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Monday, 24 June 2019 09:12

ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting: Consolidating ASEAN Position Towards Settlement of Negotiations RCEP

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RCEP Meeting in Bangkok RCEP Meeting in Bangkok kemendag

The ASEAN Economic Ministers again held a meeting to use discuss the development of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations in Bangkok, Thailand, Saturday (6/22). Meeting held on the sidelines of the Level Conference The 34th ASEAN Summit is aimed at consolidating ASEAN's position on issues that have not been resolved internally within ASEAN or involving Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).

"This meeting also discussed the strategy to ensure the completion of RCEP negotiations at the end of 2019 as mandated by the leaders of the RCEP government," explained the  Indonesian  Minister of Trade Enggartiasto Lukita as Country Coordinator of RCEP Negotiations.  

All ASEAN member countries are expected to work hard and show centrality and solidity in leading and encouraging the progress of the RCEP negotiations towards completion.  The Minister of Trade said that the completion of RCEP was a joint priority. In the midst of an uncertain global trade situation, now is the right moment to solve it. "First, there should be no new proposals and focus on existing issues. Second, we must be able to respond well to every issue that is delayed and resolved. Finally, convince partner countries of the definition of substantial settlement and ensuring "settlement of market access and text negotiations are included," he said.

The 34th ASEAN Summit meeting began with a working dinner on 21 June 2019 and continued with a plenary session on 22 June 2019. Besides giving political decisions, the ASEAN Economic Minister also provide a number of directives to the Trade Negotiation Committee to ensure negotiations according to the planned schedule. 

During the 34th ASEAN Summit, the Minister of Trade also held bilateral meetings with the Philippines and Thailand. With the Philippines, the Minister of Trade raised the issue of the implementation of the Special Safeguards (SSG) coffee and ceramic products. Whereas with Thailand, the Minister of Trade discussed a number of tariff and non-tariff barriers faced by the two countries, including plans and strategies for organizing ASEAN Troika with India.

"Both with the Philippines and Thailand, it was agreed to form a special team discussing the barriers to export imports and the strategy of increasing Indonesia's trade with "The two countries," concluded the Trade Minister. (kemendag) 

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