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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Minister: Govt to continue supporting frontline health workers

Minister of Health, Terawan Agus Putranto, opened an online discussion on strengthening human resources organized by RSPI Sulianti Saroso and broadcast from Jakarta on Monday (August 24, 2020). (ANTARA/Prisca Triferna)

Minister of Health, Terawan Agus Putranto, on Monday assured that the Indonesian government will continue to support and assist health workers, or “health knights”, in their fight against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

"The government, in this case, the Ministry of Health, will continue to support and assist health workers in fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic,” the minister said while opening an online discussion on strengthening human resources on Monday. The discussion organized by RSPI Sulianti Saroso was broadcast from Jakarta.

Speaking at the discussion, Health Minister Terawan emphasized that anyone can be exposed to COVID-19, including health workers, such as doctors and nurses.

He said many medical personnel have been treated or have lost their lives after being exposed to the coronavirus while handling patients.

The minister then thanked the “health knights” for continuing to put their lives at risk to serve others.

"Our highest respect, keep your spirit and always ask for protection from God Almighty," Terawan said.

Strengthening health services and ensuring the availability of health human resources are two main health issues involved in tackling COVID-19, said Prof. Dr. Abdul Kadir, head of the Health Human Resources Development and Empowerment Agency (PPSDM) at the ministry.

He also stressed on government support for health workers.

He said health workers play a big role in handling COVID-19 — from the stage of detection to response — and must be supported by all stakeholders.

The government has provided incentives amounting to Rp1.027 trillion to health workers so far, he noted.

Compensation has also been provided to 76 health workers who died of COVID-19 out of a list of 89 people who were declared entitled to receive it, he added. (ANTARA)


President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo stressed on the need to boost the distribution of direct cash assistance to the public through various cash transfer schemes to restore the national economy.

"For economic recovery, the cash transfer scheme for direct assistance to the community should be accelerated," President Widodo remarked during a limited meeting held to discuss the topic of the Report of the Committee on Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Monday.

Several schemes for which the head of state sought accelerated distribution were direct cash assistance (BLT) for villages, cash social assistance, non-cash food assistance (BNPT) that was increased in number, productive assistance for micro businesses, and help for subsidizing employee salaries.

The head of state is sentient of the persisting technical obstacles in the implementation and distribution of those forms of assistance.

Hence, the president emphasized that all problems posing a hindrance should be resolved immediately.

Widodo cited the example of the salary subsidy assistance, largely constrained by data and bank account matters.

"We hope that it would be completed by mid-August to mid-September, so that we can leverage our growth," the president remarked.

On the occasion, the president emphasized that recovery in the economic sector remains in line with the health sector amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. (ANTARA)


Indonesian President Joko Widodo has called on the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet ministers to partake in efforts to promote the use and also distribution of masks to prevent transmission of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

"I see that the aspect of promoting the use of masks has not been amply followed up after the meeting, both in the media and on the field through the distribution of masks. I think that I need to remind you," President Widodo remarked at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Monday.

President Widodo delivered the statement during a limited meeting, themed "Report of the Committee on Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery" in which the attendees comprised ministers of the Forward Indonesia Cabinet and also the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery.

"Before the vaccine is administered to the public, I think the most important aspect is the use of masks," the president noted.

At a limited meeting on August 3, 2020, the president stated that within two weeks after the meeting on August 3, the campaign should focus on the importance of wearing masks. However, the campaign was not visible yet.

"During the last meeting, we spoke again about community discipline that is the key to controlling the spread of COVID-19. Please, the invitation to wear masks and the implementation of distribution of masks can be accelerated," the president noted.

The goal is for the business world to believe in the government's steps in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This is because it will also strengthen the confidence of the community from the business world and the market regarding our handling mechanism," the head of state noted.

As of Sunday (Aug 23), the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Indonesia had reached 153,535, with 107,500 people declared cured and 6,680 people dying of the disease.

Widodo noted that the number of suspected patients reached 75,522, with a total of 2,036,771 specimens tested.

The highest count of COVID-19 positive cases in 34 provinces in Indonesia was found in DKI Jakarta, reaching 33,470; followed by 30,315 cases in East Java; 12,476 in Central Java; 11,470 in South Sulawesi; and 9,283 in West Java. (ANTARA)


Indonesia adds 1,877 COVID-19 cases, 3,560 recoveries

COVID-19 data compiled on Monday (August 24, 2020). (Task Force for Handling COVID-19)

Indonesia on Monday registered 1,877 fresh cases of the novel coronavirus disease along with 3,560 recoveries, according to data compiled at 12 p.m. Western Indonesian Time (WIB) by the task force for handling COVID-19.

With this, the total tally of positive COVID-19 cases in the country reached 155,412, while the number of people who have completely recovered from the deadly virus climbed to 111,060.

Meanwhile, the number of deaths increased by 79, bringing the total fatalities to 6,759.

Between 12 p.m. WIB on Sunday (August 23, 2020) and 12 p.m. WIB on Monday, 320 laboratories across Indonesia examined 19,395 specimens obtained from 16,185 people. So far, laboratories have analyzed a total of 2,056,166 specimens obtained from 1,173,369 people.

Meanwhile, the provinces with the highest number of positive cases were DKI Jakarta (633 cases), East Java (320 cases), Central Java (152 cases), West Java (137 cases), and Papua (83 cases).

The provinces with the highest number of recovered patients were DKI Jakarta (1,896 people), Papua (408 people), East Java (321 people), West Java (208 people), and Central Java (99 people).

Four provinces reported no new cases — Bangka Belitung, Jambi, East Nusa Tenggara, and Gorontalo.

According to data provided by the task force, a total of 76,745 suspected patients and 155,412 positive COVID-19 patients have been placed under monitoring in the country. (ANTARA)