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Archive photo — A worker drying a 125-150 meter batik fabric in Medono, Pekalongan, Central Java in September 2021. (ANTARA/Harviyan Perdana Putra/foc/FR) - 


Batik is a symbol of Indonesia's soft power diplomacy that has become more resilient and recognized by the world, Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi has said.

It is for this reason that the Foreign Affairs Ministry will continue to present batik as Indonesia's identity every chance it gets on the international stage, she remarked at the 2021 National Batik Day event, organized virtually on Saturday.

"Today marks more than a decade of Indonesia's diplomacy journey with batik that has been recognized by the world, not just as the nation's cultural inheritance, but also as non-object cultural inheritance ever since its acknowledgement by UNESCO on October 2, 2009," she noted.

"This shows the world's recognition of the richness of Indonesia's culture and the nation's commitment to protect batik," she added.

Marsudi pointed out that in May 2019, for the first time in the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary General António Guterres and almost all of the Security Council members wore Indonesian batik.

Recently, Papuan batik made its appearance at the 'New York Fashion Week' and was showcased for one month in the All Russian Decorative Art museum located at the heart of Moscow, she said.

"We all have the responsibility to become Indonesia's batik ambassadors, including, of course, Indonesian diplomats," she remarked.

"Mainstreaming batik to be a part of the education curriculum and training diplomats should be done in order to improve the effort of promoting Indonesian batik abroad," she said.

Batik is not just an artwork—every dot and image contained within it has a profound story and philosophy, she opined.

To this end, this story and philosophy should be told so that the world can better understand and appreciate batik, she added.

She also said that cultural diplomacy is a device to promote Indonesian culture and traditions and it also acts as a support for economic diplomacy//ANT


President Joko Widodo inaugurates the Istora Papua Bangkit venue in Jayapura, Papua on Saturday (October 2, 2021). (ANTARA/PUPR Ministry Press Bureau/Hari/rst) - 


The central government allocated Rp1.5 trillion for the construction of seven venues for the XX Papua National Games (PON), according to an official from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

"The government invested Rp1.5 trillion from the state budget for the construction of the seven venues—Rp1 trillion for physical venues, Rp200 billion for regional planning, and Rp300 billion for housing," director of strategic infrastructure at the PUPR Ministry, Iwan Suprijanto informed on Saturday.

The construction of the seven venues at a cost of Rp1.5 trillion was more efficient than the Papua provincial government's proposal of Rp1.7 trillion for four venues.

"We adjusted the budget with cost efficiency, so we could still meet the standards," Suprijanto informed.

The seven venues include Istora Papua Bangkit in Jayapura district, an aquatic and archery venue in Jayapura district, a cricket and hockey venue in Jayapura district, a roller skating venue in Jayapura city, and a rowing venue in Youtefa Bay, Jayapura city, he said.

Venue construction refers to building as per the standard of each sport organization, proven by international certification, and to the technical requirements of building construction, he explained.

For example, Istora Papua Bangkit involved high-tech installation of textile ducting for air control to ensure wind-sensitive matches will not be disturbed, he said.

The venues, particularly the rowing and aquatic venues, were built to showcase the exotic natural beauty of Papua, he added.

"Since it was built in Papua, we hope to expose Papua's natural beauty through the venue. Spectators at the rowing venue can enjoy watching the competition in Youtefa Bay," he said.

Meanwhile at the aquatic venue, spectators can enjoy beautiful views of the Cycloop Mountains.

"We have also considered maintenance by implementing environmentally friendly buildings so that the burden of building management does not burden regional finances," he added//ANT



Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto reviewed the readiness of the modular hospital in Merauke, Papua, October 1, 2021. (ANTARA/Defense Ministry Press Bureau/rst) - 


Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto reviewed the readiness of the Moerdani Modular Hospital in Merauke, Papua, before the health facility was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo.

The Modular Hospital is a health facility that will support the XX Papua National Games (PON) in Papua on October 2-15.

The visit to the Moerdani Modular Hospital was part of Minister Subianto's series of activities scheduled in Papua on October 1-3, 2021.

Subianto arrived at the Mopah Merauke Airport on October 1 along with his staff from the Ministry of Defense. The entourage was welcomed by Commander of the JA Airbase, Dimara Merauke, Colonel A. Gogot Winardi, and several Papuan community leaders.

On the first day of having arrived in Merauke, Minister Subianto immediately evaluated the readiness of the Moerdani Modular Hospital.

The Modular Hospital is prepared to support the XX Papua PON event, especially for emergency handling and COVID-19 related matters. The hospital was built in 20 days and has a capacity of 200 rooms. The hospital is located in Kamangi Village, Tanah Miring Sub-district, Merauke.

In addition to reviewing the hospital's readiness, Minister Subianto is scheduled to attend the opening ceremony of the XX Papua PON at the Lukas Enembe Stadium, Jayapura District, on Saturday.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was earlier also scheduled to witness the opening of the XX Papua PON.

Apart from witnessing the opening ceremony, President Jokowi inaugurated several sports venues at the Istora Papua Bangkit Complex, Jayapura.

During his stay in Papua, the head of state was accompanied by Minister of Investment Bahlil Lahadalia, National Defense Forces (TNI) Commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono, TNI Military Secretary of the President Rear Marshal M. Tonny Harjono, Commander of the Presidential Security Guards Major General Tri Budi Utomo, Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media Bey Machmudin, and Special Staff to the President Billy Mambrasar//ANT


A screenshot - Indonesian President Joko Widodo give his remark to open PON XX 2021 Papua, Saturday (03/10/21) -  


President Joko Widodo officially open the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) 2021, on Saturday at the Lukas Enembe Stadium, Jayapura.

In his remarks, the President expressed his pride in the success of the XX PON. ThePON is to show the readiness of infrastructure in Papua, including the Papuan people to hold the big events, not only at the national level but also internationally.

"This PON also has great meaning for all Indonesian. This PON is a unity. This tree of brotherhood is for equality and a justice to advance togetherness and prosperity within the framework of Indonesia" President said. 

President Joko Widodo also said that Papua's progress was not only shown through the splendor of the Lukas Enembe Stadium. President said Papua has made significant progress in various fields, from increasing connectivity to human resources. 

"This magnificent stadium is not the only symbol of Papua's progress. The sea connectivity, land connectivity, air connectivity, airports, ports, Papua highways and the development of Papuan human resources are other achievements of Papua's very proud progress" President added. 

The XX Papua National Sports Week 2021officially opened on October 2 and will end on October 15. However, a number of matches have been held since September 22was attended by 34 contingents from 34 provincial Indonesian National Sports Committees (KONI). There were 6116 guest athletes competing plus 923 Papuan host athletes.

There are 37 sports consisting of 56 disciplines and 681 match numbers. Competing for 681 gold medals, 681 silver medals and 877 bronze medals.

The location of PON XX Papua is spread across 4 clusters covering Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Mimika Regency and Merauke Regency//VOI-NDY-PTR