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The province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, which is located at the northern tip of the island of Sumatra, has rich tourism potential, ranging from natural, educational, cultural tourism  and ancestral wealth to culinary tourism that can be found all in Aceh. Anoi Itam Beach is one of the mainstay natural tourism destinations in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Precisely, it is located in Gampong Anoi Itam, Sukajaya District, Sabang City, Weh Island, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province  Anoi Itam Beach, which is 13 km from Sabang City, is the only black sand beach on the island.Anoi Itam itself means 'black sand'. Based on the assessment of Garuda Indonesia magazine, the exotic beauty of this beach has led it to achieve the title as one of the most beautiful beaches in Indonesia. Anoi Itam beach sand is said to have a different density from the black sand compared with other beaches.It weighs approximately three times the weight of black sand in general. This is due to the high nickel content in its constituent mineral composition. The color combination of black sand and white limestone around it looks contrast and gives a sensation of its own beauty.

The blue sea and the sea breeze that blows bring peace that frees someone from fatigue. Please try to walk along the Anoi Itam coastline on barefoot in the afternoon.The warm sand plays on the soles of the feet as it is washed away by the waves, creating a sensation that makes one relax. Witnessing landscapes, green trees, blue skies and views of the towering Mount Seulawah in mainland Aceh is an unforgettable experience.

To go to Anoi Itam Beach in Sabang, first we have to go to Banda Aceh, to be precise to Ulee Lhue Harbor to take a ferry or speed boat to Balohan Harbor on Weh Island. After arriving at Balohan Harbor or Sabang City, the journey can be continued by renting a car or motorbike to go to Anoi Itam Beach.To enjoy the beauty of this beach, you should explore by motorbike from Sabang City, along the eastern route, across Sumur Tiga beach with a travel time of about 30 minutes. Along the way uphill and downhill, our eyes are spoiled with beautiful beach scenery while taking photos.



Data of IndonesianStatistics Agency (BPS) showed that Indonesian economic growth in Q4 2021 was 5.02 percent year on year. Therefore, the 2021 economic growth was 3.69 percent. 

Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono in a press conference on Monday (7/2) said that the main supporter of Q4 2021 economic growth based on expense was still dominated by household consumption with 3.55 percent so that the share towards the economy surpassed 52.91 percent. The household consumption contributed 1.91 percent of the 5.02 percent year-on-year growth in Q4 2021. This indicated that the people started shopping when the economy recovers.

More in detail, Margo Yuwono also explained that the booster of the household consumption was the increasing sales of retail, wholesale, and motor vehicles. Meanwhile, the transaction value of electronic money, debit card, and credit card grew 9.11 percent, strengthening compared to Q4 2020 which was minus 0.88 percent. Another indicator by BPS was 18.23 percent growth in flight passengers.

Another important component was investment or Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF). In Q4 2021, the GFCF grew by 4.49 percent, contributing 31.01 percent to the Gross Domestic Product. This was supported by the growth of capital equipment, such as machinery and equipment, domestic vehicles, and other imported capital equipment.

The next component is that goods and services export grew significantly by 29.83 percent year on year. The export was the 3rd biggest structure of GDP with 23.70 percent share. Various other phenomena that supported export included some partner countries' growing economies such as China, U.S., and South Korea.

Meanwhile, some international commodity prices, such as palm oil and coal also improved Indonesian export performance.

The fourth contributor of GDP was 11.82 percent government consumption which grew 5.25 percent. This growth was supported by the 25.13 percent increase in goods and services spending realization.


When traveling to Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, there are many tourism attractions that you can visit. One of them is Kerandangan Nature Tourism Park. The park is surrounded by hills with a variety of plants and birds. Some of the attractions found in Kerandangan Nature Tourism Park are Putri Kembar Waterfall, Walet Cave, and Eat Ber'aik spring. This tourism park is located in Senggigi Persiapan village, Batu Layar district, West Lombok regency. From Mataram, the capital of West Nusa Tenggara, this tourism attraction can be accessed by using land transportation for 25 minutes.

When entering the Kerandangan Nature Tourism Park, you will immediately feel the cool air and see the beautiful scenery. Here, you can do jungle tracking, explore rivers, go camping, apply environmental education, and observe plants and animals, especially birds. In Kerandangan, there are 59 bird species that have been identified by a joint team from the University of Mataram and the Center for Conservation and Natural Resources. These birds include rare and endemic species that are only found in a few locations in the world. One of them is the Celepuk Rinjani bird. This bird is rare because it is endemic to the island of Lombok. Path access that has been arranged neatly and beautifully make it easier for you to get around enjoying the fresh air in this Nature Tourism Park as well as observing plants and birds. In addition, at some points there are also park benches for you to rest and take photos.

In addition to natural tourism and educational tours, you can also enjoy the beauty of waterfalls and natural caves that are very beautiful in this tourism park. To get to the Putri Kembar waterfall and Walet cave, you need to take about 60 to 90 minutes or about 2 kilometers from the main door of the Kerandangan Nature Tourism Park. At this location, there is also an area of 20 hectares for a camping ground. Up to 30 tents can be set up for camping. Camping locations have also been equipped with toilet facilities and other supporting facilities.



The collaboration between PT PLN and PT PAL Indonesia has succeeded in building a modern Mobile Power Plant (MPP). The synergy of both companies has become a revolutionary milestone in the development of a mobile power plant in the form of a Barge Mounted Power Plant (BMPP). The first phase of the BMPP, which was developed by PLN through its subsidiary, PT Indonesia Power in synergy with PT PAL, is named ‘BMPP Nusantara 1’. The mobile power plant with a capacity of 60 MW has been completed and will soon be heading to Ambon, Maluku. President Director of PT PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo said that specifically in eastern Indonesia, the existence of the Barge Mounted Power Plant type is a solution to meet the electricity needs in the remote areas across Indonesia.

The BMPP Nusantara 1 uses the first dual-fuel diesel engine technology in Indonesia. Nusantara 1 can supply 60MW of electricity from the solar panels above it. As a floating power plant, BMPP is built using robust and proven design materials, and it has the flexibility to operate with different fuels, both diesel B30 and gas, without the need to turn off the generator. This is a solution to the availability of fuel in certain areas. With its compact dimensions and low water load for the size of a barge, the BMPP Nusantara 1 is claimed to be able to operate in shallow waters and remote areas as well as being mobile so that it can be an electrification solution in case of a natural disaster.

After the Barge Mounted Power Plant (BMPP) Nusantara 1 has been produced, it will be followed by two other BMPPs which have a larger accumulation of electrical power with a total capacity of 150 MW. Operations and maintenance are also fully carried out by PT Indonesia Power so that there is no longer dependence on electricity supply from outside parties. In the future, BMPP is expected to be able to meet the needs or replace floating power plants not only in Ambon or Maluku but also in several other regions across Indonesia.