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The Ministry of Industry  continues to encourage the development of technology in the industrial sector, one of its efforts is by establishing the Digital Capability Center (DCC). This digital capability center will be built as part of implementing the road map of Making Indonesia 4.0 to increase productivity and competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in the industrial era 4.0.

"The plan is being conceptualized, and in the next two years we will have DCC in collaboration with multinational management consulting firm McKinsey. This facility needs to be built along with efforts to develop the industry towards technology 4.0, because domestic devices, networks, and applications (DNA) need to be built, "said Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto in Jakarta on Friday (24/5).

Airlangga said that the construction of DCC would also collaborate with a technology research and development institution in Taiwan called the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). "The model might be similar to the DCC that already exists in Singapore. Further cooperation between ITRI and the Ministry of Industry, we continue to follow up, "he said.

According to Airlangga, the DCC development is expected to be utilized by industry players who have not implemented digitalization, especially the small and medium industries (IKM). Towards the industrial era 4.0, the Ministry of Industry has appointed a lighthouse industry for five leading sectors set out in Making Indonesia 4.0.

"Five major sectors prioritizing industrial development 4.0 are using sector-based approaches. In this sector, smart factory will be implemented with the implementation of internet of things (IoT), big data, digital printing and other tools that are part of 4.0 industry, "he explained.

Several companies that have become models in the implementation of industry 4.0, namely (1) PT. Indolakto for the food and beverage industry sector, (2) PT. Pupuk Kaltim for the chemical industry sector, (3) PT. Pan Brothers, Tbk for the textile and clothing industry, (4) PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia for the automotive industry sector, and (5) PT. Hartono Istana Teknologi for the electronics industry sector.

These companies are recipients of the INDI 4.0 award initiated by the Ministry of Industry. "Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index (INDI 4.0) is a benchmark index for industry and government in measuring the level of industry readiness to transform towards industry 4.0 in Indonesia," explained the Minister of Industry.

The Ministry of Industry believes, the application of the digital economy will be able to create new opportunities. Based on the results of research by McKinsey and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), digital economics was able to increase the added value of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by USD150 billion in 2025.

In fact, in 2025, Indonesia will also need as many as 17 million new technology-literate workers. So, they need new skills, including talents that are different from what they have now. In the manufacturing sector, it is estimated that there will be an increase of 4.5 million workers, while another 12.5 million are for the industry support services sector.

"Reskilling, retraining, vocational and polytechnic programs are the government's priorities," he explained. For this reason, preparing quality Human Resources (HR) is a priority program of President Joko Widodo for the second period.

Aim for investment

In addition to collaborating with Taiwanese technology institutions, the Ministry of Industry also aims at the emergence of new industrial investments from the country nicknamed the Little Dragon of Asia. According to the Minister of Industry, the Indonesian government is concentrating on providing tax holidays and other facilities needed by investors. Especially sectors that can open up many jobs, become import substitutions, and increase exports.

"Needs in these sectors are a consideration of the government to open up investment opportunities. With this, investors can benefit from doing business, not only to meet the export market, but also to supply a broad domestic market, "he explained.

Since last year, Taiwan is exploring opportunities for cooperation with Indonesia, especially in the manufacturing sector to strengthen the economy of the two countries. Potentially collaborated sectors include shipping, metal processing, ICT & Smart City industries and food technology.

Meanwhile, in 2017, the total trade between the two countries reached USD7.4 billion and Taiwan was ranked 11th as Indonesia's global trade and import partner. Meanwhile, the amount of Indonesia's direct investment in Taiwan amounted to USD32.2 billion. Meanwhile, Taiwan's direct investment in Indonesia, around USD397 million, makes Taiwan the 14th largest investor in Indonesia. (kemeperin)


The Swiss Federal Council has issued official documents related to the agreement comprehensive economic partnership between Indonesia and EFTA countries (IE-CEPA) and submitted to the Swiss Parliament on Wednesday (5/22) local time, for approval. 

The Indonesian Minister of Trade Enggartiasto Lukita said that this step was taken by Switzerland is the result of follow-up bilateral meetings with the Minister of Economy, Education and Swiss research Guy Parmelin on May 9, 2019 then in Bern, Switzerland.

"This is good news from Switzerland and shows the seriousness of the completion of the process ratification of the IE-CEPA, while signifying that the EFTA countries (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein) became the first group of European countries to have an agreement "free trade with Indonesia," said Minister of Trade Enggar. Indonesia and EFTA countries signed IE-CEPA on December 16, 2018 in Jakarta.

The Minister of Trade explained, this agreement would increase market access and legal certainty in the field of trade in goods and services for Indonesia and EFTA. In addition, the agreement also includes various provisions regarding investment, protection of intellectual property, elimination of non-tariff barriers, including sanitation and phytosanitary provisions, competition, facilitation sustainable trade, trade and development, and economic cooperation.

In 2018 Indonesia is included in the 40 main trading partners with Switzerland. "As is This IE-CEPA, in the future, Indonesia and Switzerland are expected to increase trade bilateral mutually beneficial. We also hope that Switzerland can increase its investment in Indonesia, "said the Trade Minister.

In addition, the Trade Minister continued, the government was committed to socializing the benefits of IE-CEPA to the public, including business people and associations in various sectors to be able to use it this agreement is for broad economic interests. (kemendag)


In the past five years, the government has been trying to build infrastructure evenly throughout the country. The development is primarily intended so that more regions or regions in Indonesia will become connected with each other. To that end, the President asked the entrepreneurs to be able to take advantage of the development by presenting new economic centers that made the economy more mobile.

"This is the job of the businessman to continue what the government has done by building economic centers, economic centers, which are very important for our economic growth," said President Jokowi at the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) and breaking fast together. orphans held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta, Sunday (5/26) night.

The President explained, during his tour of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke, almost all of the regions had the same problem, namely connectivity. Therefore, a number of construction of public facilities such as roads, toll roads, airports and ports are carried out on a large scale.

"This is our big job so that in our five years our concentration has been on building infrastructure. That is so that intercity, inter-district, and inter-province connectivity can really be connected, "said the President.

At the same time, the government also sought gradual bureaucratic reform with the main goal of making the licensing process easier. According to the President, simplification of institutions is absolutely necessary in order to work more efficiently and quickly so as to minimize the overlapping of authority.

"In the past five years we have disbanded 23 institutions that we have seen that are not relevant to the time and age. In the future, I think there will be many more institutions that we really don't need, which we will erase and eliminate, "said the President.

After the initial stages of national development through equal distribution of infrastructure, the government is now starting to target the human resources sector. The Head of State realizes that the development of this HR cannot be seen quickly. However, this must still be done so that Indonesia is able to jump into a developed country.

"This is a condition for the foundation of our economic fundamentals. If we don't do this, we will go into the middle income trap. Many countries are trapped there and cannot leave so that they cannot jump into developed countries, "said the President.

Therefore, the President hopes that HIPMI members and other associations can work together with the government to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources while absorbing them into the industrial world. Related to this, the government has prepared training and massive scholarships to increase national HR capabilities.

"Link and match between the industrial world and education is very much needed. I hope that later from Hipmi there will be cooperation with the existing ministries, with regions, provinces, districts and cities in the framework of human resource development so that the next five years upgrading of our human resources is truly visible, "he said.

Attending the occasion included Minister of State (Minister of State) Pratikno, Minister of Social Affairs (Social Minister) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, and General Chair of HIPMI Bahlil Lahadalia. (BPMI Setpres / ES)



The Minister of Religion Lukman Hakim Saifuddin today reviewed the supervision post for the departure of special Umrah and Hajj pilgrims at Terminal 3 of Soekarno-Hatta Airport , Cengkareng.

In addition to the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah ( PHU ), the Minister of Religion had a dialogue with the celestial parties, immigration, airport authorities, and also a number of Umrah pilgrims who were going to the Holy Land.

"This program is very cool, a concrete form of cross-sectoral cooperation. It's just a matter of technical improvement, "said the Minister of Religion after conducting a review, in Cengkareng, Sunday (5/26).

Improvement needs to be done, said Minister of Religion, because this surveillance post is still in the socialization period. Ministry of Religion makes this integrated monitoring post in order to optimize supervision in the form of completing the examination of Umrah documents and receiving complaints from the Umrah and special Hajj pilgrims.

"The Ministry of Religion, specifically the Directorate General of PHU, wants to take a preventive, preventive approach so that there are no problematic Umrah or special pilgrimages so that when they are in the Holy Land facing problems, especially those related to incomplete travel documents and so on," said the Minister of Religion.

"So it is necessary to have an integrated check, not only from the Ministry of Religion but also immigration, and other related Ministries,  Agencies so that every special Umrah or Hajj pilgrimage gets assurance of their departure and return," he continued.

Because the supervision posts currently available are still in the socialization period, upgrading needs to be done. Minister of Religion expressed his appreciation to Angkasa Pura 2 for providing space for service counters. The Minister of Religion hopes that the Ministry of Religion can get a more permanent counter.

In addition to counters, service upgrades also need to be done on system aspects. Minister of Religion hopes that the service will soon be integrated with the Integrated Umrah and Special Hajj Service System (SIPATUH) so that supervision can also be done online.

Moreover, the Ministry of Religion's supervision system is also integrated with immigration so that the Ministry of Religion's supervisory output becomes one of the indicators in immigration checks, in addition to tickets, passports and visas.

Soetta Airport Immigration Officer, Tessa, who was present at the occasion welcomed the Minister of Religion's hopes. According to him, the mechanism is even better and will be taken into consideration by the immigration authorities.

To the Minister of Religion, the representative of Angkasa Pura 2 Heru Karyadi explained that his party was preparing the Umrah and Hajj terminal. Angkasa Pura has also conveyed to the development planner to include the technical supervision of the Ministry of Religion Umrah in the flow. After the security check, there is integrated supervision from the Ministry of Religion.

"Now in the basic stages of designing. It's Possible in 2021 will start operating, "he said.

This Umrah and Special Hajj Surveillance Post was released the first time by Arfi Hatim in early May 2019. Present accompanied, Director of Umrah and Special Hajj ( PHU ) Arfi Hatim, Secretary of DG PHU Ramadan Harisman, and Director of Domestic Hajj Services Muhajirin Yanis. (Ministry of Religion Public Relations / EN)