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President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conveyed his congratulations on Bhayangkara Day or the 76th anniversary of the National Police when he became the inspector of the Bhayangkara Day commemoration ceremony, at the Police Academy Campus, Temple area, Semarang, Central Java, Tuesday (5/7/2022).

In front of the ranks of the National Police, the Head of State also expressed his appreciation for the hard work of the Police in serving the people, defending the nation and state.

"On behalf of the people, nation and state, I wish you a happy 76th Bhayangkara Day and give appreciation for the hard work of the Police in serving the people, in defending the nation and state. I and the Indonesian people have high hopes for the Police," said President Jokowi.

The President said that the authority of the National Police organization penetrated down to the village level. Every day, members of the Police are in direct contact with the people.

Therefore, the President reminded that every action taken by Polri personnel will always be considered by the people.

"Wherever you work, you are always under the people's observation, you are always in the people's judgment, the people judge whether the behavior of the police is in line with the people's expectations," he said.

The former mayor of Solo, citing the results of a Kompas Research and Development survey, which showed 58.3 percent of respondents stated that the actions of the National Police were in accordance with Presisi's vision.

"But remember that 28.6 percent said it was not finished," said Jokowi.

He also reminded that the slightest mistake made by members of the National Police could damage public confidence in the Bhayangkara Corps.

"Therefore, work carefully, work with precision," said Jokowi. (RRI)




President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked the National Police to oversee the entire national agenda which will soon be implemented.

Starting from the construction of the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago, the agenda of the G20 Indonesia Summit, to the upcoming 2024 General Election.

"First, the development of the National Capital. Moving the capital is changing the way of working to build the engine of Indonesia's progress in the future, the National Police must guard it so that it can run smoothly and on time," the President said in his speech when he became the inspector of the Bhayangkara Day commemoration ceremony, at the Academy Campus. Police, Temple area, Semarang, Central Java, Tuesday (5/7/2022).

"Secondly, the G20 agenda is already underway and must be monitored. The climax will be the G20 Summit in November in Bali, which will be attended by the Heads of State of the G20 members," he said.

Third, the President said, big agendas such as the Pilleg democracy (Legislative General Election), Presidential Election (Presidential General Election), and Pilkada (Regional Head Election) simultaneously in 2024 must be anticipated properly. The National Police is obliged to provide maximum support for kamtibmas (Community Security and Order) so that the democratic party runs well.

President Jokowi said that in order to face an increasingly difficult task, individual members of the National Police and Polri institutions must continue to innovate, be adaptive, responsive, and transform.

"Police can become a modern institution and synergize with the TNI, Ministries and institutions in carrying out their duties," he said.

In addition, President Jokowi also reminded the Police to continue to bring a sense of justice to the community. He wants law enforcement to be a last resort.

"I need to remind you, the sense of justice and the usefulness of the law must be felt by the people, must be felt by the community. The Police must prioritize prevention efforts in maintaining security and social order, carry out various policing actions with humanism, but firm when needed. Make law enforcement a last resort, must obey procedures, and upholding human rights," he concluded. (RRI)




The Indonesian government was committed to collaborate in order to expedite the production of goods from the national petrochemical industry, Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita noted in a statement on Monday.

The petrochemical industry is a strategic industry in the upstream sector, as it became a foundational element for the development of downstream sectors, such as plastic, fabric fiber, textile, packaging, electronics, automotive, and medicines.

During the period from 2020 to 2023, the government will continue to assist in various major development projects conducted by the petrochemical industry, with investment value reaching US$31 billion.

The investment aims to bolster commodity production of the upstream chemical sector and conduct substitution for petrochemical products, such as ethylene, propylene, benzene, toluene, xylene, butadiene, polyethylene, and polypropylene, that are still imported.

The price of natural gas, set at US$6 per MMBTU, is one of the government's approaches to encourage development of the petrochemical industry in Indonesia.

Competitive gas price for industry raw materials has a positive impact on the industry's competitiveness and growth, Kartasasmita stated.

When competitiveness increases, the growth of Indonesia's manufacturing industry will also show an improvement, he noted.

To this end, the government pushes to have industrial areas to be connected with natural gas pipes immediately, so that the petrochemical industry can grow rapidly.

“Our goal is to have all industries that require gas as raw material to be able to receive gas,” he remarked.

The petrochemical industry has unique characteristics, such as being capital-intensive; requiring large investment; needing specific raw materials; having high risk in terms of the safety aspect; and having tough competition from a business standpoint.

Meanwhile, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif noted that the petrochemical industry is a large-scale industry that requires several raw materials, such as naphtha. This material is still frequently imported by domestic industries.

Moreover, the assurance of raw material supply availability and economic value should become an area of focus, as the petrochemical industry faces pressure due to several competitions before the energy crisis, he underlined.

"Indonesia is a market, so we have to open opportunities for other major industries to be able to enter," he stated. (Antaranews)





President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on officers of the Indonesian Police to work precisely and prudently so as to prevent a decline in public trust in the institution.

The president's remarks were made while serving as inspector for the 76th Police's Bhayangkara Day commemoration ceremony centred at the Police Academy campus in Semarang, Central Java, on Tuesday.

"Every misstep at the workplace, no matter how minor it is, can ruin the people's trust in the Police institution. Therefore, you must work prudently and precisely," the president stated, as observed by online means on Tuesday.

The head of state then lauded the hard work of all police officers in serving the people and defending the nation.

The president and the Indonesian people have pinned high hopes on the police, as the institution has reach till the village level, thereby allowing officers to interact with residents on a daily basis.

Conversely, daily interactions with residents will also result in constant monitoring and assessment of the officers, he noted.

Jokowi drew attention to the results of a recent survey conducted by newspaper Kompas wherein 58.3 percent of the survey respondents perceived police officers to have adhered to the police's precision values: predictiveness, responsibility, and transparency.

"However, remember, some 28.6 percent (of the respondents) believed that the work remains undone," he affirmed.

The president remarked that the police still need to support measures taken by the government to address the COVID-19 pandemic and the current uncertainties due to the energy, food, and financial crises.

The police must also ensure that the residents are safe and remain in order while facing those challenges, he concluded.

Former president Megawati Soekarnoputri; former vice presidents Try Sutrisno, Hamzah Haz, and Jusuf Kalla; as well as government ministers, heads of national institutions, and the military and police top brass, were present during the commemoration ceremony. (antaranews)