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Timor Leste and Cambodia sent delegations to learn about Indonesia’s success in preventing the stunting of children.

"The Indonesian government has made the program to prevent the stunting of pygmy children a national priority, and developed a national strategy that also supports the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)," said Pungkas Bahjuri Ali, Director of Community Health and Nutrition of the National Development Planning Agency, in a statement received  in Jakarta on Wednesday.

He said pygmy children are a major threat to human development in Indonesia due to their reduced productivity when they are adults.

The visit, held on 21-24 May 2019 in the framework of South-South Cooperation, was attended by government officials, consisting of nine delegates from Timor Leste led by Odete da Silva Viegas, General Director for Health Services Delivery, Ministry of Health, and eight delegates from Cambodia, led by HE Prak Sophonneary of the Cambodian State Secretariat.

The visit of the delegations of the two countries began with a workshop in Jakarta on May 20-21, led by the Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas and the Secretariat of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. The next visit was to observe the success of West Lombok District in implementing national priorities on May 22-23.

West Lombok is one of 100 districts / cities prioritizing the prevention of stunting, and it has succeeded in reducing the prevalence of incidents from 45.9 percent in 2013 to 28.7 percent in 2018, according to the 2018 Basic Health Research by the Ministry of Health.

In 2018, the number of children exclusively breastfeeding in West Lombok District had reached 80 percent. Meanwhile, some 90 percent of households now have access to clean water and some 91.5 percent of households have proper sanitation.

Data obtained from e-posyandu, a community based vehicle to improve child survival and development in West Lombok, noted that the prevalence of stunting dropped from 28.9 percent in 2018 to 25.2 percent in 2019.

Chairperson of the Policy Working Group of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) Elan Satriawan said the implementation of multi-sector interventions needs to be brought together at the central, regional and village levels by harmonizing planning, budgeting, implementing, monitoring and controlling activities.

"Learning from experiences in various other countries, the President and Vice President are committed to directly leading the efforts to prevent stunting through comprehensive and convergent actions in order to accelerate the decline of stunting," Elan said.

While in West Lombok, the delegation saw the role and involvement of the Human Development Cadre (KPM) in prioritizing the handling of stunting in the health centers, and posyandu as the spearhead of public health services.

In addition, the group visited Community-based Water and Sanitation Management (Pamsimas) and the Family Program (PKH) in Kuripan, Lingsar and Gunungsari sub districts.

These multi-sector programs are proven to have an impact on the quality of nutrition for infants. Therefore, not only does providing access to nutritious food and other health services to people prevent stunting, but also access to clean water, as well as proper and clean latrines. (ant)


After meeting on May 2, 2019 then at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, the Commander of the Democratic Task Force (Kogasma), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), again met with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). This time the meeting was held at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Wednesday (5/22) morning.

After the meeting with AHY reporters, the communication that was established was a form of hope that President Jokowi and the 6th President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) could continue to establish friendship and communication, especially in discussing various situations in the nation today.

"But of course because of the limitations of space and time from Mr. SBY who until now is in Singapore to accompany Ms. Ani who is undergoing blood cancer treatment, therefore President Jokowi asked me to become a bridge of communication with Mr. SBY," AHY said.

As a former president for 2 periods, according to AHY, SBY has wisdom and also certain experiences that also want to be shared, to be conveyed in order to provide support to President Jokowi in dealing with political, legal and security situations lately, especially if we see after the announcement of the results of the 2019 Election recapitulation.

After the meeting with AHY, President Joko Widodo met with the Chair of the MPR, Zulkifli Hasan. The Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly ( MPR )  who is also the General Chairperson of the National Mandate Party has appealed to the entire community not to be easily provoked by the riots. Especially in the holy month of Ramadan, he hopes the community can hold back. Zulkifli stressed, for parties who objected to the results of the election they could sue through the Constitutional Court. ( kemensetkab and kompas )


The Head of the Public Communication Bureau of the Tourism Ministry, Guntur Sakti, confirmed that there were countries that had issued travel advice for their citizens who were in Indonesia. Travel advice was released ahead of the General Election Commission or KPU to announce the results of the election contest on May 22.

"Yes according to our monitoring, there are several countries that warn their citizens to be vigilant on May 22," Guntur said in a short message to Tempo, Saturday, May 18, 2019.

According to Guntur, the country confirmed by travel advice is the United States. The US Embassy for Indonesia proclaims the appeal through its official website.

Travel advice, he said, is a reasonable appeal and is not a threat to the sustainability of the tourist climate in Indonesia. Guntur said that travel advice is generally issued by state authorities as part of the state's obligations and responsibilities to protect its citizens.

"Even so, the security forces have also given appeals and security. We certainly hope the situation will remain conducive, "he said. The Ministry of Tourism, said Guntur, is optimistic that the tourism ecosystem in Indonesia does not shake. The performance of the tourism sector has also been recognized as being in line with the Ministry's targets and expectations since the General Election took place.

The Central Statistics Agency previously noted that foreign tourists visiting Indonesia as of March 2019 increased by 5.9 percent compared to the previous month. In that month, the number of foreign tourists reached 1.34 million.

However, when compared to the previous year or year on year, foreign tourists visited 1.82 percent for the same period. This year, the Ministry of Tourism has a target of bringing in 20 million foreign tourists until 2019. (tempo)


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the commemoration of Nuzulul Quran (the revelation of the Quran) had multiple meanings not only religious meaning but also had a great national meaning, for the Indonesian people.

"It does not only increase understanding but also practices national unity as part of our faith," President Jokowi said in his speech at the Nuzulul Quran Commemoration 1440 H / 2019, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (21/5) night.

Through this Nuzulul Quran Commemoration, the Head of State continued, the Indonesians are asked to explore a lot of inspiration, inspiration to strengthen national unity, inspiration to hold back the ego, group ego, and strengthen the national spirit.

The Head of State stressed,  all Indonesians want to strengthen their commitment to carry out their duties as human beings. That human duty, according to the President, on the face of the earth is to create goodness and not cause damage.

"Our task is to build a harmonious social order, a peaceful social order, and one that enhances welfare and justice," said the Head of State.

The Head of State exemplifies the prophethood of Muhammad PBUH which, among others, is evidenced by the ability to build a social order. According to the Head of State, the Prophet succeeded in establishing a new social order, which united the Arab tribes to become a great nation and also united all Muslims in the same bond of faith.

When the founders of the Indonesian state pioneered the Nuzulul Quran Commemoration, the Head of State continued, it was to harmonize the religious spirit and the national spirit. He added that Bung Karno had traditionalized the Nuzulul Quran Celebration at the Palace.

"This is advice from our scholars, as gratitude for the gift of independence that Allah the Almighty has given to the Indonesian people. So the tradition of commemorating Nuzulul Quran in this Palace is once again on the advice of our scholars, "explained President Jokowi.

Therefore, when commemorating Nuzulul Quran, according to the Head of State, the Indonesians are actually commemorating the prophethood of the Prophet who succeeded in building a social order that united different ethnic groups. He added that the Messenger of Allah was able to build a social order that united different ethnic groups, who succeeded in elevating the degree of humanity from the era of ignorance to an era full of civilization.

"In addition, today we commemorate Nuzulul Quran. In fact we also commemorate the legacy of the founders of our country that harmonizes diversity in the nationality frame, as (where) contained in the Pancasila," said the Head of State.

The Head of State believes, by undergoing the guidance of the Qur'an and Prophethood of the Prophet, and by taking inspiration from the nation's predecessors, God willing, Indonesia will continue to unite, continue to get along, and continue to be peaceful.

"Indonesia is better, fairer and more prosperous. And Indonesia will be a country that is baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur.

Attending the Nuzulul Quran Commemoration included Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Secretary of State Pratikno, Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency Sofyan Jalil, Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya, Heads of State institutions, and ambassadors of friendly countries. (Release: Secretary Cabinet Minister)