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COP26 in Glasgow, UK held on October 31st until November 12th 2021 - 

In December 2015 the world came together and agreed the Paris Agreement, a landmark in the global efforts to tackle climate change. In this binding agreement, 196 countries – including the UK and Indonesia - committed themselves to limit the rise in average global temperature to well below 2 degrees and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.

COP26 in Glasgow, UK, aims to gather and review these commitments – encouraging all countries to be ambitious so as to meet the goals set out in the Paris Agreement. The UK is hosting the climate change summit in partnership with Italy.

In his speech, the COP26 President Designate highlighted four elements for COP26 to deliver the level of ambition required: 1) climate action plans to significantly reduce emissions by 2030 and reach net zero by mid-century, and to support adaptation to tackle climate threats; 2) concrete action to deliver these plans, including agreements on reducing coal, electric cars, protecting trees and reducing methane emissions; 3) to honour the $100bn dollar pledge; and 4) a negotiated outcome that paves the way for a decade of ever-increasing ambition.

Mr Sharma will echo the call from the countries most vulnerable to climate change, for all G20 countries and major emitters of greenhouse gases to come forward with enhanced, ambitious 2030 climate action plans (Nationally Determined Contributions). The leaders of the G20 countries will meet in Rome at the end of this month.

He will also urge world leaders to take the lead from those climate vulnerable countries which are taking action in the most difficult circumstances to protect the planet and its people.

“COP26 is not a photo op, nor a talking shop. It must be the forum where we put the world on track to deliver on climate. And that is down to leaders. It is leaders who made a promise to the world in this great city six years ago. And it is leaders that must honour it.

“Responsibility rests with each and every country. And we must all play our part. Because on climate, the world will succeed, or fail as one.”

Alok Sharma was also clear that we must see new commitments on public and private finance to support the countries most vulnerable to climate change and progress on adaptation to the effects of our changing climate, accounting for the loss and damage that it can cause.

He also spoke about the work done ahead of COP26 to make it the most inclusive COP to date, despite the unprecedented challenges the world faces in hosting an event during the COVID-19 pandemic. He set out the measures in place to make the Summit safe, including the vaccine offer to developing countries, daily testing regime and social distancing in the venue.

"At COP26 we will also start deliberations on the post 2025 finance goal. And, more broadly, we must address issues such as fiscal space. So I hope we will hear progress on SDR channelling to developing and vulnerable countries at the IMF and World Bank Annual meetings this week" Sharma said//VOI-NK 


Vice President Ma'ruf Amin presiding over the coordination meeting at the West Papua Governor's Office, Manokwari, on Thursday (Oct 14, 2021). ANTARA/HO-Setwapres - 


Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has urged the West Papuan government to resolve extreme poverty in the province's five priority districts by the end of the 2021 budget year.

"We are optimistic that the issue of extreme poverty afflicting the five priority districts would be resolved by the end of 2021. Despite having designated five priority districts, it does not mean that other districts are safe from extreme poverty," Amin stated while presiding over the coordination meeting at the West Papua Governor's Office, Manokwari, on Thursday.

The five districts prioritized for the extreme poverty eradication program are Teluk Wondama, Teluk Bintuni, Tambraw, Maybrat, and South Manokwari , with the number of residents classified to fall in the extreme poverty category totaling 39,357 people from 12,440 households, he noted.

The extreme poverty eradication program in Teluk Wondama District targets 7,960 residents; 13,760 residents in Teluk Bintuni District; 3,140 residents in Tambraw District; 9,520 targeted residents in Maybrat District; and 5,150 residents in South Manokwari District.

To achieve zero cases of extreme poverty in the districts, the central government had allocated extra cash benefits that the regional government should properly utilize to handle cases of extreme poverty, Amin noted.

"This is because we have less than three months for 2022, and the government has decided to allocate additional cash benefits through basic needs and the village's direct cash assistance programs for the priority districts," the vice president stated.

Amin also reiterated the necessity to ensure that all targeted residents would receive the benefits during the meeting.

"We should exert our efforts to synergize and converge existing potentials to achieve our target and ensure the benefits would reach those who needed it most," Amin remarked.

Apart from West Papua's five districts, another 30 districts in West Java, Central Java, East Java, Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, and Papua will also receive social benefits under this year's extreme poverty alleviation program//ANT


A vaccination program was hosted by the State Intelligence Agency at Padang 2 Islamic State High School on Thursday (October 14, 2021). (Antarasumbar/HO-BIN Daerah Sumbar) - 


The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) hosted a COVID-19 vaccination program for students, university students, and the public in Padang city, West Sumatra, on Thursday. 

The mass vaccination activity was conducted at the Padang 2 Islamic State High School and was attended by at least 3,500 students from nine schools.

"Vaccination continues to be pushed in order to create herd immunity to suppress the number of COVID-19 (cases)," head of the West Sumatra Regional State Intelligence Agency, Hendra, said in Padang on Thursday.

The nine schools from where the vaccination participants came from are overseen by the Padang Regional Office of the Religious Affairs Ministry, he informed. The schools included Thawalib Islamic Junior High School, 2 Islamic State High School, 2 Vocational High School, 3 Vocational High School, 25 Middle School, 38 Middle School, 6 Vocational High School, 16 Middle School, and Padang 32 Middle School, he added.

Students were enthusiastic about participating in the vaccination held by the West Sumatra Regional BIN, he said adding, door-to-door vaccinations were also organized for the community.

He elaborated that the vaccination program in Padang was conducted to boost vaccination rates in the schools, which had been deemed low.

The low vaccination rate among students in these schools was confirmed by acting Regional Secretary of Padang city, Arfian.

The State Intelligence Agency's vaccination efforts are expected to have a positive impact in surmounting the COVID-19 pandemic, he said.

Meanwhile, Hendra invited everyone to tackle COVID-19 pandemic collectively and make vaccination programs a success.

The West Sumatra Regional State Intelligence Agency is aiming to administer a total of 11 thousand vaccine doses to students, university students, and the public across West Sumatra region within one week, he elaborated.

"Addressing the pandemic requires the participation of all stakeholders, and we hope that the entire community, traditional leaders, ninik mamak, bundo kanduang, and regional leadership coordination forum can make vaccination activities successful in West Sumatra," he remarked.

Hendra said that he expected the intensive vaccination program to raise the vaccination rate to above 50 percent.

One factor for the low vaccination rate is that people are still paying heed to fake news about vaccines, he explained.

Thus, the public is advised to be wise when consuming information and not to be provoked by fake news that cannot be proven or justified, he said.

"Let's get vaccinated, because we don't want a third wave (COVID-19) in Indonesia, especially in Padang city. Besides that, the community activities restriction level in the West Sumatra area could go down," Hendra remarked.

The areas that have been covered by the West Sumatra Regional State Intelligence Agency's vaccination program include Padangpariaman, Pesisir Selatan, Dharmasraya, and Padang city//ANT


A screeenshot of Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, during a virtual seminar entitled 'Artificial Intelligence and its Challenges to the Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia' on Thursday (October 14, 2021). (ANTARA/Putu Indah Savitri) - 

The creation of works using artificial intelligence (Al) has very important implications for the Copyright Law, Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, has said.


"When artificial intelligence gets better at producing creative works, this will further blur the distinction between art made by humans and that made by computers," he pointed out at a virtual seminar entitled 'Artificial Intelligence and its Challenges to the Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia', which was held on Thursday.

He said that creative works are eligible for copyright protection only if they are original. Most jurisdictions, including Spain and Germany, stipulate that only works created by humans can be protected by copyright, he noted.

The Deputy Minister emphasized that once computers had a similar use as pen and paper. The computer only served as a means to support the creative process, he said. However, with AI, computers can produce creative works and make decisions involved in the creative process without human intervention, he added.

"This Copyright Law, when it was created, did not even consider AI," Hiariej remarked.

He said that there are three main features of the copyright system. The first one is regulation, which is a form of government support to guarantee the rights of creators and provide legal protection for works produced by creators, he elaborated.

The second one regards law enforcement, which aims to protect copyrighted works from infringement, he said.

The last one is management, including the commercialization rights of copyrighted works that must be supported by proper and professional management, he added.

In order to accommodate the first point, which would become the foundation for the next two items, it is necessary to create innovations in law/legal fields, he remarked.

"We have to make breakthroughs to see that AI must be protected in terms of intellectual property rights," he stressed//ANT