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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


RI-Kanada jalin kerja sama teknologi nuklir kedokteran dan pertanian

Konjen RI Toronto, Leonard F. Hutabarat ( ANTARA/HO-KJRI Toronto/aa)

Indonesian Consul General in Toronto, Canada, Leonard F. Hutabarat encouraged Indonesian higher education institution to collaborate with Canada in developing technology of medical nuclear and agriculture.  It was stated by the   Indonesian Consul General in Toronto when he became a guest speaker in a webinar themed Internationalizing Higher Education: Opportunities for Collaborations between Canada and Indonesia recently. Information Function staff of  Social and Culture of Indonesian Consulate General Toronto, Sturmius Theofanus Bate told Antara London on Monday (17/8) that the Webinar was held by an online education platform, Reducates, in collaboration with the International Association of Scientists. It aimed at  developing Indonesian higher education by encouraging wider collaboration with Canadian higher education institutions//(Antara/TRANS:AF)


Commemoration of Indonesia's 75th Independence Day held solemnly

Eight members of national flag bearers, Paskibraka, on duty for flag-hoisting ceremony during the 75th commemoration of Indonesia's Independence Day conducted amid pandemic situation at Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, Monday, Aug 17, 2020. ANTARA/Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden/Muchlis Jr/sw)

An official ceremony to commemorate Indonesia's 75th Independence Day at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Monday was scaled back over COVID-19 concerns and held in a solemn manner.

"Health protocols are applied to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, we believe that the event would be held in a solemn and prudent manner," Deputy of Protocol, Press, and Media at the Presidential Secretary Bey Machmudin noted.

"This was also held quite modestly and as usual at 9 a.m. local time, we have such festive art and cultural events at the Palace yard, though now, we are moving it entirely to virtual rooms," he pointed out.

National celebrations at the Merdeka Palace would usually see a congregation of hundreds of ceremony participants as well as honorary guests dressed in traditional costumes, while now, it was limited to only 20 ceremony participants and 14 guests.

"We invited people to attend the commemoration virtually, with as many as 17,845 seats available, and also special seats were assigned for foreign ambassadors from across the world," Machmudin stated.

As it turned into a virtual event, the government had urged Indonesians worldwide to pay their respects to the proclamation and flag-raising event by standing in attention at precisely 10:17 a.m. local time.

The flag-hoisting ceremony at the palace was conducted by only eight select students in the flag bearers’ team, the Paskibraka, while regularly it comprised 68 members from each of the 34 provinces.

All of them as well as participants and honorary guests had tested negative for COVID-19 during swab tests.

The Sabang team that hoisted the flag directly comprised three Paskibraka members: Indrian Puspita Rahmadhani from Aceh, Muhammad Adzan from West Nusa Tenggara, and I Gusti Agung Bagus Kade Sanggra Wira Adhinata from Bali.

Infantry Colonel Muhammad Imam Gogor led the flag-hoisting ceremony as commander, while Military Brigadier General Syafruddin acted as ceremony officer. (ANTARA)


Shanghai (VOI News) - The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Shanghai held a ceremony to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, on August 17, 2020 at 09.30 local time. The ceremony was held at the Shanghai World Trade Exhibition Center, China and was attended by around 100 Indonesian citizens. The Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Shanghai, Deny Wachyudi Kurnia and sppuse, along with the staff and family members of the Indonesian Consulate General, as well as several Indonesian students and business people in China, participated in the commemoration. Voice Of Indonesia contributor, Kevin Zhao reported, before entering the venue, guests must show a green code on the health scan result barcode. The Head of Social and Cultural Information of the Indonesian Consulate General in Shanghai, Wandi Adriano, explained that the ceremony was carried out simply because it was still in a pandemic situation.


"We gathered together to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, at the Indonesian Consulate in Shanghai. The ceremony took place solemnly with full simplicity, considering that all of us are still in the Covid 19 pandemic. Hopefully everything can improve soon, and the Indonesian people in Shanghai can gather together," said Wandi Adriano.


The commemoration began with a flag-raising ceremony, with remarks from the Consul General Deny Wachyudi Kurnia, followed by lunch and entertainment. (Kevin Zhao, Shanghai / Nouva/AHM)


On behalf of the people and the government of Pakistan, I wish to convey our warmest felicitations to government and brotherly people of Indonesia on the occasion of the 75th Independence Day of Indonesia.

Pakistan takes great pride in the fact that around 600 Muslim soldiers of present-day Pakistan, took part in the revolution of 1945 alongside Indonesian brothers, leading to Independence. While around 500 of these soldiers laid their lives and buried in Indonesian soil, a few families are still living in different parts of Indonesia as proud Indonesian nationals.

Our two countries enjoy deep rooted, friendly and brotherly relations based on our shared history, culture and religious commonalities as well as aspirations for global peace & stability. Exchange of high-level visits have been a regular feature of our relations. Indonesian President Widodo to Pakistan in January 2018. A number of Parliamentary delegations, defence delegations, other government officials and businessmen have also been interacting frequently.

Both countries have signed over three dozen Agreements and MOUs including cooperation mechanisms under Bilateral Consultative Forum, Policy Planning Dialogue, JWG on Terrorism, Defence Cooperation Agreement and Preferential Trade Agreement which provide the necessary foundation for expanding bilateral relations. Last year, the two sides have also agreed on a Framework for Security Dialogue encompassing a range of areas. First Security Dialogue is likely to be held by end of this year.

Pakistan is keen to further promote trade, investment and tourism. It is heartening to note that bilateral trade, people to people contact and government to government interaction between our two countries are expanding progressively. The bilateral trade figures touched its highest level of US$ 3 billion in 2018. Pakistan is among the top destinations for Indonesian Crude Palm Oil. Owing to hosts of issues including Covid-19, our trade has witnessed some decline in the past, we have to correct in the coming years through sustained efforts in the field of economic diplomacy.

Last year, Pakistan side extended a few scholarships to Indonesia in medicine, engineering and dentistry, under Pakistan technical Assistance Programme (PTAP). Likewise, scholarships to the Indonesian diplomats for Junior and Advanced Diplomatic Courses at the Foreign Service Academy, Islamabad are being offered regularly. The number of scholarships offered by Indonesian government is also increasing, with around 45 Pakistani students currently availing higher education in various Indonesian universities.

Besides trading in goods, we feel that services sectors particularly Tourism, and Information Technology (ICT) and educational collaboration are of great importance with immense potential for further cooperation. The two countries are endeavouring to bring the scientific community, higher education sector as well as the religious ulema closer for expanding ties. It is gratifying to see that Indonesian tourists have now started visiting Pakistan, likewise more and more Pakistanis are heading towards Indonesia for tourism.

I am positive that the existing excellent bilateral relations between our two countries will be further strengthened in the years ahead.