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Friday, 15 October 2021 14:50

AI use has implications for Copyright Law: Deputy Minister

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A screeenshot of Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, during a virtual seminar entitled 'Artificial Intelligence and its Challenges to the Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia' on Thursday (October 14, 2021). (ANTARA/Putu Indah Savitri) - 

The creation of works using artificial intelligence (Al) has very important implications for the Copyright Law, Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, has said.


"When artificial intelligence gets better at producing creative works, this will further blur the distinction between art made by humans and that made by computers," he pointed out at a virtual seminar entitled 'Artificial Intelligence and its Challenges to the Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia', which was held on Thursday.

He said that creative works are eligible for copyright protection only if they are original. Most jurisdictions, including Spain and Germany, stipulate that only works created by humans can be protected by copyright, he noted.

The Deputy Minister emphasized that once computers had a similar use as pen and paper. The computer only served as a means to support the creative process, he said. However, with AI, computers can produce creative works and make decisions involved in the creative process without human intervention, he added.

"This Copyright Law, when it was created, did not even consider AI," Hiariej remarked.

He said that there are three main features of the copyright system. The first one is regulation, which is a form of government support to guarantee the rights of creators and provide legal protection for works produced by creators, he elaborated.

The second one regards law enforcement, which aims to protect copyrighted works from infringement, he said.

The last one is management, including the commercialization rights of copyrighted works that must be supported by proper and professional management, he added.

In order to accommodate the first point, which would become the foundation for the next two items, it is necessary to create innovations in law/legal fields, he remarked.

"We have to make breakthroughs to see that AI must be protected in terms of intellectual property rights," he stressed//ANT

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