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The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) held a webinar series 1 entitled 'Road to World Tourism Day: Rethinking Tourism' as an effort to increase public awareness and participation in the 42nd edition of the World Tourism Day celebration which will be held will be held in Bali on 27 September 2022.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno while giving welcome remarks in the webinar, Thursday (25/8/2022), said September 27 was commemorated as World Tourism Day and this year Indonesia appointed to host World Tourism Day celebrations for the first time.

"This has had a huge impact on the national and global tourism agenda, especially in efforts to recover the tourism sector after the pandemic. Therefore, the celebration of World Tourism Day 2022 is a very strategic momentum for Indonesia to realize the tourism agenda and ideals for the future," said the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.

“Obviously this World Tourism Day celebration belongs to us all, the Indonesian people as part of the world community. And the success of World Tourism Day 2022 will be the success of all of us and all Indonesian tourism people," he said.

Plt. Deputy for Resources and Institutions of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as well as Expert Staff of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy in the field of Sustainable Development and Conservation of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Frans Teguh said that the appointment of Indonesia as the host of the celebration of World Tourism Day deserves to be welcomed with joy and support, cooperation and public participation in this regard. This is intended for local governments to make World Tourism Day 2022 a success.

"We expect support from all stakeholders because the success of this celebration is a momentum for us to transform towards a higher quality and more sustainable tourism development," said Frans.

This webinar presents several speakers including Academics, Myra Puspasari Gunawan; DPP GIPI (Indonesian Tourism Industry Association) Bali, Ralph M; Representative of the Bali Tourism Board, Sidharta Putra; and the Gianyar Tourism Community, Mangku Nyoman Kandia. This event discussed issues related to the theme of World Tourism Day, namely Rethinking Tourism.

The theme provides space for webinar participants to change their mindset and determine a strategic approach in tourism development that is more inclusive and oriented to people and the planet.

The speakers also agreed that quality and sustainable tourism will be the main focus of post-pandemic tourism. The downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic provides an understanding of the importance of protecting the environment with discipline and wisdom.

"Currently environmental sustainability is a prerequisite, investors are also looking for places where environmental sustainability is better," said academician, Myra Puspasari Gunawan.

Meanwhile, Representative of the Bali Tourism Board, Sidharta Putra, said that tourism that does not damage nature, culture, and customs will be the basic capital in developing tourism in a sustainable direction.

“Therefore, what needs to be put forward in this World Tourism Day is the role of humans themselves. Because our concept is Tri Hita Karana, where there are three things in balance, namely by humans, social culture, and the environment. But the key is humans themselves, because humans can damage or protect the environment and culture. So Tri Hita Karana can be a platform in the development of sustainable tourism," said Sidharta.

On that occasion, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy appealed to the Head of Regional Offices and their staff to help socialize the World Tourism Day video, the use of the World Tourism Day logo at regional events, appealed to local hotels that became regional authorities to also display the World Tourism Day video. In addition, it is also expected that there will be regional events dedicated to World Tourism Day such as reforestation, eco action, river cleaning, or other activities. (VOI)




The National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) has said that it is committed to implementing five transformative measures to prevent and curb the threats of radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia.

"The first (measure) is to transform the nationalism spirit," BNPT head Boy Rafli Amar said, according to a written statement received here on Thursday.

He made the statement during a hearing meeting with Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) at the Parliament Complex here earlier.

Besides transforming the nationalism spirit, the agency will also exert efforts to revitalize Pancasila values, religious moderation, and customary and cultural values, as well as promote welfare development-based terrorism prevention, the BNPT head informed.

The five transformative measures will be implemented to check anti-Indonesia and anti-Constitutional radical and terror movements, which are intolerant to differences, abuse religious values, are anti-humanity, and permit violence to achieve ideological goals, he said.

"BNPT will remain committed to protecting the nation from the threats of radicalism and terrorism," he added.

Meanwhile, DPR Commission III legislators lauded the BNPT for its effective and accountable counter-terrorism and radicalism measures.

Legislator Heru Widodo said that the lack of terror crimes in recent years has demonstrated BNPT's success in preventing terrorism in Indonesia.

Legislator Ichsan Soelistio lauded the agency for getting an unqualified opinion for its financial report in 2021, which proved BNPT's effective financial management in efforts to prevent terrorism and radicalism.

"We commend your (agency's) proper and accurate (budget) absorption," Soelistio said.

Moreover, the parliamentary commission reiterated its commitment to supporting the counter-terrorism agency and reminded BNPT to bolster and focus more on terrorism and radicalism prevention programs. (Antaranews)




The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has said that it will collaborate with researchers and G20 member countries for conserving biodiversity through the sharing of facilities, infrastructure, and funding.

G20 Indonesia's 2nd Research and Innovation Initiative Gathering (RIIG) was organized on Thursday here for the preparation of the collaboration framework by BRIN and G20 member states.

The 2nd RIIG was themed “Enhancing Collaboration on Research and Innovation through Sharing Facilities, Infrastructure, and Funding.”

"One of the most important global problems today is the loss of biodiversity," BRIN head Laksana Tri Handoko said here on Thursday.

According to him, building a strong research and innovation ecosystem is one of the important agendas of the G20 for responding to global crises and challenges, which include the loss of biodiversity.

Loss of biodiversity negatively affects the earth's ecosystems as it threatens human well-being, prosperity, and security, he said. Biodiversity loss has worsened over time due to the unsustainable and irreversible use of natural resources.

"Earth citizens need to take responsibility for ensuring the sustainable use of biodiversity, as well as finding solutions to curb biodiversity loss," Handoko stressed.

While Indonesia has carried out conservation and restoration efforts, more advanced research and innovation in biotechnology are still needed.

Meanwhile, BRIN's deputy for research and innovation facilitation, Agus Haryono, said that currently, there are several research groups or institutions in the biodiversity field with varying missions and collaboration schemes.

The groups are Group of Senior Officials on Global Research Infrastructure (GSO on GRI), Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Diseases Preparedness (GLOPID-R), European Research Infrastructure (ERI), Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and the ASEAN Center For Biodiversity (ACB).

"However, those research institutions do not specifically focus on sharing infrastructure, facilities, and funding for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity," Haryono pointed out.

Therefore, he said, RIIG has proposed the formation of the Global Biodiversity Research and Innovation Platform (GBRIP) that will support advanced and developing countries in carrying out biodiversity conservation. (Antaranews)




Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and King Mswati III of Eswatini witnessed the inking of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two countries at the Merdeka Palace here on Thursday.

The MoU signed by Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi and her counterparts from the Kingdom of Eswatini, Thulisile Dladla, is the enabler for economic cooperation between the two nations, as quoted from the statement of the Presidential Secretariat.

Marsudi noted that several cooperation sectors come under the MoU that will be the priority of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Eswatini.

The sectors include trade, investment, mining, energy, green economy, agriculture, infrastructure and development, tourism, as well as health.

"Later, we will hold meetings from time to time to follow up on the progress in the implementation of the cooperation," the minister affirmed.

President Jokowi was also accompanied by State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir and Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung during the inking of the agreement.

After the signing of the MoU, King Mswati III will receive Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Arsjad Rasjid along with two other Kadin officials, Garibaldi Thohir and Hilmi Panigoro, as well as several representatives from the Indonesian private sector.

The meeting with Indonesian business actors aimed to further discuss various possible forms of cooperation as a follow-up to the MoU.

Earlier, on Wednesday (August 24, 2022), President Jokowi received a courtesy call from King Mswati III at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, to discuss efforts to increase economic cooperation between the countries.

Marsudi noted that closer bilateral cooperation was encouraged by the development of the business of an Indonesian wellness spa company in Eswatini.

"At the meeting, the King of Eswatini said that the wellness spa company in Eswatini plans to import Indonesian cosmetic products," she stated.  (Antaranews)