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Nouvarah Ahdiba

Nouvarah Ahdiba




MRT Jakarta, New Civilization of Jakarta

Since 2008, every April 2nd, the world has commemorated the World Autism Awareness Day. This year, the commemoration is themed, "Assistive Technologies, Active Participation" In connection with the commemoration, the United Nations (UN) urged the world community to ensure the participation of people with autism in a bid to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In its official website, the United Nations says that for many people on the autism spectrum, access to inexpensive assisting technology is a prerequisite for being able to use their human rights and participate fully in society. Thus, this contributes to the realization of the SDGs. The assisting technology can reduce or eliminate barriers to their participation on the basis of equality with others.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires countries participating in the Convention to promote the availability and use of the assisting technology at affordable costs. They must also facilitate access to assisting technology by promoting technology research and development.

While technology continues to grow, there are still major obstacles to the use of the assisting technology, including high costs, lack of availability, lack of awareness of their potential, and lack of training in its use. Data from the United Nations shows that in some developing countries, more than 50 percent of people with disabilities who need assisting device cannot receive it.

In Indonesia in 2015, according to the Kompas Daily (11/3), there was 1 in 250 children with autism and there were approximately 12,800 children with autism and 134,000 people overall. Unfortunately in Indonesia, there is no accurate data regarding the increase in children with autism every year. However, handling autism in Indonesia is the same as other countries. Currently, there has been a lot of information circulating regarding the handling of autism in Indonesia, such as the opening of various therapy centers, the formation of various foundations that care about handling children with autism, and there are some seminars from home and abroad that discuss autism.

Handling that was once considered impossible, finally, can be applied to children who have symptoms of autism from an early age. Despite the fact, fewer parties are able to implement it with the right method, especially in Indonesia.

This is the importance of the initiative and the role of the government in regulating services related to autism both in the form of physical facilities and laws. Thus, all people with autism get the rights to coped with. So, Indonesia can finally carry out its commitments in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially related to people with disabilities namely Leaving No One Behind.(rini/rhm)



Indonesia and Switzerland have signed an agreement on mutual legal assistance (MLA) after two rounds of negotiation in Bali and Bern, the Indonesian Embassy in Bern, noted in a statement here on Tuesday.
The MLA was signed by Indonesia's Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly and Swiss Justice Minister Karin Keller-Sutter in Bern, Switzerland, on Monday (Feb 4).
The agreement will, among others, regulate legal assistance on tracing, freezing, seizing, and dispossession of assets resulting from criminal acts.
The mutual legal assistance is a key part to support the legal process in the requester country.
Laoly said the agreement can be applied to handle tax fraud cases.
"The agreement is part of the government`s efforts to ensure that citizens or institutions would adhere to tax regulations in Indonesia," he stated.
The MLA has adopted the principle of retroactive that allow the authority to touch a criminal case committed before the agreement is taken into effect, as long as there is no court verdict yet on the case.
Indonesian Ambassador to Switzerland Muliaman D. Hadad remarked that the agreement has added to the sound bilateral ties in the fields of economy, social, and culture.
For Indonesia, it was the 10th agreement after it earlier signed an MLA agreement with the ASEAN, Australia, Hong Kong, China, South Korea, India, Vietnam, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran.
For Switzerland, it was the 14th agreement on mutual legal assistance with non-European countries. (antara)


The death toll of tsunami and high waves that hit some coasts in Sunda Strait, particularly in South Lampung, as well as Pandenglang and Serang in Banten has reached 43 people, according to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency.

The Head of Information Data Center of the Agency Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said in a statement here on Sunday, data collected until 7.00 a.m. local time showed that the tsunamis and high waves killed 43 people, injured 584 people, and two people are missing.
Antara News Agency reported, the natural disasters also heavily damaged 430 houses, nine hotels, and dozens of boats. The number of refugees is still calculated.

Pandeglang is the most severely affected area. Data collected from Pandeglang District show that 33 people died and 491 people are injured.

The areas affected by the disaster are settlements and tourist areas along some beaches of Tanjung Lesung, Sumur, Teluk Lada, Penimbang and Carita.

There were many tourists on the beach along Pandeglang when the high waves hit the areas.
Whereas in South Lampung there are seven people died, 89 people are injured and 30 houses are severely damaged. Meanwhile, in Serang there are three people died, four people are injured and two people are missing.

According to Sutopo, information and data is still being collected. It is possible that the number of victims and damage will continue to increase.

He said the emergency actions will be continued. The emergency response status and emergency response organizational structure, establishment of emergency posts, public kitchens and other facilities are being prepared.

Heavy equipment has also been mobilized for evacuation and emergency actions.
The Agency urges people not to do activities around coasts and beaches at the moment.
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency and the Geological Agency are still conducting studies to find out the exact causes of the tsunamis and high waves, and the aftershocks possibility.