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The Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek promoted Indonesian spice products to a network of spice importers, culinary activists, supermarket and restaurant entrepreneurs in Namibia, Friday (11/2). The activity was themed "Indonesian Culinary Promotion".

Indonesian Ambassador to Namibia, Wisnu Edi Pratignyo in a written statement received Saturday (12/2) said that Indonesia wants to bring more local spices abroad and shows the world the richness of Indonesian spices and attract tourists to try the local dishes directly.

The Economic Function of the Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek, Sulthon Sjahril said that Indonesia is the fourth largest spice exporting country in the world. He also said that Indonesia is also known as the second largest pepper producer in the world and the Indonesian spice industry is considered very profitable.

According to the Ministry of Trade, the exports of spices and herbs from Indonesia each year reach an average of US$500 million or equivalent to Rp 7.2 trillion.

In a supporting event for the "Indonesia Spice Up the World" program, the Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek held a demonstration of cooking Indonesian specialties using instant spices.In addition, the Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek also exhibited a number of Indonesian culinary products, including instant seasoning, spices, chili sauce, tomato sauce, sweet soy sauce, coconut milk, palm cooking oil, margarine, instant noodles, canned fish and instant coffee.This activity is expected to make it easier for Namibian importers to recognize Indonesian culinary export products and to interact directly with food exporters and producers in Indonesia virtually.



Yesterday, February 13, 2022 was observed as the eleventh World Radio Day. The World Radio Day was introduced on 3 November 2011, at the 36th General Conference of the United Nations organization for Education, Science and Culture -UNESCO. The first Radio Day commemoration was proposed by Spain on September 20, 2010. Then,  in 2011, UNESCO conducted extensive consultations with various stakeholders, related to the observance of the World Radio Day. As a result, 91 percent support World Radio Day. February 13 was chosen as the anniversary date, because it was on that date in 1946, UN Radio was founded.

On its website, UNESCO says, radio continues to be one of the most trusted and accessible media in the world; UNESCO also states, radio is a powerful medium for celebrating humanity in all its diversity and is a platform for democratic discourse. At the global level, radio remains the most consumed medium. Its unique ability to reach the widest possible audience enables radio to shape the experience of people's diversity. On the one hand, it can stand as an arena for all voices to be spoken, represented and heard. On the other hand, radio stations are required to be able to serve diverse communities, offer a variety of programs, viewpoints and content, and reflect the diversity of audiences within their organizations and operations.

The theme for this year's Radio Day is ‘Radio and Trust’. The theme has 3 sub-themes.  First, Trust in Radio Journalism: Produce independent and high-quality content. Second, Trust and Accessibility: Take care of the audience or listeners. Third, Radio Station Trust and Survival: Ensure competitiveness.

The 3 sub-themes seem appropriate to see the current radio situation. Amid the development of social media, the internet and various information and communication platforms, radio is required to maintain its strength as a trustworthy medium. The number of hoaxes on various information and communication platforms makes people still need mainstream print media, such as newspapers or magazines, and electronics media, such as television and radio to find true and factual information.

In accordance with the times, today's radio stations, including Voice of Indonesia, continue to try to reach a wider audience through various platforms, including short wave, websites, live streaming, and social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and others. Thereby, it can be said that radio is still the medium with the widest reach.



Fifty-two tons of Indonesian animal feed produced by Cooperative of  Agro Niaga Jabung Syariah of East Java loaded in two containers was exported to Brunei Darussalam. The Indonesian Embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan in its statement received in Jakarta on Wednesday (9/2)  stated that the Indonesian animal feed products were immediately delivered to the buyer in which the unloading of the container was witnessed by Indonesian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam, Sujatmiko.

The two containers of animal feed are for cattle, while a small portion is as a component of sheep feed. This is the 3rd shipment of animal feed by continuing the previous export which took place in 2021. Overall, Indonesia has sent six containers of the JABFeed branded cow feed. The opportunity for Indonesian animal feed exports to Brunei is still wide open. The Indonesian Embassy also stated that the animal feed consumption in Brunei in 2020 reached 158,579 metric tons in which 60 percent was obtained from imports.

Moreover, the Indonesian Embassy along with the development of Brunei's agricultural sector has new opportunities that can be filled with lots of superior products and services from Indonesia. Besides, there is land in Brunei that can be used to boost local production by exporting expertise and technology from Indonesia. The export opportunities to Brunei are still also open for supporting products, such as fertilizers, vitamins, agricultural machinery, and superior seeds. The Indonesian Embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan further stated that the Embassy is ready to facilitate the expansion of exports of Indonesian agricultural products and services to Brunei Darussalam. Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, over the past four years, Indonesia's exports to Brunei Darussalam have continuously increased.

Meanwhile, annual data also shows that Indonesia's exports to Brunei in 2021  grew 63.95 percent compared to 2020, with strengthening especially in energy commodities and consumer goods.



The printing press created by University of Indonesia students is designed to produce safe and practical documents. They adopted the way vending machines work in creating Printbox, which is a document printing tool that can be accessed independently. When data security is an important issue, Printbox becomes a necessity. Leakage of data, either due to theft or negligence of the data owner, is the cause of the emergence of criminal acts. This can happen, for example, because the data owner prints personal data, such as ID cards, family cards, and passbooks in public places. Alif Hikmah and three of his colleagues were inspired by this in realizing the Printbox machine.

 Alif as the CEO of explained that the way Printbox works is very easy. This Printbox offers a friendly price for the average student size because the print rate is only Rp500–Rp1,000 per sheet. This tool also addresses student concerns regarding data security. According to Alif, documents uploaded on the server will be locked. So, no one can access them. Once printed, the document will be automatically deleted so that the document remains safe. This is done as an effort to protect user’s data to prevent data leakage and theft.

Printbox is a product of—a startup engaged in the development of high-tech office products in Indonesia. This startup is a program fostered by the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park, University of Indonesia (DISTP UI) and is supported by the Menristekdikti under the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Printbox also eliminates the need to deal with customer service when printing documents. In addition to saving the company's operational costs, technology-savvy millennial customers prefer a simple and independent transaction process.