the world’s civilization.
“Islam as a religion must become a role model to the life of the world’s civilization, so it is not only for Muslims. But from the results of this conference, Muslims will present the face of Muslims that are able to give peace and prosperity for the world’s mankind,” Suyatno said.
Suyatno also said Indonesia as a heterogeneous country must be able to show the real picture of Islam and can coexist with other religions. He also said that with good understanding and good application of wasatiyyat, the conflicts in some countries in the world can be avoided. He pointed out Indonesia with a religious belief can avoid a big conflict because of the right understanding of wasatiyyat. (VOI/DP/AHM)
Indonesian President Joko Widodo introduced Indonesia to the participants of the Ulema and the World Muslim Scholars Consultative Forum held on Tuesday, May 1st at the Bogor Palace, West Java. In front of around 100 participants from various countries, the President said that Indonesia is a democracy country with the largest Muslim population in the world. With the large number of people, tribes and local languages, Indonesia has a diverse challenge that should be maintained. Indonesia, according to President Joko Widodo, has succeeded in maintaining unity and peace by establishing the state’s basic principle Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. He said that diversity in Indonesia is a boon and source of nation power that make Indonesia grow into a strong nation.
“We are the people of Indonesia want to introduce ourselves, Indonesia is a democracy country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Our Muslim citizens are about 210 million of the total population of 260 million. There are 714 ethnicities. There are more than 1,100 local languages. They are spread over 17 thousand islands. We live in diversity, different religions, diverse ethnicities and diverse cultures. We are thankful that in this diversity Indonesia is able to maintain brotherhood, tolerance, peace and unity. Indonesia has the state basic principle of Pancasila and the motto of bhineka Tunggal ika, unity in diversity, diversity is the grace of Allah SWT. We must maintain the diversity. They are the sources of power that make us a strong nation, but being a very diverse nation,” President Joko Widodo said.
Furthermore, the President said that Indonesia is committed to continuing to foster unity among the people. It is done by prioritizing deliberations accompanied by tolerance and fairness. He also invited all the scholars who attended the opening of the High-level Consultation Forum of the World Muslim Scholars to become models in developing world peace. According to the President it will become an important capital that will play a role in driving the progress of the world. (VOI/Ndy/trans by Rezha/AHM)
Vice-President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Massoumah Ebtekar explained Iran's position to maintain a nuclear deal with six world’s powers. This was conveyed when she met Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Tuesday, May 2nd at the Presidential Palace Bogor, West Java. To reporters, Massoumah Ebtekar explained the importance of maintaining the agreed nuclear agreement in 2015 with five countries plus one. She said that the nuclear deal does not only involve Iran and Western countries alone, but more than that it also becomes an international agreement. According to Iran's move to defend the nuclear deal, it is an important step to ensure multilateralism in the world today. In addition, according to Massoumah Ebtekar, Iran's step in defending the nuclear deal is an important step to support the world's non-proliferation movement. She also hopes that the nuclear deal can go according to what has been agreed and implemented by Iran as a principle.
“And I also mentioned the importance the nuclear deal that Iran has made with the 5+1 and pointed the fact that this nuclear deal is not only a deal between Iran and the west, it is an international deal, it is an important step towards ensuring multilateralism in today’s world. And it is very important in terms of non-proliferation. I hope that this deal will be as Iran has complied and stood by its principles. I hope that it will proceed and continue and that can ensure that peace and security not only in our region but in the world will prevail,” Massoumah Ebtekar said.
A total of six world powers reached an agreement with Iran in a nuclear agreement in 2015. The six countries are the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and China. Recently it was reported, Britain, France and Germany have proposed new sanctions for Iran related to the ballistic missile program and its role in the war in Syria. It is intended to persuade the United States to maintain a program agreement agreed with Iran in 2015. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump has previously submitted an ultimatum to European countries that also signed the agreement to fix the deal he considers bad. If there is no change in the deal signed during the administration of President Barack Obama, then Trump will pull the United States from the Treaty of nuclear program and re-impose sanctions on Iran. (VOI/Ndy trans by Rezha/AHM)