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Minangkabau has a lot of interesting culture characterized by traditions and habits in everyday life. These various traditions contain noble values that must be maintained. One tradition that is still popular and still exists today is 'Malamang' or making lemang (glutinous rice cake). This tradition can be found in almost all areas of West Sumatra province, both in inland area such as in Solok, Payakumbuh, Agam, Tanah Datar, as well as in coastal regions such as Padang, Pariaman and Pesisir Selatan.


Lamang, which is one of the popular culinary delights when welcoming the holy Ramadhan month, is also one of the traditional culinary delights typical of the Minangkabau people, such as rendang. This Malamang tradition is usually carried out before certain celebrations like welcoming the month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, baralek (wedding party), and so on. In several areas in West Sumatra province (Minangkabau), lamang is usually also used as souvenirs from women's families to men's families, or when a daughter-in-law visits her in-laws' house.


nowadays, Lamang not only has an original taste made from sticky rice and coconut milk, but there are also several flavor variants such as yellow lamang, namely lamang made from rice flour and turmeric as the main ingredients, sweet potato lamang and banana lamang. Malamang is usually done together by local residents. Original lamang is made from puluik (white sticky rice), cooked with coconut milk and packed in a bamboo container lined with banana leaves, then cooked for approximately 6 hours, by placing it in a row and leaning against the heat of a fire.


In the Malamang tradition there are values of togetherness and mutual cooperation because during Malamang, friends especially neighbors, relatives and family members will gather to make lamang. There are some who act as cooks, and others who look after the fire so that the lamang can be cooked perfectly and there are also those whose role is to find and take bamboo blades to make containers for the lamang. Malamang has a social function as a means of gathering and strengthening friendly relations among people.


Indonesia has various ethnic groups that have their own  cultures. Each ethnic group also has various religions and rituals, including welcoming the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. One of the ethnic groups that has a ritual to welcome this holy month is the people of Lampung who have the Belangiran ritual. Belangiran is a tradition of taking a holy bath before entering the month of Ramadan. This tradition is an intangible cultural heritage from Lampung province which is held once a year.


Belangiran comes from the word “langir” which means bathing. Meanwhile, in the Lampung language, it is called Blangikhan. But bathing here is not an ordinary bath. Belangiran bathing has a spiritual meaning, because it is an effort to purify oneself from all dirt or sins. So, the Belangiran bath is also called a repentance bath. By taking the Belangiran bath, they hope to be physically and spiritually clean before fasting during Ramadan so that they can carry out their fasting worship smoothly and devoutly.


In the Belangiran bathing tradition, there are orderly rules, starting from the water used, as well as other mixed ingredients, such as seven kinds of flowers, pandan leaves and also twigs. The water used in this bathing ritual comes from seven rivers close to the location where Belangiran is held. The water  that will be used for Belangiran is usually collected in a bun or jug,  two days before  the implementation of the Belangiran ritual. Then, the water that has been taken is separated according to how many heads of family will take part in this process. Usually, each family is given one dipper which will be divided into as many families as there are. Therefore, everyone in the family would only water their heads.


On one hand, the purpose of holding the Belangiran tradition is only as a form of thanksgiving in welcoming the arrival of the month of Ramadan.  On the other hand, this tradition is to maintain and preserve Lampung culture so that it does not disappear over time, because it is a tradition of the Lampung people, which has been carried out for one  generation to generation.


The  Indonesian Embassy in Madrid facilitated five business agendas between the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Spanish-Portugal Bilateral Committee with Spanish companies as an effort to create a new chapter in economic relations of  both  countries.   The Indonesian Embassy in Madrid in its official statement received by Antara in Jakarta on Wednesday (6/3) stated that  the Indonesian Embassy in Madrid welcomed the mission of the newly formed Spanish-Portugal Bilateral Committee, and Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as a breakthrough in cooperation between Indonesia and Spain, particularly in the fields of trade, investment and tourism. The activities to expand economic relations between Indonesia and Spain began with a business forum with 21 Spanish companies operating in the energy, animal feed, fishery, agriculture, chemical, hospital, consumer goods, export and import, property, construction and technology sectors.


The business forum which took place in the Indonesian Embassy Hall in Madrid was also attended by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Spanish-ASEAN business association,  as well as representatives from the embassies of ASEAN countries in Madrid.  The forum was also utilized by both the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce delegation and the Spanish business world   in  building a business network that can be developed in the future. The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry  also met with Spainish Chamber of Commerce and Industry  to discuss a memorandum of understanding on cooperation of both sides. Moreover, the Spanish chamber also proposed the formation of an Indonesia-Spain Business Council.  If realized,  the bilateral business council  will be the first in Southeast Asia. A meeting with the Spanish-ASEAN Entrepreneurs Association was also held to discuss exploring potential cooperation that could be carried out by Spanish entrepreneurs in Indonesia,  including Government policies and the economic situation in Indonesia.


Furthermore, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry   also visited the Instituto Empresarial University Business School campus in Madrid to open up opportunities for collaboration.  Instituto Empresarial University is interested in collaborating with the Education Fund Management Institute  so that the current number of seven Indonesian students can be increased to at least 40 in the future. The Indonesian Chamber’s delegation closed a business mission to Spain by visiting Montecastro,  a leading vineyard in the Aranda del Duero region in Valladolid Province.  It is hoped that the visit will help introduce the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce to the quality of wine in Spain and can open investment and trade opportunities with the wine industry in Indonesia.


The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, Tawau, Malaysia  in collaboration with Sthamin Supermarket has established an Indonesian Corner  located at Sthamin Supermarket Hilltop,  Tawau on Monday (4/3). Indonesian Corner was inaugurated by Honorable Datuk Andi Muhammad Suryady Bin Bandy,  Assistant Minister of Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship, Sabah, concurrently Member of the P191 Kalabakan Parliament and Expert of the N71 Tanjung Batu State Legislative Council.  The inauguration was attended by  Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia to Tawau, Heni Hamidah and the owner of Sthamin Supermarket, Tuan Haji Busthamin bin Paita. This inauguration is an important moment as it is the first Indonesian Corner in Sabah.

Consul General Heni Hamidah pointed out that promotional activities for Indonesian products through the establishment of the Indonesian Corner is part of economic diplomacy which is one of the focuses of Indonesia's foreign policy.

Indonesian Corner is a special booth aimed at promoting superior Indonesian products which are marketed and have been traded  in the Tawau area as well as products from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises  from North Kalimantan such as food and beverage products. Heni Hamidah  also expressed her hope that this collaboration can continue with more Indonesian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises   particularly in the border who can promote and market their products in Malaysia. During the program, North Kalimantan’s Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises such as CV Taraban Berkah with Sambal Dayak, Regan Coklat and Raftrasa Brownies Mocca Crispy also  joined actively  in the Indonesian product exhibition booth.