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Voter casts their ballot in the Gulf Arab state's first legislative elections for two-thirds of the advisory Shura Council, in Doha, Qatar October 2, 2021. REUTERS/Ibraheem Al Omari - 


Qataris began voting on Saturday (Oct 2) in the Gulf Arab state's first legislative elections for two-thirds of the advisory Shura Council in a vote that has stirred domestic debate about electoral inclusion and citizenship.

Voters began trickling into polling stations, where men and women entered separate sections to elect 30 members of the 45-seat body. The ruling emir will continue to appoint the remaining 15 members of the Council.

"With the chance to vote I feel this is a new chapter," Munira, who writes children's books and who asked to be identified by only one name, told Reuters. "I'm really happy (about) the number of women standing as candidates."

The Council will enjoy legislative authority and approve general state policies and the budget, but has no control over executive bodies setting defence, security, economic and investment policy for the small but wealthy gas producer, which bans political parties.

Eighteen women are among around 183 candidates hoping to be elected at stations across 30 districts in the country, which has for several years held municipal polls.

Campaigning has taken place on social media, community meetings and roadside billboards.

"This is a first-time experience for me ... to be here and meet people talking about these things that we need," said Khalid Almutawah, a candidate in the Markhiya district. "In the end we want to promote our society and we try our best to help our people and our government."

The election indicates Qatar's ruling al-Thani family is "taking seriously the idea of symbolically sharing power, but also effectively sharing power institutionally with other Qatari tribal groups", said Allen Fromherz, director of Georgia State University's Middle East Studies Center.

The election, approved in a 2003 constitutional referendum, comes ahead of Doha hosting the World Cup soccer tournament next year. Critics have said voting eligibility is too narrow.

Qatar's deputy prime minister and foreign minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, last month described the vote as a new "experiment" and said the council cannot be expected from the first year to have the "full role of any parliament".

Kuwait has been the only Gulf monarchy to give substantial powers to an elected parliament though ultimate decision-making rests with the ruler, as in neighbouring states.

The huge number of foreign workers in Qatar, the world's top liquefied natural gas producer, means nationals make up only 10 per cent of the population of 2.8 million. Even then not all Qataris are eligible to vote.

The polls have stirred tribal sensitivities after some members of a main tribe found themselves ineligible to vote under a law restricting voting to Qataris whose family was present in the country before 1930.

The foreign minister has said there is a "clear process" for the electoral law to be reviewed by the next Shura Council.

"The Qatari leadership has proceeded cautiously, restricting participation in significant ways and maintaining important controls over the political debate and outcomes," said Kristin Smith Diwan of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.

But popular politics is unpredictable, she said. "Over time Qataris may grow to see their role and rights differently as this public forum develops."

Human Rights Watch has said thousands of Qataris are excluded. Small demonstrations against the law broke out in August led by Al Murra tribe members.

The organisation said Qatar arrested around 15 demonstrators and critics of the law. A Qatari source with knowledge of the matter said on Friday two remain in custody "for inciting violence and hate speech"//CNA


Indonesian President Joko Widodo Open PON XX 2021 in Papua on Saturday (02/10/21) - 


Indonesian President Joko Widodo Open PON XX 2021 in Papua on Saturday (02/10/21). The Opening ceremony was held at the Lukas Enembe Stadium, Jayapura, Papua Province. 

The opening ceremony went well and featuring several Papua traditional dances and songs. After giving his opening remarks, President Joko Widodo play soccer with Papua Children then hit the Papua traditional music instrument called Tifa in front of the torch that was hold by Papua soccer player Boaz Salossa to mark the opening of the event. 

During his remark, President Joko Widodo said that he is proud of the creativity of Papuan youth that was presenting their culture with a modern twist and expect more in the future. 

A video showcasing Papua's natural beauty, featuring Lake Sentani, the Arthur Monument, Megalithic sites, as well as handicrafts, and Papua specialty cuisine, including Papeda, with yellow gravy, was also played during the ceremony. 

The opening ceremony of the XX PON aimed to tell the story of Papua's past, present, and future. The creative and cultural performances carried a message about the awakening of Papuan children in the future.

The PON XX is held during the pandemic with very strict health protocol//VOI-NK 



The success of the creative economy is determined by the quality of knowledge - 


The basis for the development of the creative economy is the strengthening of literacy. Therefore, literacy should not be interpreted narrowly as a movement to read and write or a movement to visit the library.

Literacy must be understood as the ability to create a variety of creativity in the creation of goods/services that grow from the habit of reading.
With good literacy quality, people are believed to be able to change what was originally considered not of economic value to become economic.

“Literacy will encourage anyone to think creatively, improve their life skills as a solution to the welfare problems they are experiencing,” explained Adin Bondar, Head of the Center for Library Analysis and Reading Culture Development at the National Library of Indonesia at the Indonesian Reading Ambassador Webinar with the theme “Collaborative Literacy, on Friday, (01/10/2021).

The same thing was expressed by the Chair of the Banten Province IKAPI who is also the initiator of the Banten Creative Economy Forum (Fekraf) Andi Suhud. He agrees that understanding literacy is not based on reading and writing skills but also problem solving skills, even in the midst of a pandemic. In addition, the creative process that must continue to be grown in order to survive.
“The success of the creative economy is closely related to the knowledge possessed by each individual. That's why it's important to recognize your own potential. Especially in the midst of a pandemic, the MSME sector is seen as a solution to revive the people's economy," Andi said.

Meanwhile, the artist from West Java, Ferry Curtis, added that being a developed nation is determined by public awareness in reading activities. Indonesia has not changed much if you look at the current conditions. For example, there are still many homeless people in many places.
As an artist, Ferry Curtis pours all the worries he feels into his music lyrics. Ferry doesn't mind being called a literate musician because only by reading and being literate will Indonesia be free from poverty and social inequality.

“Songs are timeless and timeless. However, the process to become an inspiring song must first understand the concept of literacy, "explained Ferry.
Ferry also feels proud that the National Library has contributed to the production process and literacy campaign through the music he brings to each region. Ferry also dreams that one day Indonesian children will love books and read them. "Reading is not scary," added Ferry.
The concept of Collaborative Literacy promoted by the Indonesian Reading Ambassador Heri Hendrayana Harris or who is familiarly called Gol A Gong is the beginning in spreading the literacy virus to the community by inviting literacy activists from various regions to contribute through their knowledge and skills//VOI-NK


Archive - President Joko Widodo reviews the construction of the Istora Papua Bangkit in Jayapura District, Papua, on Monday (April 1, 2019). (Bayu Prasetyo) - 


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) commenced his work visit to Papua Province by inaugurating the Istora Papua Bangkit Building in Harapan Village, East Sentani Sub-district, Jayapura District, Papua, Saturday.

Accompanying the head of state were Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) Puan Maharani, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, Chief of the National Defense Forces (TNI) Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, and Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia

The entourage arrived at around 9:15 WIT in front of the entrance to the West Hall of the Istora Bangkit Building. The inauguration process lasted about 15 minutes until they continued their work visit to another location.

"President Joko Widodo chose Istora Bangkit as the first location to start his working visit. He symbolically inaugurated this structure of the seven sports buildings that were built using the state budget in Papua," Chairman of daily affairs of the PON XX Organizing Committee Papua Yunus Wonda remarked.

Wonda informed that the Istora Bangkit building was the venue for gymnastics, while the other six buildings are used for aquatics, cricket, roller speed skating, rowing, and archery.

"All venues are built to international standards. The president has advised us to not let these buildings be abandoned after the PON comes to a close. They must be utilized optimally," he remarked.

The committee chairman highlighted the government's keenness that all of Papua's current sports facilities be used to develop Papuan regional athletes.

"Istora Bangkit carries a deep meaning for us Papuans. Hopefully, there will be a revival after a long absence of sports facilities. Hence, the government built these facilities in line with international standards," he remarked.

Apart from Istora Papua Bangkit, the president will visit the Papua Creative Youth Hub on Jalan Rajawali BTN Skyland Indah, Abepura Sub-district, Jayapura City, for a groundbreaking ceremony and the Papua Province Governor's Office on Soa Siu Dok 2 Street, Jayapura City, for a working meeting.

President Jokowi is also scheduled to officially open the National Sports Weeks (PON) XX  on Saturday at the Lukas Enembe Stadium in Jayapura.

The sport games  2021 will be held on October 2-15, 2021. At least 6,400 athletes and 3,500 officials from 34 provinces across Indonesia are expected to participate in the event that will feature 37 sports//ANT