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On May 1 to 3, 2024, the people of Margoagung village in Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, gathered to hold the Merti Desa Mbah Bregas tradition. During his lifetime, Mbah Bregas was known as one of the loyal followers of Sunan Kalijaga, who was tasked with spreading the message of Islam in the West Sleman region, especially Margoagung and its surroundings. He is also known for his strong, authoritative, and simple personality. Besides remembering Mbah Bregas, the tradition, which is held after the main harvest season, is also a form of gratitude for the abundant harvest and a prayer that future harvests will not be disturbed by any conditions.
Merti Desa Mbah Bregas tradition has been going on for generations since the Majapahit Kingdom era from the 12th to 15th century. The tradition also only takes place once a year, specifically Friday Kliwon in May. The Merti Desa Mbah Bregas events include a grand religious lecture, wayang dance, jathilan art performance, holy water collection, grave pilgrimage, grand kenduri (Javanese banquet), cultural carnival, and traditional ceremonial processions. The main event is the village clean-up and cultural carnival. The village cleaning procession was carried out in several places, such as a banyan tree known as Ringin Ngino as Mbah Bregas's place of meditation, Sendang Planangan which Mbah Bregas usually used in the past for daily life, Kramat as the meeting location for Mbah Bregas and Sunan Kalijaga, and Mbah Bregas grave.
The Merti Desa Mbah Bregas tradition begins with giving offerings to the banyan tree, Sendang Planangan, and Kramat, in the form of tumpeng or cone-shaped rice and traditional snacks. Taking the holy water from seven klenting (jugs) at Tirto Saptomulya Sendang Planangan, used to water the banyan tree in the ceremony, symbolizes revitalizing and preserving the surrounding nature and living culture. The ceremony continued with a pilgrimage to the grave of Mbah Bregas. Then it continues with performances of the cokekan, karawitan, and macapatan traditions.
At its peak, a carnival was held with the gunungan or mountain-like food structure, then a procession of ngalap berkah or seeking blessings was held by fighting over the mountains that had been carried and prayed for. The ceremony ended with reciting the Islamic holy book Al-Quran and closed with a night-long shadow puppet performance. The shadow puppet performance symbolizes honor for Sunan Kalijaga, by taking Islamic-based plays such as Jimat Kalimasada, Dewaruci, and Petruk Jadi Ratu.

The Indonesian Embassy in Canberra conducted an Ambassador Goes to Campus activity by visiting the University of New England (UNE) in Armidale, New South Wales, Australia, last Monday (May 6).

According to a written statement from the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, quoted by Antara, the Ambassador Goes to Campus activity aims to increase cooperation between campuses in Australia and Indonesia.

The Indonesian Embassy also mentioned that Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, Siswo Pramono visited universities in Australia to provide the latest information about Indonesia, including opportunities for Indonesia-Australia cooperation, especially in the fields of education and research.

He also said that in the field of education and research, three Australian universities have opened campuses in Indonesia, and one university is in the process of licensing to open a campus in Kalimantan. According to Ambassador Siswo, academically the standards are the same as the central campus in Australia, but by studying in Indonesia, Australian students will get to know Indonesia more closely, both from a socio-cultural and economic context.

On the same occasion, the Education and Culture Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, Mukhamad Najib said that there are currently many opportunities for Australian students to study in Indonesia. He also said that Indonesia has a Dharmasiswa scholarship to study language and culture for a year. There are also masters and doctoral scholarships offered by many campuses in Indonesia.

Najib added that Australian students can also study in Indonesia for a maximum of 18 months or three semesters with the New Colombo Plan scholarship.

Meanwhile, Dean of the University of New England (UNE) Faculty of Letters, Arts, Social Sciences and Education, Prof. Jane Edwards welcomed the Ambassador Goes to Campus event. He also said that UNE has a close relationship with Indonesia and UNE is one of the universities in the state of New South Wales that has an Indonesian study program. She hopes that UNE can further enhance cooperation with Indonesia. Jane Edwards believes that many universities in Indonesia have high quality education and research.

Kalibiru is a tousim village in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. This tourism attraction, which is famous for its green landscape of mountains and the Sermo Reservoir, is located in the Menoreh Hills, which has natural conditions that are still very beautiful and cool. Initially, Kalibiru was a protected forest that used to have a lot of illegal logging, making the forest barren and arid. In 2008, the forest in Kalibiru was officially managed by the community aling with the Community Forest Utilization Permit.

In Kalibiru village, visitors can also see the view from the available viewing post. There are several viewing posts in the form of tree houses and viewing towers that can be used to enjoy high views. In additiin.   tourists can enjoy beautiful views of Kalibiru Tourism Village and it also provides several interesting tourism attractions, such as flying fox, outbound and tracking routes. The beautiful panorama of the Kalibiru Tourism Village is due to its elevation of around 450 meters above sea leve,l so that when the weather is clear, visitors can see views of Mount Merapi, Sermo Reservoir and the South Coast Range. The air is still clean and cool, which is also an option for visitors who want to relax from their busy daily lives.

The Kalibiru Tourism Village is also developing in the culinary and cultural fields, managed by the village community and tourism village management. The management involves residents, community leaders, youth and people who care about the village. To visit the Kalibiru natural tourism location, from  Yogyakarta City heading west about 34.8 kilometers with appoximately one hour. Next, when heading to the location, you can drive in the direction of the Wates-Yogyakarta road, Purworejo-Yogyakarta street.

Komodo Travel Mart, a forum that brings together buyers and sellers in the tourism sector for the super-priority tourism destination of Labuan Bajo, will be held on June 6 to 9, 2024 in Labuan Bajo after it was since 2018.

Adyatama Tourism and Creative Economy, Senior Administrator of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nia Niscaya said this activity will drive the tourism sector and creative economy in Labuan Bajo, Flores, and throughout East Nusa Tenggara in general.   Meanwhile, Acting President Director of the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority, Fransiskus Xaverius Teguh, said this activity was a collaborative idea from all tourism and creative economy stakeholders in Labuan Bajo and East Nusa Tenggara as a whole.

Committee Chairman of Komodo Travel Mart V, Oyan Kristian, said in the last decade the growth of the tourism sector in Labuan Bajo, has exceeded economic growth in the East Nusa Tenggara province as a whole.

Labuan Bajo has also become a new center of economic growth in the East Nusa Tenggara region and southern eastern Indonesia in general. He hopes that this activity will be able to expand the tourist market coming to Labuan Bajo.

Komodo Travel Mart 2024 is planned to be attended by 150 buyers from various countries, which are tourist markets to Labuan Bajo. Starting from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Australia, and others.

Meanwhile, there will be 100 tour operators from various regions in East Nusa Tenggara. Approximately 100 sellers will attend the table top meeting and business forum, and will also endorse various creative economy products.