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Zona Integritas
Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Jakarta (VOI News) - Bilateral relations between Indonesia and Pakistan have been going well. Both countries support each other in various fields at international forums and the United Nations. It was stated by Pakistan's Chargé d'Affaires Ad Interim in Jakarta Sajjad Haider Khan at a press conference at the Pakistan Embassy in Jakarta, Tuesday, (05/08). Sajjad said that to date Indonesia and Pakistan have had signed 32 MoUs and established cooperation among others in the fields of defense, terrorism and trade delegation exchanges.


"Our two countries have 32 MoUs and agreements of different times. We have defense cooperation, we have commercial agreements, we have signed groups on terrorism and then working commission is being established. The two countries have policy planning dialogue. We also have delegation level exchanges, commercial, business, trade, investment as well as military, said Sajjad Haider Khan.


In addition to discussing bilateral relations between Indonesia and Pakistan, a press conference at the Pakistani Embassy in Jakarta also discussed the issue of peace and security situation in South Asia, especially related to disputes between Pakistan and India in the Jammu and Kashmir region. On that occasion, Pakistan's Chargé d'Affaires Ad Interim in Jakarta Sajjad Haider Khan called on the Indonesian public and media to give support and express solidarity with the people in Jammu and Kashmir. (VOI / AHM)


One Data Indonesia supports recovery from COVID-19 impacts: Minister

Screen grab of Minister of National Development Planning/Head of National Planning Agency, Suharso Monoarfa, delivering his address during in the virtual session to raise awareness of SDI from Jakarta, Monday (3/8/2020). ANTARA/Dewa Wiguna/ac.

National Development Planning Minister/Head of the National Planning Agency Suharso Monoarfa affirmed that the Satu Data Indonesia (One Data Indonesia/SDI) will support economic recovery efforts and social reforms impacted by COVID-19 in 2021.

"The role of One Data Indonesia is very important in supporting the focused 2021 development efforts," he remarked during the virtual session to raise awareness on SDI from Jakarta, Monday.

Monoarfa believed that the SDI is a policy on governance to produce accurate, updated, integrated, accountable, and accessible data.

It is also segregated between the central and regional agencies by meeting data standards, checking metadata, ensuring data interoperability, and by using reference codes and master data.

Monoarfa noted that the government, through the Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency, is finalizing the 2021 Government Work Plan design in expediting economic recovery and social reform for national recovery that is adaptive and responsive after being hit by COVID-19.

He affirmed that development in 2021 will prioritize economic recovery through the tourism industry sector and investment, national health system reform, social protection system reform, resilience against disaster system, food resilience, and education freedom.

Meanwhile, the seven national priority agendas for 2021 include to strengthen economic resilience for quality and equitable development as well as to boost competitiveness and quality of human resources.

It also encompasses strengthening infrastructure to support economic development and basic services, restore and protect the environment, and boost resilience against disasters and climate change.

President Joko Widodo had earlier signed Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 on One Data Indonesia, with the aim of allowing the government to compile data through a single accurate, updated, integrated, and accessible channel.

The data provided include those on food stock, energy, infrastructure, maritime, education, health, education, economy, industry, tourism, and bureaucracy. (ANTARA)


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is articulating a new-fangled strategy for campaign to propagate health protocols to stop the transmission of COVID-19, including by conducting bi-weekly awareness drives and involving Family Welfare Movement members.

"I want that our focus remains unwavering on health protocols and changing the people's outlook. I want focused (approaches). For instance, we focus on campaigning for the use of masks in two weeks and then in the next two weeks, we campaign on maintaining a safe distance or washing hands," the president noted at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, Monday.

Jokowi made the statement at a limited meeting themed "COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery," with attendees comprising ministers of the Onward Indonesia Cabinet.

"I think it is important to not collectively campaign for hand-washing, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and wearing masks. If we do them together, I think the upper middle class citizens can quickly comprehend it, but it needs to be done one-by-one for the lower-class communities," the president remarked.(ANTARA)


Digital talent scouting in Indonesia within the next 15 years reaches nine million in order to eventually migrate to a digital working environment in all sectors, according to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"In the path to digital transformation, our country needs digital talent, reaching at least nine million, for the next 15 years. This calls for serious preparations to be made," Jokowi remarked during a limited meeting on digital transformation planning at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta on Monday.

The country will need to create digital talent reaching at least 600 thousand every year to build a digital ecosystem, he emphasized.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people work and interact with others, and it should be utilized as a momentum to expedite migration to a digital working ecosystem.

"This is because during the pandemic and even during the post-pandemic period, structural changes has been brought about in the way of working, in activities, consumption, learning, and transaction, from offline with physical contact to online and digital," the president pointed out.

Jokowi affirmed that digital transformation would require mature planning with a nation-wide policy in place and digital infrastructure capacity enhancement across all regions.

Jokowi believes that digitalization would impact Indonesia's competitiveness in the regional and global market.

"According to a survey of the IMD World Digital Competitiveness in 2019, our country is ranked 56th of the 63 countries. We still rank far below other ASEAN countries, such as Thailand, which was ranked 40th; Malaysia, 26th; and Singapore in the second position," the president remarked.

The IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking measures the capacity and readiness of 63 economies to adopt and explore digital technologies as the main driver for economic transformation in businesses, the government, and society, in general. (ANTARA)