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Monday, 01 July 2024 22:35

National Library Establishes Cooperation with Russian Library

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Acting Director of the National Library, E. Aminudin Aziz and Federal State Budgetary Cultural Institution, Margarita Rudomino All Russian State Library for Foreign Literature take a picture after signing an MOU (Photo : Perpusnas) - 



VOInews, Moscow : The National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas) collaborates with two libraries in Russia, namely the Federal State Budgetary Cultural Institution (Margarita Rudomino All Russian State Library for Foreign Literature) and the National Library of the Russian Federation.

The signing of a memorandum of mutual understanding was carried out by the Acting Director of the National Library, E. Aminudin Aziz, with the head of the relevant library, in Moscow, Russia, on Friday (28/6/2024).

Plt. The Director of the National Library stated that the institutional collaboration with overseas partners was his party's effort to exchange information and experience in improving the quality of library services to the public.

"We can learn from each other from the good practices carried out by partners and also by the National Library. Apart from that, this institutional collaboration is aimed at establishing a wider network and placing the National Library on their institutional map. "In this way, when there is a program that has the potential to be collaborated, National Library can take part in it," he said.

He hopes that the collaboration will provide opportunities for National Library employees to take part in the world library network. "The point is to exchange information, ideas and experiences to provide greater benefits to the community and increase the dignity of the National Library institution," he said.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Monday (01/07/24), Cooperation with the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture (Margarita Rudomino entire Russian State Library for Foreign Literature), Plt. The Director of the National Library said it was an effort to collect collections of Indonesian manuscripts and Indonesian collections in the world.

Meanwhile, Ad Interim Head of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture (Margarita Rudomino of the Russian State Library for Foreign Literature) Maria V. Belokolenko explained that cooperation could be followed up by holding online seminars in the field of literature between the two countries. "We really want to visit the National Library as a return visit," he explained.

He said the library was founded in 1921 and named after its founder and first head, Margarita Ivanovna Rudomino. The library has more than 4.5 million collections in 154 foreign languages ​​built since 1922.

The collection consists of books, periodicals, scientific papers, fiction and non-fiction. In addition, the library has 2,600 collections in Indonesian, most of which are publications from the 1960s to the 1980s.

"There are 554 collections about Indonesia in various languages ​​in the world, namely English, Russian, German, Dutch, French, Indonesian and Japanese. "Most of this collection is a donation from various parties," explained Maria.

At the signing of another memorandum of understanding at a different location, the Head of the National Library of the Russian Federation, Vadim Duda, stated that cooperation must be followed up with the implementation of activities. "This can also be a bridge between the two countries to introduce culture through service collaboration and exchange of library materials," he said.

The National Library of the Russian Federation has duties and obligations with the National Library, namely collecting all national publications through deposit laws. Until now, this library has more than 50 million collections.

Programs that can be followed up between libraries of the two countries are the exchange of information and knowledge in the fields of libraries and information management and information technology; staff exchanges and visits; exchange of library materials; organizing joint programs such as seminars and exhibitions in the library sector; as well as other agreed aspects.

National Library Main Secretary Joko Santoso who also accompanied Plt. The Director of the National Library explained that visits to a number of libraries in Russia provided new views and comparisons for improving the quality of management of library material deposits, library services and the implementation of information technology to support library performance.

The magnum opus works of world-class writers from Russia such as Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov and others, are displayed in various corners from the courtyard to the library rooms, including their memorabilia, statues and sculptures. statues and others. All this to celebrate the rich intellectual and literary heritage of the Russian nation. "This is very openly done in Indonesia, especially to continue to introduce the work and thoughts of Indonesian writers, which are no less important," said Joko Santoso.

During a visit to the two libraries, Plt. The Director of the National Library was accompanied by the Main Secretary of the National Library Joko Santoso, the Head of the Legal, Organization, Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau Sri Marganingsih, the National Library librarian Chaerul Umam, and a team from the Indonesian Embassy in Moscow//VOI

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