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The Indonesian Ministry of Environment & Forestry issued a circular to ensure waste management by realizing a less waste homecoming in the homecoming route and during the Eid. In the Circular no. 5 2024 on Waste Management of Eid 1445 Hijriah, Minister of the Environment & Forestry, Siti Nurbaya called the regional heads to invite, facilitate, and monitor waste management during homecoming mainly in the homecoming route and its supporting regions, as well as during the Eid.


Besides, to maintain less waste and anticipate spiking waste production, the circular called for a selected waste facility. It was mainly for food waste, plastic packaging, maskers, and residues at rest areas as well as waste processing based on waste type and production.


Meanwhile, to anticipate difficulties faced by the homecoming people mainly because of the line in the rest area, the ministry also asked for a mobile waste collection and a special tent for a separated waste storage station.


The Environment & Forestry Ministry also asked for a post and special task force to handle homecoming waste in regencies and cities seven days before and after the Eid. They also recommended the field units of the Regional Apparatus Organization that are responsible for the environment, to collect, separate and later transport the waste by cooperating with related stakeholders.

Besides, the ministry also recommended avoiding bringing food or beverage to prayer places. The Environment & Forestry Ministry called for a waste data recording that is managed in the National Waste Management Information System belonging to the ministry. Education to the homecoming people about waste reduction in various channels, including social media needs to be continued. 


Homecoming is an annual tradition of Muslims in Indonesia, especially during Eid. The homecoming or returning to the hometown has a significant boost for the economy, but comes with a challenge namely the waste from the homecoming people that needs positive management. The Indonesian government gives a special attention to the smoothness of the homecoming tradition, both the homecoming flow and the return flow.


When visiting a religious tourism destination in Semarang, Central Java, there is a Layur mosque which is worth visiting. The mosque with the green color is one of Semarang’s religious heritages. The Layur Mosque was built in 1802 AD and is located in the area of Melayu Town, precisely on Layur street, Dadapsari Village. The mosque building has a land area of about 270 m². Visiting the Layur mosque, you can pray solemnly in the mosque or relax in the shady courtyard of the mosque.


The Layur Mosque was built by some merchants from Yemen who at that time lived in Semarang city. This mosque is also known as the Mosque of Melayu Town, because it has a very tall tower. Formerly, the tower of this mosque was used as a lighthouse. Its function was to monitor the traffic of ships and large boats which crossed the Semarang River, when the Semarang port was still in the "Kleine Boom", around Sleko-Berok Bridge. Over time, the lighthouse building in Layur Mosque was converted into a tower and mosque by local residents.


Layur Mosque is an ancient mosque with architecture that combines Arabic, Malay and traditional Javanese cultures. The characteristics of Arab-Malay culture can be seen from the tower and the dome-shaped gates. Meanwhile, the traditional Javanese style can be seen from the mosque's roof which is shaped like three roofs supported by teakwood pillars. Interestingly, in this Mosque there is a belief still held by local communities. Only male worshippers can enter and pray at this mosque.



“Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is Titik Nol Nusantara (2x) which means “Nusantara Point Zero.”

Here is a monologue about “Suhu Udara(2x) which means “Temperature”. The monologue is by Chris, a vlogger from Australia, on his trip in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Chris was describing the environment around the Point Zero of Nusantara Capital City in North Penajam Paser in his vlog using vocabulary related to temperature.

Chris (P)           : ( berbicara sebagai seorang vloger ) Saya sudah berada di Titik

                             Nol Nusantara. Ini adalah pusat ibu kota Indonesia yang baru.

                             Saat ini siang hari. Panas sekali. Sekarang suhu udara di sini

                             34 derajat Celsius.


Now I introduce you to some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic. “Suhu udara(2x) which means “Temperature”.

sekarang (2x)

which means Now

suhu udara (2x)

which means Temperature

di sini (2x)

which means Here

34 derajat Celsius (2x)

which means 34 degree Celsius

Sekarang suhu udara di sini 34 derajat Celcius (2x)

which means Now, the temperature here is 34 degree Celsius

saya (2x)

which means I

Titik Nol Nusantara (2x)

which means Nusantara Point Zero

pusat (2x)

which means Center

Ibu kota negara (2x)

which means Capital City

saat ini   (2x)

which means Right now

siang hari (2x)

which means Noon

panas sekali (2x)

which means Very 


In this monologue, there is the expression Sekarang suhu udara di sini 34 derajat Celsius(2x) which means “Now, the temperature here is 34 degree Celsius”. There is an expression ”suhu udara” (2x) which means “temperature”. The expression ”suhu udara” (2x) which means “temperature” in the expression was used by Chris to describe the condition in the surrounding environment to the audience of his vlog by using vocabulary related to weather.

Here are other examples of describing environment:

Hujan ( 2x) which means Rain

Di kota saya, hujan turun setiap hari (2x) which means In my city, rain falls every day

Mendung ( 2x) which means Cloudy

Langit Balikpapan pagi ini mendung (2x) which means The sky of Balipapan is cloudy

this morning.

For your information, Celsius is used to measure temperature in Indonesia. Besides

Celsius, Indonesia uses a metric system for measurement like meter and gram.


To enjoy the long holidays in Indonesia, many people plan to visit tourism destinations, both natural and cultural. East Java Province offers a lot of tourism spots. One of the cultural tourism destinations that you can visit there is Singosari Temple.


Singosari Temple is located in Candirenggo Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency, East Java Province. The distance between Singosari Temple and Malang City is approximately 9 km. Singosari Temple is also called ‘Cungkup Temple’ or ‘Menara Temple’. From its name, it can be known that this temple was the tallest one of its time, at least when compared to the temples around it. However, currently, only Singosari Temple remains, while the other temples have disappeared. Singosari Temple is a Hindu-Buddhist temple, a historical heritage from the Singasari Kingdom. This temple is situated in a valley between the Tengger mountains and Mount Arjuno at an altitude of 512 meters above sea level. This place offers an interesting and educational historical tourism experience.


According to historical records, Singosari Temple was built as a tribute to the late King Kartanegara around 1292, who was the ancestor of the Majapahit kings. There are two temples in East Java that were built to honor King Kartanegara, namely Jawi Temple and Singasari Temple. Like Jawi Temple, Singosari Temple is a Shiva Temple, as can be seen from several Shiva statues in the temple yard. Visiting the temple, we can learn the meaning of the development goals and admire the work of Indonesian  ancestors. Singosari Temple is open every day from 07.00 am to 5.00 pm local time. The facilities provided at this place are quite complete, such as parking lots, public toilets, prayer room, gazebo and food stalls. There is no charge to enter the Singosari Temple area. The beauty and authenticity of this temple is still well maintained so that it is very good for children to learn about historical heritage.