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Tuesday, 25 August 2020 12:40

President Calls to Expedite Distribution of Direct Cash Assistance

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President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo stressed on the need to boost the distribution of direct cash assistance to the public through various cash transfer schemes to restore the national economy.

"For economic recovery, the cash transfer scheme for direct assistance to the community should be accelerated," President Widodo remarked during a limited meeting held to discuss the topic of the Report of the Committee on Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Monday.

Several schemes for which the head of state sought accelerated distribution were direct cash assistance (BLT) for villages, cash social assistance, non-cash food assistance (BNPT) that was increased in number, productive assistance for micro businesses, and help for subsidizing employee salaries.

The head of state is sentient of the persisting technical obstacles in the implementation and distribution of those forms of assistance.

Hence, the president emphasized that all problems posing a hindrance should be resolved immediately.

Widodo cited the example of the salary subsidy assistance, largely constrained by data and bank account matters.

"We hope that it would be completed by mid-August to mid-September, so that we can leverage our growth," the president remarked.

On the occasion, the president emphasized that recovery in the economic sector remains in line with the health sector amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. (ANTARA)

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