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People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) secretary general Ma'ruf Cahyono at an event entitled 'Building Indonesia from Villages', originating from here on Saturday (November 27, 2021). (ANTARA/HO-Humas MPR RI/FR) - 

Development efforts to open villages to the influence of the outside world should be responded with the bolstering of local identity, secretary general of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Ma'ruf Cahyono, has said.

In a written statement received here on Saturday, Cahyono argued that such an effort would ensure that the local culture, the spirit of mutual assistance, national identity and character in villages remains protected.

To optimize this effort, the Indonesian Village Government Association (Apdesi) could collaborate with MPR, which will consistently develop the nation's character by disseminating the Four Pillars of MPR, he affirmed.

"Apdesi could assist in supporting MPR's vision as the well of nationality, guardian of the Pancasila ideology and the people's sovereignty, and back MPR's duty in disseminating the Four Pillars of MPR, review the governance system, and absorb the people's aspirations," he remarked.

National development can successfully be achieved if villages are taken care of properly by the state in terms of their advancement and independence, the secretary general said.

Villages play an important role in supporting the government's success as a whole, he added. Villages are also the frontliners in terms of achieving success in various matters and government programs, he said.

Villages have two strategic functions, he highlighted. First, in terms of economy, villages' prosperity is one of the indicators that determine how strong a region or a nation's economy is, he said.

Second, politically, a village could become the indicator for the people's voice and aspirations that should not be ignored, he added.

According to Cahyono, the village potential development program is directed at the realization of agro-tourist, industry, and digital villages.

"In the future, I am optimistic that villages could grow to become the center of economic and technological growth," he affirmed.

This would make the younger generation become interested in returning to villages, developing their regions, and optimizing various existing opportunities//ANT


Secretary to the head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), Achmad Uzair Fauzan, at a webinar originating from here on Saturday (November 27, 2021). (ANTARA/Tri Meilani Ameliya/FR) - 


University students will serve as the backbone for realizing Advanced Indonesia 2045, secretary to the head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), Achmad Uzair Fauzan, stated at a webinar on Saturday.

Advanced Indonesia 2045 is closely linked to the demographic bonus, or when the Indonesian population is expected to be dominated by people in the productive age category, that is, between the ages of 15 to 64, he explained.

In theory, when a population is dominated by people from the productive age, there are many citizens who are earning an income and who can bolster the economic prosperity of the nation, he explained.

Thus, Indonesia has a huge potential for becoming an advanced nation by 2045, which is why university students, as the engine of social transformation, should optimize this opportunity, he said.

He also described university students as a part of the social elite.

"University students are part of the social elite who can become the instigators of social transformation, meaning those who encourage people to be better, get higher education, and become more prosperous," he elaborated.

He also opined that university students are an important pillar who will determine the future of Indonesia.

However, the potential of Advanced Indonesia 2045 has not been completely actualized because the Indonesian people are still encountering some challenges, he added.

"One of the challenges for us to head toward Advanced Indonesia 2045 is technological development," he noted.

Fauzan deemed that advanced people are those who are "information literate", meaning those who can quickly obtain correct, accurate, latest, and complete information.

Hence, the challenge of technology should be handled by optimizing the growth of information technology in Indonesia, he advised.

In addition, the government and related parties should educate the people so that they develop the capability for using communication and information technology media//ANT


Analysis of global and local atmospheric conditions shows that there is activity in the growth of convective clouds in the West Java region in general - 


The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that as many as 13 districts and cities in West Java were prone to flash floods during rains at the end of November 2021.

Head of the Bandung Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency, Teguh Rahayu, remarked that the likelihood for flooding was based on the Impact-Based Forecast (IBF) by taking into account the risks arising as a result of the weather.

"Analysis of global and local atmospheric conditions shows that there is activity in the growth of convective clouds in the West Java region in general. Hence, rains in the West Java area have started to increase," Rahayu noted in Bandung, West Java, on Saturday.

The 13 regions comprise Bekasi District, Bekasi City, Bogor District, Bogor City, Depok City, Sukabumi District, Sukabumi City, Cianjur Regency, Majalengka District, Cirebon District, Cirebon City, Kuningan District, and Indramayu District.

Based on the forecast, flooding may occur in several cities or districts this Saturday. Floods can likely occur in Indramayu District from Sunday, November 28.

Rahayu's administration has urged stakeholders to take precautionary measures against some impacts related to the likelihood of flooding in these cities or districts.

Moreover, landslides can likely occur during the rainy season at the end of November 2021, she stated.

"This is because convective cloud growth has started, the likelihood of moderate to heavy rains in the West Java region increases, and the potential for landslides increases," Rahayu stated.

The agency head has urged the public to stay vigilant and alert to natural disasters that could likely occur so as to avoid the impact of damage that could ensue.

"What people need to watch out for at this time is to stay calm and alert, be careful while conducting activities outside the home, and reduce outdoor activities if it is not important," Rahayu stated//ANT


BPJS Kesehatan symbolically handed over sembako, or food staples packages, for flood victims to the West Kalimantan provincial government on Friday (November 26, 2021). (Antara/HO-BPJS Kesehatan/FR) - 

Healthcare and social security agency BPJS Kesehatan has provided aid in the form of sembako, or staple food packages, for flood victims in West Kalimantan, the agency's secretary, Arief Syaefuddin, has informed.

In a statement received here on Saturday, he said that the agency has expressed its sympathy to local residents for the tragedy that befell them as a result of the flood.

"As a form of our compassion toward the people who were impacted by this disaster, BPJS Kesehatan has provided aid in the form of one thousand packages of sembako," he informed.

"In terms of quantity, this may not be much, but this aid is expected to be able to alleviate the burden on the people affected by this disaster," he affirmed.

The sembako was symbolically handed over to the West Kalimantan provincial government on Friday, he said.

BPJS Kesehatan will leave it up to the provincial government to decide how the sembako is to be utilized since the government better understands the characteristics of the province and knows which areas require the aid, Syaefuddin added.

"Let us hope that the flood disaster that happened in West Kalimantan could completely diminish so that the people's activity can return to normal," he remarked after symbolically handing over the aid.

Meanwhile, BPJS Kesehatan's direction deputy for Banten, West Kalimantan, and Lampung, Lisa Nurena, assured that the services for National Health Insurance and Healthy Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) members have continued to operate optimally.

Despite several branch offices shutting down on account of the flood, members could still access JKN-KIS services, she informed.

"Not just live services, JKN-KIS members could also access BPJS Kesehatan's digital service through Mobile JKN, administration service through Whatsapp (PANDAWA), Chat Assistant JKN (CHIKA) and BPJS Kesehatan Care Center 165," Nurena said.

During the aid handing event, West Kalimantan Governor Sutarmidji expressed his gratitude for the aid provided for people impacted by the flood.

"Regarding the distribution process, it will be distributed to regions that still require it such as Kapuas Hulu that is still experiencing severe flooding. Hopefully, the aid would be beneficial for the recipients," he remarked//ANT