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The government of Indonesia will encourage the establishment of extradition agreement in ASEAN. Director General of ASEAN Cooperation Jose Tavares said in Jakarta on Wednesday that the government of Indonesia considered that with the increasing of cross border in ASEAN it should strengthen law cooperation among ASEAN countries, including extradition cooperation. According to Jose Tavares,  Indonesia will encourage discussion on the formation of extradition treaty in the next ministerial meeting of ASEAN this year. But, the establishment is a big work in ASEAN. Therefore, according to Jose Tavares, Directorate General of ASEAN Cooperation and Directorate General of Law and International Agreement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must cooperate with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (HAM) to encourage the agreement. He added the agreement can  assist law enforcement inrespective ASEAN member countries.//trans-yati//ant.11.1’18.mar/ahm


Government Opens Rice Import Option

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The government through the Ministry of Trade stated that it opened the option of importing special rice to strengthen the stock.

Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita asserted at his office in Jakarta on Wednesday that if the imports is carried out by the government, then the rice to be imported is not that of the medium quality, but special rice and is done in an effort to strengthen government stock.

The emergence of the rice import option is a response to the statement of Vice President Jusuf Kalla who asked state-logistics board Bulog to review rice import option to bring down rice prices at the consumer level. In recent times, the price of rice, especially that of the medium quality, has climbed and above the Highest Retail Price (HET) set by the government.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has asked for studies of import option of medium-grade rice to stabilize prices which continue to increase in the market.//antara


President Joko Widodo said the Indonesian government is determined to catching up with infrastructure development. This effort, according to the President, is often constrained by land acquisition issues that often hamper government-run development projects.

Therefore, the President hopes that the land acquisition measures are implemented so as not to hinder the government's development program. Moreover, according to the President, currently the legal umbrella has been available to support the development efforts that are currently being promoted.

“Related to national strategic project support especially infrastructure, we are concentrated, we want to catch up in the construction of toll road, Special Economic Zone (KEK), power plant. This infrastructure is carried out to lower logistics costs. It is impossible to compete with other countries if our infrastructure is still like this. Complaints from investors, our SOEs who have the duty from the government in the land acquisition. I think the legal umbrella already exists. We only need to speed up by cooperating with related agencies such as the National Land Agency, regional government and others,” the President said.

Furthermore, in his remarks at the opening of the National Working Meeting of the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/the National Land Agency, on Wednesday in Jakarta, the President also said that the relevant ministries should pay attention to the land disputes that are still found in some areas in Indonesia.

Related to that, the President has asked the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning to pay attention to the certificate of land that has been distributed. He hopes that there will be no overlapping certificate that will trigger the dispute, including on the customary land. (Ndy/ahm)







President Joko Widodo highlighted the importance of the Agrarian Reform and land distribution program for the community. According to him, the program was intended to reduce the number of gaps in the community. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the National Working Meeting of the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning, on Wednesday in Jakarta, the President asked the ministry to prepare the land distribution program in 2018 by focusing on the Right to Cultivate (HGU).  


The President said that the land distribution should be conducted in an integrated manner among various stakeholders to ensure the gaps can be reduced.


“We should have the same vision. The land redistribution is not a land-sharing program. It is for the welfare of the people especially for the lowest income, to reduce poverty and inequality. The land redistribution should be integrated with developing programs by ministries and agencies. We can reduce Gini Ratio if we can do this. It must be supported,” the President said. 


Furthermore, President Joko Widodo also expressed his appreciation toward ministry of agrarian and spatial planning that have successfully achieved the target of land certification in 2017. With the existing track record, the government believes, the target of 7 million land certificates in Indonesia will be achieved in 2018.


Previously, in his report, the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency Sofyan Djalil said that in 2017, the government has completed 5.25 million land registration products. Of that amount, some 4.2 million land certificates have been distributed to the public.


In addition, according to Sofyan Djalil, the government will also increase the number of land measurers to support the target achievement of 7 million land certificates in 2018. Currently the number of land measurers in Indonesia reaches 5800 people. This year the government plans to add up to 3 thousand measurers to ensure that land certification targets can be achieved. (Ndy/ahm)