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Zona Integritas
Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


President Joko Widodo highlighted the need to build an early warning system to keep a check on the internal administration of the government.

"Build an early warning system and strengthen early good governance that is transparent and accountable," President Widodo stated during the inauguration of the opening of the 2020 National Government Internal Control Coordination Meeting through videoconference from the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Monday.

On the occasion, the head of state laid emphasis on the fact that accountability would continue to receive undivided focus under his administration.

Hence, the president highlighted the significance of prevention in the form of putting in place an effective early warning system.

"I want to emphasize that prevention and good governance must take precedence," the president stated.

He called to save the state’s money and maintain the people's trust.

To this end, he urged law enforcers -- the police, prosecutors, Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), and civil servant investigators -- to do their tasks to the best of their abilities.

"However, I also remind you not to attack people, who are not wrong. Do not spread fears among law enforcers in conducting out their duties," he stated.

Head of the BNPB and COVID-19 fast-response team Doni Monardo earlier stated that law enforcement efforts should be prioritized to combat the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in the country.

Governors should enforce the law to cope with COVID-19 in their regions in line with Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 7 of 2020 that mandates governors as members of the Task Force Steering Council.

“Law enforcement must be deemed a priority. Governors, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 7/2020, have the authority to ensure law enforcement by utilizing the existing apparatus. The regional police chief and military commander have been placed under the governors," Monardo noted.

The presidential decree allows governors to form a task force at the regional level to monitor and evaluate the implementation of COVID-19 countermeasures in their regions.

"The task force is expected to conduct control, supervision, and prevention functions in the community," Monardo added. (ANTARA)


NU strongly condemns israel's plan to annex West Bank, PalestineA Palestinian protester confronted Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, Palestine. ( REUTERS/MOHAMAD TOROKMAN)

The Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) has strongly condemned Israel's planned annexation of the West Bank, the Palestinian territories.

"Israel must stop all actions that will directly affect security and worsen world peace," Helmy Faishal Zaini, Secretary General of the PBNU, said in a statement to ANTARA in Jakarta on Saturday.

He lauded and supported the policy, ideas and decision made by the Government of Indonesia in opposing Israel's annexation.

According to him, Indonesia played an important role in pushing this issue in international forums in order to bring about peace in the world.

"We again encourage the Indonesian Government to continue to make strategic efforts to bring about peace in conflict countries, especially in Palestine. This effort is in line with the mandate of the 33rd Nahdlatul Ulama Congress in Jombang in 2015. Nahdlatul Ulama fully supports Palestinian independence. For Nahdlatul Ulama 'What has happened in Palestine is not just a conflict over religion, but more a conflict of humanity'," he said.

Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia's largest Muslim organization, has also taken several steps and strategic efforts to help resolve the conflict in Palestine.

The NU intensified communication with various parties to provide input for the achievement of Palestinian sovereignty, said Helmy Faishal.

Since 1938, NU's attitude has not changed. NU is consistent and committed to supporting the Palestinian independence and sovereignty. Therefore, the NU welcomed the moves of the Government of Indonesia, represented by Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi.

"NU fully supports three important agendas related to peace in Palestine, namely providing protection for Palestinian civilians, restoring social and political conditions, and also seeking peace between Israel and Palestine," he said.

Earlier, the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a statement strongly denouncing and opposing Israel's annexation plan.

“Such a plan is illegal and in grave breach of the international law, including various UN resolutions," the Ministry said in a press statement on May 23, 2020.

The Israeli plan also threatens regional stability and security while gravely undermining all efforts to reach a lasting political solution based on a two-state solution. "Indonesia urges the international community to reject the plan".

During a virtual meeting of the United Nations Security Council on May 27, Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi urged Israel to stop its annexation plan. (ANTARA)


Indonesian Channel in West Sumatra cancelled due to COVID-19An Indonesian art and cultural performance (Antara/HO)

The ongoing global pandemic of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has forced the Indonesian Government to cancel the convening of an international arts and cultural night titled "Indonesian Channel" due to be hosted by West Sumatra Province in August.

The Indonesian Channel which marks the closing of this year's Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship (IACS) Program is a special event for West Sumatra because some 140 youths from 70 countries would perform, Head of the West Sumatra Tourism Office Novrial said.

The youths were the awardees of the scholarship program in which they would perform at the arts and cultural night to show the Indonesian cultural heritage that they had learned from local art communities in seven provinces, he said.

Thanks to the IACS Program that the Indonesian Foreign Ministry has consistently been organizing since 2003, these selected youths had been given an opportunity to learn the arts and culture of genuine Indonesian heritage for around three months, he said.

During that period, they stayed at the houses of selected Indonesian families, he said, adding that their presence in West Sumatra for the Indonesian Channel in August would give them opportunities to see the beauty of the province's tourist destinations.

They would also be able to enjoy the West Sumatrans' authentic arts and cultural attractions. The Indonesian Channel would also be attended by the awardees' parents, ambassadors of the participating countries, he said.

Unfortunately, due to this ongoing coronavirus outbreak and unavailability of COVID-19 vaccine, the scheduled convening of the Indonesian Channel was then cancelled for safety reasons, Novrial said.

As published in the official website of the Indonesian Consulate General in Frankfurt, Germany, the IACS Program is eligible for Indonesian and foreign youths age 21-27 to study Indonesian cultural heritage as well as immersing oneself with the local art communities in Bali, West Sumatra, East Kalimantan, East Java, Sulawesi or Yogyakarta.

This year's IACS was commenced from May 2 to Aug 20, 2020 in which on Aug 13, all awardees would perform in an arts and cultural night entitled "Indonesian Channel".

Organized since 2003, this IACS Program has had 920 alumni coming from 77 countries. They studied history, traditions, arts and cultures of various ethnic groups across the Indonesian archipelago, including traditional dances, musical instruments, and carvings. (ANTARA)


Eighty four foreign vessels driven out of Indonesia's Bintan waters

An Indonesian naval ship (Dok Guskamla I)

The Indonesian Maritime Security Task Force of 1st Fleet Command has driven out 84 foreign vessels illegally anchoring in the Tanjung Berakit waters of Bintan District, Riau Islands Province, a navy officer said.

Driving out the foreign vessels was part of the Indonesian Navy's endeavors to strengthen its maritime security in the waters which are prone to illegal activities and crimes, the task force commander, First Admiral Yayan Sofiyan, said in Batam, Riau Islands, Sunday.

The security maritime operations had also resulted in the arrests of suspected criminals who often conducted thefts and captures of several foreign vessels that had illegally anchored in Indonesia's territorial waters, he said.

Over this past week, several vessels that had allegedly violated the Indonesian Shipping Law (Law No. 17 of 2008) were TB NELLY 53/TK NELLY 76, LCT Cahata Maulida, TB SSE Alexandria, MT Sun Live, and MV Luna II, he said.

Yayan Sofiyan also highly appreciated the efforts that naval ship KRI Kujang-642 had made to chase MT Tenggiri which escaped to Singapore's territorial waters. (ANTARA)