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Zona Integritas
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Professor of International Law at the University of Indonesia (UI) Hikmahanto Juwana said there should be rules that the Indonesian and Vietnamese governments must follow in case of clashes.

"The incident that occurred in the North Natuna Sea Area is a result of overlapping claims between Indonesia and Vietnam over the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)," Hikmahanto said via a text message in Jakarta on Monday.

He was speaking in relation to the incident that took place in the North Natuna Sea between the Indonesian Air Force's ship KRI Tjiptadi 381 and the vessel of the Vietnam fisheries authority on Saturday (April 27).

Hikmahanto argued that the incident occurred because the Indonesian Air Force felt that it was authorized to arrest the Vietnamese fishing vessels, but on the other hand Vietnamese authorities with their coast guard vessels felt that the KRI Tjiptadi 381 was not authorized to make arrests.

This later led to a collision between a Vietnamese coast guard ship that wanted to free its fishing boat from arrest by the KRI Tjiptadi 381.

To avoid such recurrences, governments that have overlapping claims must make rules in case of a clash between authorities.

"Unfortunately, there are no such rules among the ASEAN countries," said Hikmahanto.

He said EEZ is not a territorial sea, which is under state sovereignty. EEZ is a high sea where coastal countries have sovereign rights over natural resources in the sea column.

Until now, the two countries did not have an EEZ boundary agreement. "Luckily, the KRI Tjiptadi 381 crew was not provoked to shoot," said Hikmahanto.

In international law, regardless of who is right or wrong, the party who shoots first will be considered to be carrying out acts of aggression.

"In this incident, the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can protest by summoning the Vietnamese Ambassador. The protests are not for the entry of fishing vessels and Vietnamese vessels into the Indonesian EEZ, considering that the area is still in dispute. The protest was made as the Vietnamese coast guard vessel tried to stop KRI Tjiptadi 381 by way of a collision," he said.

Hikmahanto revealed that this incident must be settled through diplomatic channels between the two countries and does not need to be brought to the International Court of Justice.

"Bringing it to the International Court of Justice will be complicated. First, it will be very costly which will exceed the costs suffered by KRI Tjitadi 381, especially among ASEAN countries that should settle disputes by prioritizing ways of deliberation to reach a consensus," he said.  


Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been calling the Embassy of Viet Nam in Jakarta to convey the protest above the Fisheries Agency Ship Viet Nam raid on KRI Tjiptadi 381 on April 27. The actions of the ship Viet Nam Fisheries Agency is endangering the life of the apparatus of two countries, not in line with international law, and not keeping with the spirit of ASEAN. (ant-kemlu)



Indonesia once supplied 85 percent of the needs of world kapok around the years 1928--1937. Based on data, India, Malaysia, China and South Korea are Indonesian kapok importers with positive growth in 2014-2018. Kapok can also be used as textile fibers. (kemendag)


The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) believes the development of N219 aircraft will encourage domestic industry to supply components of the aircraft.

"The certification of N219 aircraft is expected to be completed this year so it can be produced next year," 
Lapan Chief Thomas Djamaluddin said in Jakarta on Saturday.

The N219 amphibian aircraft is now being developed, he said.

Unless the N219 amphibian aircraft is developed soon, foreign aircraft manufacturers will grab the domestic market for this kind of aircraft, he said.

"The N219 amphibian aircraft is being developed. Otherwise, we will be late because Indonesia also needs (the aircraft) to serve certain tourist destinations which have no runway," he said,

The N219 aircraft is still under certification phase to ensure its reliability and function during its operations, he said.

"During the certification process, it is normal to find something that still has to be improved when aircraft undergoes tests," he said.

Quoting his discussion with international aircraft industry, Thomas said the period of three to four years is too short to develop and certify the aircraft.

However, Lapan is upbeat about achieving the target of accelerating the development of N219 aircraft. The first prototype of the N219 aircraft has a maximum speed of 210 knots and a minimum speed of 50 knots. Hence, the aircraft can be controlled while flying over hilly ground and mountain range at low speed. (ant)



Five weeks ago a shocking attack took place at a place of worship in the southern hemisphere, New Zealand. Last Sunday(April 21, 2019), once  again the world was shocked by  bombings at other  houses of worship and hotels in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka and several other cities. The incident killed 321 people including 38 foreigners. Theseattacks happened almost simultaneously with  several people detonated suicide bombings.

Authorities in Colombo accused the incident of being orchestrated by a local group claiming to be affiliated with a particular religion. But immediately a statement of responsibility emerged from a group affiliated to ISIS. The police arrested at least 40 people after the incident. Investigators are still exploring whether there is a link between local terrorist groups and global networks. The party claiming responsibility for the attack stated it  had something to do with what happened  in New Zealand.

Sri Lanka is a country that has experienced conflicts for more than 25 years. Civil war broke out between the Sri Lankan government and Tamil tiger rebels who controlled the northeastern region of Sri Lanka. The rebellion ended in 2009. Sri Lankans  then live relatively  without conflict though there were some  frictions between the Buddhist majority and Hindus and Muslims minority.

The Sunday's attack was said to be indicated by foreign intelligence networks. But unfortunately the information did not reach government policy holders because of the lack of harmony between President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe.

Hopefully  there will be no more incidents like this. The victims are civilians. It  is not war but slaughter. No belief  or religionteaches  such cruel deeds. Every country must be  more vigilant in maintaining security, because this incident can occur anywhere in the world.