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Indonesia's imports in May 2019 reached US$14.53 billion, a drop of 5.62 percent than that recorded a month earlier, according to the Central Agency of Statistics (BPS).

In comparison with the corresponding month last year, imports in May 2019 decreased 17.71 percent, BPS Chief Suharyanto noted in Jakarta on Monday.

Imports in May 2019 constituted non-oil/non-gas imports worth $12.44 billion and oil and gas imports reaching $2.09 billion.

The non-oil/non-gas imports dropped 5.48 percent than April 2019 and 15.94 percent as compared to May 2018. Oil and gas imports plunged 6.41 percent than April 2019 and plummeted 26.89 percent in comparison with that recorded in May 2018.

Imports of electrical machines and appliances in May 2019 witnessed the sharpest shortfall among non-oil/non-gas commodities, while the imports of vegetables recorded the highest rise.

The imports of electrical machines and appliances decreased 8.68 percent to $158.5 million, while the imports of vegetables rose 269.50 percent to reach $69.8 million.

The BPS chief remarked that three nations listed as the biggest suppliers of non-oil/non-gas commodities to Indonesia during the January-May 2019 period were China, with $18.03 billion, or 29.31 percent of the overall imports; Japan, $6.46 billion, or 10.50 percent; and Thailand, with $3.95 billion, or 6.43 percent.

By and large, non-oil/non-gas imports from the ASEAN and European Union nations comprised 19.18 percent and 8.23 percent respectively of the total imports.

However, the imports of consumer goods, raw/auxiliary materials, and capital goods in the initial five months of 2019 dropped 11.10 percent, 9.39 percent, and 7.41 percent respectively than the corresponding time frame last year.  (ant)


Only one province and six districts in Indonesia allocate more than 20 percent of their regional budget to the educational sector without depending on the transfer of funds from the central government, said Education and Culture Minister, Muhadjir Effendy. While the province is West Sumatra, the six districts include Ogan Komering Ilir, Pemalang, Bogor, Kutai Kartanagara, Bandung, and Bangli, he said at a working meeting with the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission X in Jakarta on Monday.

"Only 20 percent of provinces allocate their regional budget funds to the educational sector, but the fund includes the transfer of funds (from the central government)," he said

He said the budget allocations for the educational sector in the state budget (APBN) continued to increase. Likewise, the budget allocations for the transfer of funds from the central government to regional administrations is also quite large, reaching more than 62 percent of the state budget in 2019.

"The transfer of funds to regional administrations reached Rp279.4 trillion in 2018 and Rp308.38 trillion in 2019," he said.

As one of the ministries managing the largest education fund in the budget year 2018, the Education and Culture Ministry realized 97.10 percent of its budget allocations.

"In the past couple of years, the realization of the budget fund at the Education and Culture Ministry is the highest among 10 ministries and non-ministerial government institutions receiving the largest portion of the budget funds," he said.

During the meeting, the ministry proposed an additional budget fund of Rp12.22 trillion for the budget year 2020. The figure is lower than the ministry's indicative ceiling of Rp34.534 trillion.

In the discussion of the budget work plan (RKA) and the government work plan (RKP) at the ministry, the House Commission X urged the ministry to provide a database which may serve as a reference and make a description of obstacles faced in the realization of programs and activities since 2017. (ant)


Martin Sangill, a Danish citizen, and his team managed to amaze the citizens of Horsens when displaying various Setia Hati Anoman martial arts moves, Saturday June 22, 2019 at Vitus Berings Plads which is the town square of Horsens.

The pencak silat attractions are part of the "Indonesian Bazaar and Cultural Day" event organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Copenhagen in collaboration with Dini's Restaurant and Indonesian people in the Jutland region, Denmark.

"This year we are displaying pencak silat which is an Indonesian cultural heritage, but unique to being explored by Danish citizens," said M. Ibnu Said, Indonesian Ambassador to Denmark. "This bazaar and cultural day event was also held to strengthen and enhance people-to-people contact between citizens of Indonesia and Denmark," he continued.

Not only empty-handed, Martin Sangill and his students also demonstrated their abilities using sticks and machetes. Every move that is said raises the admiration of the audience who is also busy recording the scene with the mobile phone.

"Events like this are very important for both nations. We can know each other and enrich our lives with other cultures. Like pencak silat as tangible proof, an Indonesian cultural heritage, but deepened by Danish citizens," said Peter Sinding Poulsen, Deputy of Horsens City Government .

Martin Sangill himself has studied pencak silat for more than 30 years since 1988. In 2012 he opened the first pencak silat club in Denmark and had Danish students.

Besides pencak silat, there were also various Indonesian dances ranging from alusi au from North Sumatra, Lancang Kuning from Riau, Lenggang Nyai and Nandak from Jakarta, Jaipong from West Java, Tanduk Majeng from Madura, Weaving and Condong from Bali, Gantar from Kalimantan to dance -tarians from eastern Indonesia, such as Poco-poco, Maumere, Tobelo, and Sajojo.

Not only the promotion of culture, various Indonesian cuisines were also introduced to local residents. Starting from meatballs, chicken noodles, yellow rice, rendang, Manado dishes, Balinese cuisine, Bandung kupat tofu, satay, egg martabak to mpek-mpek. In addition, a variety of Indonesian food products, such as soy sauce, warm rice Bu Tjitro, Sambal Bu Rudi, and P.T. products. Mayora, like Kopiko, Bengbeng and Coffee Joy, are also in demand not only by the Indonesian people but also local residents.

Dini Banowati, an Indonesian restaurant owner in the town of Horsens, which is the only Indonesian restaurant in Denmark at the moment, said that the event was not only aimed at promoting culture and culinary, but also was a place of friendship awaited by the Indonesian people, especially those living in the region Jutland.

As a kick off for the people's party on August 17, this event will also be enlivened with various traditional games, such as maritime competitions for children. As for adults, they participated in clog racing competitions, put pens into bottles, and joged oranges accompanied by dangdut, as well as making spring rolls. These competitions were not only attended by Indonesians, but also by local residents.

Not to forget, Indonesian Student Association also enlivened by presenting various Indonesian modern songs. This is also to introduce Danish citizens that Indonesia does not only have traditional music, such as gamelan or angklung, but also rich in various types of music, such as dangdut and modern.

The feeling of emotion enveloped when all Indonesian citizens who were present sang along with Tanah Airku and Kebyar-kebyar songs as the closing ceremony.

The city of Horsens is located on the east coast of the Jutland region, Denmark, or about 200 kilometers from the capital city of Copenhagen and has a population of 58,646 people in 2018. At present there are around 800 Indonesian citizens living in Denmark. (kemenlu - Indonesian Embassy in Copenhagen)


The ASEAN Economic Ministers again held a meeting to use discuss the development of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations in Bangkok, Thailand, Saturday (6/22). Meeting held on the sidelines of the Level Conference The 34th ASEAN Summit is aimed at consolidating ASEAN's position on issues that have not been resolved internally within ASEAN or involving Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).

"This meeting also discussed the strategy to ensure the completion of RCEP negotiations at the end of 2019 as mandated by the leaders of the RCEP government," explained the  Indonesian  Minister of Trade Enggartiasto Lukita as Country Coordinator of RCEP Negotiations.  

All ASEAN member countries are expected to work hard and show centrality and solidity in leading and encouraging the progress of the RCEP negotiations towards completion.  The Minister of Trade said that the completion of RCEP was a joint priority. In the midst of an uncertain global trade situation, now is the right moment to solve it. "First, there should be no new proposals and focus on existing issues. Second, we must be able to respond well to every issue that is delayed and resolved. Finally, convince partner countries of the definition of substantial settlement and ensuring "settlement of market access and text negotiations are included," he said.

The 34th ASEAN Summit meeting began with a working dinner on 21 June 2019 and continued with a plenary session on 22 June 2019. Besides giving political decisions, the ASEAN Economic Minister also provide a number of directives to the Trade Negotiation Committee to ensure negotiations according to the planned schedule. 

During the 34th ASEAN Summit, the Minister of Trade also held bilateral meetings with the Philippines and Thailand. With the Philippines, the Minister of Trade raised the issue of the implementation of the Special Safeguards (SSG) coffee and ceramic products. Whereas with Thailand, the Minister of Trade discussed a number of tariff and non-tariff barriers faced by the two countries, including plans and strategies for organizing ASEAN Troika with India.

"Both with the Philippines and Thailand, it was agreed to form a special team discussing the barriers to export imports and the strategy of increasing Indonesia's trade with "The two countries," concluded the Trade Minister. (kemendag)