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Sunday, 03 October 2021 05:53

Opening PON XX, President Jokowi call PON as the stage of justice in Indonesia framework

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A screenshot - Indonesian President Joko Widodo give his remark to open PON XX 2021 Papua, Saturday (03/10/21) -  


President Joko Widodo officially open the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) 2021, on Saturday at the Lukas Enembe Stadium, Jayapura.

In his remarks, the President expressed his pride in the success of the XX PON. ThePON is to show the readiness of infrastructure in Papua, including the Papuan people to hold the big events, not only at the national level but also internationally.

"This PON also has great meaning for all Indonesian. This PON is a unity. This tree of brotherhood is for equality and a justice to advance togetherness and prosperity within the framework of Indonesia" President said. 

President Joko Widodo also said that Papua's progress was not only shown through the splendor of the Lukas Enembe Stadium. President said Papua has made significant progress in various fields, from increasing connectivity to human resources. 

"This magnificent stadium is not the only symbol of Papua's progress. The sea connectivity, land connectivity, air connectivity, airports, ports, Papua highways and the development of Papuan human resources are other achievements of Papua's very proud progress" President added. 

The XX Papua National Sports Week 2021officially opened on October 2 and will end on October 15. However, a number of matches have been held since September 22was attended by 34 contingents from 34 provincial Indonesian National Sports Committees (KONI). There were 6116 guest athletes competing plus 923 Papuan host athletes.

There are 37 sports consisting of 56 disciplines and 681 match numbers. Competing for 681 gold medals, 681 silver medals and 877 bronze medals.

The location of PON XX Papua is spread across 4 clusters covering Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Mimika Regency and Merauke Regency//VOI-NDY-PTR

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