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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Build momentum for growth, create well-developed nation: House Speaker
House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker, Puan Maharani, wearing the traditional attire of Jambi. (ANTARA/Hanni Sofia)

House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker Puan Maharani urged the nation to use the 75th Independence Day as an opportunity to strengthen unity in diversity and build mutual cooperation among people to create a well-developed Indonesia.

“Our common goal is making Indonesia a well-developed country. We can make it together through mutual cooperation and by directing the politics of our national development (to achieve the goal),” she said in a statement issued in Jakarta on Monday.

The politics of national development could be pushed to accelerate Indonesia's human capital development, strengthen the country's food industry, promote equal infrastructure development, and optimize bureaucratic reform, Maharani said.

Making Indonesia into a well-developed nation, which is independent and a master in science and technology, would require hard work and courage, she added.

Maharani quoted a statement made by the country's founding father and first president, Soekarno, at the Asia African Conference in Bandung, West Java, in 1955 on the threats posed by colonialism.

According to Soekarno, acts of colonialism can be carried out by a small group of foreigners among communities in the form of economic, intellectual, and wealth domination, she stated.

“They are indeed a cunning and resilient enemy who will camouflage in any possible way,” Puan Maharani quoted Soekarno as saying.

Soekarno’s words remain relevant to the current situation and Indonesia must remain cautious as it responds to the challenges of the era, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, she added.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had earlier highlighted the importance of getting through the public health and economic crises amid the novel coronavirus pandemic situation while addressing the People's Consultative Assembly's (MPR's) annual session and joint session of the DPR and Regional Representatives Council (DPD) in Jakarta on August 14, 2020.

President Jokowi reiterated the significance of tackling Indonesia's fundamental problems and making a huge leap for registering significant progress amid the far-reaching impacts and implications of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"Our current goal is not only to escape the pandemic and to get through the crisis. We are taking measures to make a big leap by making the most of the momentum of the ongoing crisis," President Jokowi affirmed.

The President said he believes the crisis presents a momentum for Indonesia to catch up and to forge ahead to make a major transformation by implementing grand strategies.

"We must make the most of this crisis. We must simultaneously and concurrently capitalize on this momentum," the head of state noted.

"We must work towards making Indonesia stand at par with other countries. We must aspire to make our country an Advanced Indonesia," he added. (ANTARA)


Unity instrumental for Indonesia to navigate through twin crises: SBY

Indonesia's sixth president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. ANTARA/HO-Instagram @aniyudhoyono

Indonesia's sixth president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), expressed belief and confidence in Indonesia's capability to aptly resolve and steer through the public health and economic crises arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, if it stood united.

"Our country is currently facing a twin crises. Hence, we must remain united," Yudhoyono stated in a video circulated by the Indonesian Presidential Secretariat to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Indonesia's Independence Day in Jakarta on Monday.

Yudhoyono, who led Indonesia for a decade, laid emphasis on preserving unity as the most important aspect for the nation amid this global pandemic situation.

To this end, the government must lead and assist the people, while the public, on its part, should fully support the government and fulfill mandatory duties, according to the former president.

"With God's help and our hard work, Insya Allah (God willing), we are in a position to tide through this difficult time," he noted.

Indonesia is the biggest country and economy in Southeast Asia. It is also a member of the G-20 along with Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union.

The nation and state are mandatorily tasked with building Indonesia to become well-developed, peaceful, prosperous, and just, SBY affirmed.

"Our noble goal to become a strong and developed state in this century is not just an empty dream," he remarked while urging the entire nation to always be thankful to the Almighty God and the nation's founding fathers and leaders from different eras.

While earlier addressing the People's Consultative Assembly's (MPR's) annual session and joint session of the House of Representatives (DPR) and Regional Representatives Council (DPD) in Jakarta on Aug 14, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had highlighted the importance of tiding over the twin crises.

President Jokowi reiterated the criticality of tackling Indonesia's fundamental problems and making a huge leap for registering significant progress amid the far-reaching impacts and implications of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"Our current goal is not only limited to overcoming the pandemic and getting through the crisis, but we are also taking measures to make a huge leap by capitalizing on the momentum presented by the ongoing crisis," President Jokowi emphasized.

The head of state expressed belief that the crisis had given rise to a momentum for Indonesia to catch up and forge ahead to make a major transformation by applying grand strategies.

"We must make the most of this crisis. We must simultaneously and concurrently capitalize on this momentum," the head of state remarked.

"We must work towards making Indonesia stand at par with other countries. We must aspire to make our country an Advanced Indonesia," he stated. (ANTARA)


Trump to Widodo: Committed to peace in Indo-Pacific region

US President Donald Trump and Indonesian President Joko Widodo pose for a photo on the sidelines of G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan, in June, 2019. (ANTARA/Dok. Biro Pers Setpres/pri) 

In a message to President Joko Widodo on Indonesia's 75th Independence Day, US President Donald Trump said the two nations are democratic and committed to promoting world peace and prosperity, including in the Indo-Pacific region.

“On behalf of the United States, with a great sense of joy, I would like to congratulate you and (the) people of Indonesia that celebrated the 75th Independence Day on August 17," Trump said in his message, a copy of which was made available by the US Embassy and consulate to ANTARA on Monday.

“Through the cooperation to promote our interests, based on the democratic values we adopt together, I believe that we will be able to create an Indo-Pacific region which is really free and open,” he remarked.

Similarities in values between the two countries serve as a capital to establish strategic relations, which currently focus on joint efforts to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, he added.

“Strategic partnership between the US and Indonesia is rooted in common values, deep inter-community relations, and dynamic trade and investment relations,” he continued.

“At this time, which is full of challenges, our common efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 will increasingly deepen our partnership,” he observed. (ANTARA)


President Joko Widodo wore the traditional costume of East Nusa Tenggara province (NTT), which features the Kaif motif woven cloth, during the flag hoisting ceremony on the 75th Independence Day, held at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday.

The dress reflected the colors of the Indonesian flag — red and white. The red color in the costume symbolized the bravery of men from Nunkolo, a sub-district located in Southern Central Timor District of NTT, according to the media communication team for the Indonesian Independence Day celebrations.

The Kaif presents a modified motif of geometrical patterns with a central bar to represent water sources and wavy-edge lines to imitate hilly, winding areas.

Some accessories were added to Jokowi’s attire, including Dester or Pilu, a headband which forms two small horns, symbolic of a "protective king", and, a bag for carrying betel nuts, reflecting the tradition of betel chewing that symbolizes unity and is considered a sign of caring and respect. (ANTARA)